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Thread: The First Soap

  1. #41
    Senior Member RollinCoal69's Avatar
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    My first was a sample of something my grandpa gave me. No clue what it was. Stunk like feet. Quickly replaced it with tobs sandalwood. Hated that then and still do. Lol. Nowadays I have a large rotation of what I know I like and works for me. Learning was rough. A lot of failed attempts passed on to others.
    "The black smoke is just lost power"

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  3. #42
    Senior Member blabbermouth Kees's Avatar
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    I started with a shaving soap stick by either Gilette or Palmolive. The soap was wrapped in aluminium foil. I would rub some off on my wet face and start lathering with a cheap and cheerful brush, also either Gilette or Palmolive.
    I strarted wet shaving with DE blades but kept having terrible razor burn and skinrash. Cartridges same thing.

    I can see it coming: new threads "What was the first brush/razor you started wet shaving with?"
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    Plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose. Jean-Baptiste Alphonse Karr.

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  5. #43
    Senior Member lloydw's Avatar
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    I went from shaving foam/gel to a body shop Maca shave cream in 2009 or so. First real soap was Crabtree and Evelyn very soon after that. I Used that for e-4 yrs as I didn’t have access to anything else. Fond memories.

    I bought the maca root again last year and even though it was nostalgic, it didn’t compare to some of the soaps I have. A pity.

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  7. #44
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    Tabac was my first soap. Perhaps it was dumb luck, but I still reach for Tabac today, even as my den holds more soap than I can possibly use.

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    Obie (10-29-2017)

  9. #45
    Senior Member AlanQ's Avatar
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    My first soap was Proraso green, and I just finished it the other day. Looking at my start date that means it lasted 2 years. Of course I have used and finished others before but that was my first.

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  11. #46
    Senior Member Butzy's Avatar
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    First shave soap I ever used was Fendrihan's house brand. I believe it was vanilla and lavender or something like that? have since moved on to finer things but it wasn't bad to start with!

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    Obie (10-31-2017)

  13. #47
    Senior Member Porl's Avatar
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    When I started shaving back in around 1983 - 1984 I think I used a Palmolive shave stick.
    Fact: Opinions are not the same as facts... Well, that's my opinion anyway

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  15. #48
    Senior Member captainhx's Avatar
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    About 2.5 years ago a started out with a Palmolive cream from the local supermarket and in a few days I added an Arko stick and a MWF puck. Still have all 3 in my rotation

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    Obie (10-31-2017)

  17. #49
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    My dad taught me to shave on colgate pucks. With an eye for value rather than quality he found a bargin price on them and bought a couple dozen. Years later after I got married, my wife found my terrible stash but reluctantly let them ripen under my sink. I was using his old brush and old spice mug when my 5 year old thought it would be cool to trim the brush with a scissors. After that I threw the whole set away for canned creams. Now I collect the Old Spice mugs and wish I still had Dad's old mug. I don't miss the Colgate soap.

    Thanks for the great. Memories.

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    Obie (11-03-2017)

  19. #50
    rhensley rhensley's Avatar
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    I really don't know if I have posted on this thread or not (I forget a lot now days or so my wife says) but I started out with what ever dad had in the mug. And it stayed this way until I went into the service. There I used a can of something one time after that all in the bay used the same shaving soap until it was gone then got another can. When I was sent to my Tech. school I finished up the can I had in basic training and then used Colgate foam for a while. When that was gone I just use Dail body soap and shaved in the shower. It saved time. In the last few years after joining the SRP I have started to pamper myself with different soaps and creams. I really like the SRD sweet patchouli soap and the Castle forbes sandelwood cream. I've used others but these are my favorites. (I think I may have forgotten a few)
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