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Thread: What are you working on?

  1. #20151
    Senior Member blabbermouth PaulFLUS's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by outback View Post
    The sanding does take a toll on the body, but its something I'm used to doing. I've been a manual laborer my whole life, I've got scar's all over both hands to back it up.

    Not that I'm in any hurry to do this again, but I might go with the greaseless instead, and put the energy into cleaning up that mess, overall. But to those that want to try doing this by hand....take your time, take breaks, have a ample supply of sandpaper.

    I did all the heavy sanding with 400 grit W/D.
    Most would've went to a lower grit, but I didn't want to take a chance at removing too much steel from an area and leaving a gouge in the blade faces, better to slowly work that contour and make corrections before things get ugly. Though some 320 grt. would have been nice, 400 works just fine, and makes it real easy to progress once alls lined back up again.

    But your right, Rez. It'll be roughly one week from start to finish on the blade. Plus the time restoring the scales. Like a super human!

    You and me both on the scars Mike. Hands are our most valuable and useful tool. Without them most of the rest are useless. I can't even count all the scars on mine and don't even remember where most of them came from.

    You are far and away more dedicated to production than I am. Hopefully after new years when all the boxes from the Christmas stuff vacate my shop I'll be able to get back in there and actually use it. Right now I am kind of a bedoine looking for a corner to settle in. I have my van to do bench work in and I have a drill press in there and hand tools but I can't use any of my saws, sanders, grinders or buffers. I can still do hand sanding but that is the extent of it right now.

    I'm with you on sandpaper. I never go below 320 on blades; only on scales and even then rarely and never below 200 then.
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    Iron by iron is sharpened, And a man sharpens the face of his friend. PR 27:17

  2. #20152
    Senior Member Johntoad57's Avatar
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    Outstanding work on that Wosty Mike! That turned out real nice!
    cudarunner, RezDog and outback like this.
    Semper Fi !


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  4. #20153
    Senior Member blabbermouth PaulFLUS's Avatar
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    Putting together that canvas strop for our friend rickytimothy.

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    Sewing 3 layers of this stuff is not exactly a walk in the park but once I got rolling it wasn't so bad. I just need to wash it again and iron it flat then coat one side with some CR/OX paste an it will be off to the wonderful limbo land of USPS.
    Iron by iron is sharpened, And a man sharpens the face of his friend. PR 27:17

  5. #20154
    Senior Member yondermountain91's Avatar
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    Honed and test shaved the Parker Pr after some light scale work. Someone decided to use a 1/8" bolt for the pivot and gouged it to hell so put a little work filling the hole so I could use regular washers and pins. Then just filled and cleaned up the gouges with superglue mixed with black plastic. Came out great, and most importantly in my book, she shaved amazing. The scales aren't perfect but I'm gonna remake them I think anyway and transfer the Parker Razors logo over to the new ones. I have some cool scale material coming so have some ideas churning.
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    "If the brakes don't stop it, something will"

  6. #20155
    Senior Member Johntoad57's Avatar
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    cudarunner likes this.
    Semper Fi !


  7. #20156
    Senior Member yondermountain91's Avatar
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    I'm bored, so decided to try my hand at making a little wooden hone box. No idea how I'm gonna chisel out the little nook for the nagura stone, but darn it I am committed to this little thing. I'm not using anything special for the wood, but I've also never made one of these things before, so figured I'd use some scrap to see if it comes out ok. If I like it maybe I'll stop by my local hardwoods place here in town and see if they got anything a little nicer to use. There's also my favorite little Jnat in the background that sure could use a nice home. Cheers, thanks for viewing!!
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    "If the brakes don't stop it, something will"

  8. #20157
    'with that said' cudarunner's Avatar
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    Well my son and his wife were here for New Years Treats and I showed him the brush. I had it shampooed, conditioned and bloomed. He approved. He could actually feel the difference in the weight!

    So I'm pleased, I'll give it a go in a few days.

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    Our house is as Neil left it- an Aladdins cave of 'stuff'.

    Kim X

  9. #20158
    Senior Member blabbermouth RezDog's Avatar
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    Those chisels don’t look very sharp, so if you managed to make that box with those chisels that’s pretty good. If you are thinking about hardwood you’ll need a real good edge.

    Nice stand Roy. The brush looks good too.
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  10. #20159
    Senior Member yondermountain91's Avatar
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    The 1/2 inch chisel is shaving sharp, not sure how well you can actually see the edge on it. The one inch is one of my junk tools, so pretty sure I like chiseled steel with it or something. Technically all my tools are 'junk' tools, they were hand me downs and garage sale finds. Thanks for the help though Rez, sure is appreciated.
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    "If the brakes don't stop it, something will"

  11. #20160
    Senior Member blabbermouth PaulFLUS's Avatar
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    Pasted and ready for shipping.

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    Iron by iron is sharpened, And a man sharpens the face of his friend. PR 27:17

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