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Thread: The Obie Memorial First Tier Soaps and Creams Thread.

  1. #1041
    Senior Member Augustagj's Avatar
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    The Wild Oranges scent is really good too.
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  3. #1042
    barba crescit caput nescit Phrank's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SemperFi View Post
    Ordered some different software this past week while recovering from surgery (doing fine, back to using a straight, and getting a few new items to try was a nice way to pass time).

    Tried out La Pierre Lucien’s limited edition “Italian Barbershop,” and frankly it was disappointing. The lather wasn't particularly robust (loaded heavy to compensate for hard water) and once applied, it broke down rather quickly (it's a veg soap). Lubrication was lackluster and the scent was barely noticeable (in fairness here, I had sinus surgery years ago so I sometimes miss more subtle scents, which may be the case with this product). “Italian Barbershop” aftershave wasn't much better, after the alcohol scent gave way, I picked up the aftershave’s aroma briefly for about 1 min. before it faded, and the aftershave did not do much for a couple spots of chin razor burn (ended up using another product to calm those areas).

    Overall, both “Italian Barbershop” products did not work for me and are not keepers.

    Also tried Meißner Tremonia’s “Wild Oranges” (great scent) and “Dark Limes” (a more bitter lime and earthy scent…jury is still out on the scent) pastes. Opinions on MT vary quite a bit, but for me, both pastes worked exceptionally well. For a veg product, I was surprised at how well it lathered—one of the best veg lathers I've had—and it was very water tolerant. Its lubrication was very good and its post shave properties were excellent. Night and day experience in comparison to the LPL above.

    Overall, Meißner Tremonia’s “Wild Oranges” and “Dark Limes” worked well for me; “Wild Oranges” is definitely a keeper and will see if the scent of “Dark Limes” grows on me.
    Couldn't agree more, the LPL confounds me sometimes.

    At first, the soap performed superbly, then suddenly just won't perform. Still to this day, I'll get a great shave using the product, and then it crashes and burns.

    Even when I get a nice shave from the product, it seems by second pass it's drying out and not nearly as robust. Stuff has such potential.

    In terms of the MB, I have three hard pucks of different flavours, it performs, but personally, more hype than hit for me.

    Good to hear you're recovering, and remember, if it comes down to shaving stuff or medication, always go with the shaving stuff, pain is a state of mind, soaps and stuff complete us.....
    sharptonn likes this.

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  5. #1043
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Glad to hear others are having similar experiences with LPL. Think I'll chuck mine but save the tin.

    Life is a terminal illness in the end

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  7. #1044
    The Assyrian Obie's Avatar
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    I am with some of you on the fate of Le Pere Lucien. It is not the same when I started using it several years ago. Sometime last year I stopped using it because it was not doing the job for me. I don't know what tier I have it in. I'll move it to the Second Tier, if not already there.
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    SemperFi (07-02-2017)

  9. #1045
    Senior Member SemperFi's Avatar
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    Spot-on Andrew, shaving stuff is way more fun than pain and meds!

    Andrew, Bob, and Obie, I'm in total agreement with you regarding LPL. I've tried several flavors and they've all basically been busts...glad it just ain't me! This lastest go is my last LPL purchase--usually I give products several tries but not this time.... Am with you on saving the tins, Bob--at least these will work for something better!

    Don't always do a lot of forum lurking when it comes to soaps and etc., but I did do it with Meißner Tremonia. Experiences with MT really varied from what I read (read your experiences in a different forum with great interest, Obie...definitely did not work well at all for you in several respects), there was hype about it, so wasn't sure how it would go. Andrew, I picked up pastes vs the pucks. The shot below is 50 swirls and about 4 water dilutions. Throughout all stages of mixing, the lather had air bubbles but stayed thick and probably could take on more water. The reduced amount of loading I've had to thus far do, its overall thickness, ease of building, and water tolerance are what surprised me the most for it being a veg product. I'll play with MT for awhile longer before forming final opinions.

    Cheers, Jay

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  11. #1046
    Senior Member blabbermouth markbignosekelly's Avatar
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    Shame about LPL, I got mine a few weeks ago because its in teir 1, happily though I really like it. I have to load it like a
    mofo and find it to be quite thirsty but I get a nice dence, thick lather that holds well. Love the smell of the Traditional too, like a walk in a beautiful French garden.
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  13. #1047
    Senior Member blabbermouth evnpar's Avatar
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    I couldn't disagree more about LPL. Some of his new tallow formulations have been outstanding, exceeding his previous soaps, in my opinion. On the other hand, Italian Barbershop is just what it says, using a typical Italian soap base instead of his usual soap base and performed only about as well as Boellis Panama. However, his 2016 Limited Edition tallow soap, tallow Oud Santal that he made for TSN, and the soaps he makes for with donkey milk are a little bit of heaven, performance wise. Hopefully, he'll continue to offer tallow soaps, as they are clearly Tier 3.
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  15. #1048
    Senior Member SemperFi's Avatar
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    Mark and Richard, thanks for sharing your impressions about LPL.

    Richard, I purchased LPL's Oud Santal at the same time as I purchased Italian Barbershop but hadn't given the Oud a try, let alone a fair try, after the complete bust I experienced with both Barbershop products today.

    After reading your post, I decided to be open minded and at least mix up some of the Oud Santal. Wow, what a stark contrast to the Barbershop lather...night and day and then some. Likewise, I immediately noticed its lather density difference in comparison with the MT lather photo I posted above--no veggie bubbles with this tallow-based soap.

    I'll shave the Oud tomorrow for my SOTD and then post my impressions in this thread.

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    Last edited by SemperFi; 07-03-2017 at 12:40 AM.

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  17. #1049
    barba crescit caput nescit Phrank's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by evnpar View Post
    I couldn't disagree more about LPL. Some of his new tallow formulations have been outstanding, exceeding his previous soaps, in my opinion. On the other hand, Italian Barbershop is just what it says, using a typical Italian soap base instead of his usual soap base and performed only about as well as Boellis Panama. However, his 2016 Limited Edition tallow soap, tallow Oud Santal that he made for TSN, and the soaps he makes for with donkey milk are a little bit of heaven, performance wise. Hopefully, he'll continue to offer tallow soaps, as they are clearly Tier 3.
    Yes, the LE Limited Edition is fantastic, and it's a tallow, I've tried to find the Oud tallow, but only available at Bull Goose, and don't believe they ship to Canada, and at the price BG is asking, plus the huge shipping, would be a self-inflicted, knew before hand, but for the soap to bomb out, but I've read great things about the LPL Oud.
    MikeB52 and SemperFi like this.

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    Obie (07-03-2017)

  19. #1050
    Senior Member blabbermouth markbignosekelly's Avatar
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    You can clearly see the difference, the Oud looks denser with no air bubbles, hope it performs great for you.
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  20. The Following User Says Thank You to markbignosekelly For This Useful Post:

    Obie (07-03-2017)

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