Haha thank you, I'm glad you said this before I started sanding them out bowed and by hand in side. May have just saved me some heart ache man.
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Roy is explaining it correctly
The Tang on MOST razors are built with two angles,
They angle from pivot hole to tail and from top to bottom, the wedge angle should be pretty close to that also, so that as the razor opens and closes the scales flex to accommodate that..
When they work right the scales have minimal stress, keep in mind this is NOT a Glen rule this is just how the old masters made the scales work for the last 200+ years...
If you look closely at how the vintage razors are made, and function everything is right there for you to see, all this is also discussed in more detail in the Workshop forum sticky
I'm glad I could be of some help before you committed an AW CRAP! :gaah:
Remember that you will need to keep checking as for some reason we humans do put pressure on things like that unevenly.
That's why in GSSIXGUN's video on lapping new Norton 4 and 8K hones to keep switching the hones end for end. This would apply to Any Hone.
Thank you very much gents. And I thought this as well. The only thing that made me think differently is the only scale I have un pinned right now, the one with the inlay I was trying to find a match for has quite the nasty bow to it all by itself.
Attachment 275616
Attachment 275617
I've had this Greaves wedge for awhile. Tossed er in the neatsfoot for a couple weeks, then a few months of rest, with the occasional time with the 1k. There were some rust spots and chips to get out. Scraped the remainder of the rust, lots of 0000 steel wool and flitz polish. It is amazing how much gunk was in the stamp, didn't realize how deep and well defined they are.
Went 1k, 2k, 5k, 8k naniwa specialty stones. Finished up the honing on vintage guled combo coticule. Can't wait for a spin with it.
Looks like an oldie, Mint!
An old regrind, I think?
Looks real good, nice save, bro.
Anyone else having trouble with Tapatalk, lately.
I can use the forum, (mobile) but I need Tapatalk to be able to post pics.
Its been about a week now, and I've tried everything to try and connect with no luck..... Confused.!!
Taptalk is gone my friend, there's a thread on it somewhere.......seems we'll be losing a good bit of regular posters because of it.
Hope your weekend was a good one, what's his name :roflmao