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Thread: Killing of Australian baseball player

  1. #61
    Senior Member blabbermouth Hirlau's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by carlmaloschneider View Post
    I like your thoughts but I'd like to differ just slightly. I feel it starts with ALL of us. It's about our day to day interactions with our kids, our families our workmates, friends, associates. The people in their cars on the street, in the elevator, at the pub and coffee shop. It's not about retribution, locking them up, 'Bubba' the cell mate or the 'banned' subject. It's about love.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

    This type of Evil has nothing to do with my family. This type of Evil has nothing to do with you or your family either; that's if I have judged you right over these past couple of years; I'm sure I have. I treat people as I would want to be treated, I more than care,,,,maybe sometimes I care too much. I raise my son to be a "responsible & accountable" individual, kind to all who bring good will; to always be watchful of the type of Evil, that we are talking about in this killing.

    There is no understanding, love or empathy to be given to these 3 animals; only a swift & final conclusion to their lives.

  2. #62
    lobeless earcutter's Avatar
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    Oh and lest we forget many people in America have a thing against foreigners as well. You might be shocked to know that when I voice an opinion that is contrary to popular opinion... say on an issue like race, I am told to leave if I don't like it more often than not lol. Some have been rather violent about it really!! Of course note that I say some.

    There is evidence of this everywhere. It's not me simply stating this. Of course I'll use an example of a Senator who has dual citizenship. Texas Senator Cruz, who has dual citizenship will be renouncing his Canadian citizenship - why? It will have no effect on a possible run for the president. Heck in some country's having dual citizenship would be considered great - but not here - not in the Tea Party.

    Cruz says he will renounce any Canadian citizenship after releasing birth certificate | Fox News

    Of course the most important thing to note about this isn't the whole disdain for foreigners, no, no. What IS important to note is that even though a Black man who become President and provided his birth certificate to the nation to see - is still being pestered with people crying afoul that the president isn't American. Senator Cruz on the other hand... well.

    Even this topic is being debated as a RACE thing! LOL - it's crazy!!
    edhewitt and cahnwulf like this.

  3. #63
    Senior Member blabbermouth OCDshaver's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by earcutter View Post
    When you see people posting about how upset they are Obama talked to the issue of a black boy being shot but not when a white kid gets shot you really should note the racial undertones. It's open and in front of you to see. The ignorant confuse the issue of justice being misapplied onto a community/race of people that have historically not had law on their side... versus the moral decline of the population when three bored kids go out and shoot a random stranger. Two entirely different topics - but it always becomes about race here - because race relations are awful.

    Well that's my take on it.
    For those, such as myself, what we find disgusting is that a) the President would bother to speak out on ANY individual criminal matter as he's theoretically above that in pay grade, b) would speak out before justice has had a chance to be done through the courts, c) only bothers to make a statement when the "victim" is a minority, and d) appoints a man to head the DOJ who uses the law, hate crimes particularly, to protect only SOME groups (a clear violation of the equal protection clause as I see it). It speaks volumes about the mouthpieces that have for years demonstrated and protested about racial equality in that their vision of it is not one of equality in the sense that they give a damn about anyone but themselves. And when the media, the President, Hollywood, musicians, all come out to shoe their open contempt for a victim of one race that is killed and remain silent in the face of many other murders where the roles were reversed makes me puke. So its not so much as racial undertones when these statements are made. Its more of a statement of cynicism about how its all handled and how the public will react to these matters. For some of us, its all so predictable. Race is the issue at hand, the undertones are (in my mind) justified cynicism.
    earcutter and cahnwulf like this.

  4. #64
    Senior Member blabbermouth edhewitt's Avatar
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    My comment more referred to the focus that is bring put onto the motivation for the crime, and the fact that this is being made into the main focus of the thread, rather than the fact that a young person has been killed for no reason.
    The criminals in question, probably also hate homosexuals and quite a few other groups too. In one of the links provided the parent of another youth said that this gang had been threatening his son for not joining their gang. The man was black, and I would presume his son would be to, otherwise these racists wouldn't want to have him in their gang.
    My point is the motivation for this crime was racism, from the reports provided, but these criminals would prey on any weak victim.
    I could be wrong, but either way I was getting a bit over people focusing on the racist element, especially as most of the focus is on black people hating white people. I realise that this is what happened in this instance, but there are plenty of examples of different sorts of racially motivated crimes between lots of different groups.
    earcutter likes this.
    Bread and water can so easily become tea and toast

  5. #65
    Senior Member blabbermouth Hirlau's Avatar
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    I just noticed all the "Blue lights" in the Thread Information section below.
    The last time I saw that many blue lights following a topic of discussion, was in 1994 when O.J. was being pursued by the police on I-405 in Los Angeles.

  6. #66
    lobeless earcutter's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by OCDshaver View Post
    For those, such as myself, what we find disgusting is that a) the President would bother to speak out on ANY individual criminal matter as he's theoretically above that in pay grade, b) would speak out before justice has had a chance to be done through the courts, c) only bothers to make a statement when the "victim" is a minority, and d) appoints a man to head the DOJ who uses the law, hate crimes particularly, to protect only SOME groups (a clear violation of the equal protection clause as I see it). It speaks volumes about the mouthpieces that have for years demonstrated and protested about racial equality in that their vision of it is not one of equality in the sense that they give a damn about anyone but themselves. And when the media, the President, Hollywood, musicians, all come out to shoe their open contempt for a victim of one race that is killed and remain silent in the face of many other murders where the roles were reversed makes me puke. So its not so much as racial undertones when these statements are made. Its more of a statement of cynicism about how its all handled and how the public will react to these matters. For some of us, its all so predictable. Race is the issue at hand, the undertones are (in my mind) justified cynicism.
    I hear you. Truly I do. I just don't see the issue the same way. Maybe I hang out with too many lawyers.
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  7. #67
    lobeless earcutter's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hirlau View Post
    I just noticed all the "Blue lights" in the Thread Information section below.
    The last time I saw that many blue lights following a topic of discussion, was in 1994 when O.J. was being pursued by the police on I-405 in Los Angeles.
    What's a blue light?

  8. #68
    Senior Member blabbermouth Hirlau's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by earcutter View Post
    Oh and lest we forget many people in America have a thing against foreigners as well. You might be shocked to know that when I voice an opinion that is contrary to popular opinion... say on an issue like race, I am told to leave if I don't like it more often than not lol. Some have been rather violent about it really!! Of course note that I say some.

    There is evidence of this everywhere. It's not me simply stating this. Of course I'll use an example of a Senator who has dual citizenship. Texas Senator Cruz, who has dual citizenship will be renouncing his Canadian citizenship - why? It will have no effect on a possible run for the president. Heck in some country's having dual citizenship would be considered great - but not here - not in the Tea Party.

    Cruz says he will renounce any Canadian citizenship after releasing birth certificate | Fox News

    Of course the most important thing to note about this isn't the whole disdain for foreigners, no, no. What IS important to note is that even though a Black man who become President and provided his birth certificate to the nation to see - is still being pestered with people crying afoul that the president isn't American. Senator Cruz on the other hand... well.

    Even this topic is being debated as a RACE thing! LOL - it's crazy!!
    David,,,give us your GPS coordinates. Your so far off topic , we've got to get a search party out for ya.

  9. #69
    lobeless earcutter's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hirlau View Post
    David,,,give us your GPS coordinates. Your so far off topic , we've got to get a search party out for ya.
    You think so Hilau? You don't think it's a race thing?

  10. #70
    Senior Member blabbermouth Hirlau's Avatar
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    I think it's about what BanjoTom stated clearly in Post # 1.
    We in America are sorry for the loss of this young man & want to express to our Aussie brothers that we will try harder to watch their backs when they come to our Country. We failed this time around.

  11. The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to Hirlau For This Useful Post:

    edhewitt (08-23-2013), ScottGoodman (08-25-2013)

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