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Thread: Obamacare

  1. #91
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    Quote Originally Posted by kerryman71 View Post
    What I'd like to know is when did people actually start believing that of all things, for profit insurance companies had their best interests in mind?

    I'll take competition between private companies over the strong arm of the incapable government. Of course they don't have our best interests in mind, what company has a business plan that doesn't maximize profits? Now we are forced against our will. Meanwhile those that need this "insurance" the most are the overweight, fast food eating, cigarette smoking, soda drinking, lazy people who would think having to walk from the back of a parking lot to Wal mart counts as exercise.

  2. #92
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Quote Originally Posted by BobH View Post
    Seems a little under what you said in post #54, "Two yrs ago I was paying $1400/mo. for blueshield alone." . That would be $16,800 not 12K.

    Since your such a stickler for details Mr was $1200 per month,Thats $14,400/ Yr,Happy now
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  3. #93
    Heat it and beat it Bruno's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by prodigy View Post
    I'll take competition between private companies over the strong arm of the incapable government. Of course they don't have our best interests in mind, what company has a business plan that doesn't maximize profits? Now we are forced against our will. Meanwhile those that need this "insurance" the most are the overweight, fast food eating, cigarette smoking, soda drinking, lazy people who would think having to walk from the back of a parking lot to Wal mart counts as exercise.
    We can theorize all we want, but the fact is that we have a good healthcare system that is very affordable to everyone, and you don't.
    Insurance companies want to gouge you as much as possible. Their shareholder profit has to be tacked on to the actual cost of health care.
    And since everyone needs healthcare, opting out doesn't save you anything because sooner or later you have to take insurance, and then you'll just have to pay more.
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  4. #94
    Heat it and beat it Bruno's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by pixelfixed View Post
    Since your such a stickler for details Mr was $1200 per month,Thats $14,400/ Yr,Happy now
    I assume that covered your entire family for everything, including dentistry, for a near zero co-pay?
    Til shade is gone, til water is gone, Into the shadow with teeth bared, screaming defiance with the last breath.
    To spit in Sightblinder’s eye on the Last Day

  5. #95
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bruno View Post
    I assume that covered your entire family for everything, including dentistry, for a near zero co-pay?
    No Dentistry,that had to be paid out of pocket,no vision care,$200 co pay for anything. covered my wife and I only.
    One other thing,In my state the only options for the self employed Is,Blue cross,Blue shield or Kaiser.
    All the other insurance companys in the U.S are not allowed to write policys In Kali.
    Last edited by pixelfixed; 04-19-2015 at 09:03 PM.
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  6. #96
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by prodigy View Post
    I'll take competition between private companies over the strong arm of the incapable government. Of course they don't have our best interests in mind, what company has a business plan that doesn't maximize profits? Now we are forced against our will. Meanwhile those that need this "insurance" the most are the overweight, fast food eating, cigarette smoking, soda drinking, lazy people who would think having to walk from the back of a parking lot to Wal mart counts as exercise.
    really now? That's what many would have you believe.

    The fact is sooner than later you will find yourself in a situation where you wind up with a medical bill well into 6 figures. I don't care if you're the fittest healthiest person in the world. That's what happens and it's also why the number one reason in this country for bankruptcy is medical expenses.

    Not everyone is in a work situation where they receive health insurance and loads of folks who have it will find out some day the plan they have isn't worth two cents. That's why many couldn't keep their plan when Obamacare started.

    I personally think that if you want Obamacare abolished that's fine with me as long as you enact a law saying before any MD or Hospital sees you for any reason you pay up front cash on the barrelhead or you can go and die or suffer. Many resent paying for those who refuse to get insurance. Conservates hate anyone getting benefits on the dole yet they seem to have no problem with folks getting free healthcare on the dole just instead of the Govt paying for it the citizens do through local taxes and higher medical expenses on them.
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  7. #97
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    The government runs the VA, and look at how good of job they've done there. Hundreds if not thousands of Veterans died awaiting care because the VA decided to accept people's applications then hide them in basement file cabinets, all to boost their numbers to increase their bonuses. When you rely on the government to handle matters that a government has no business handling everything will fall apart. Life is full of unexpected and unplanned injuries. If you get hurt and don't have the means to seek care, why should I take that burden.

    Show me a conservative that doesn't care about someone getting free healthcare, and I'll be sure to let you know he is a liberal. There is no such thing as a free lunch.

  8. #98
    The original Skolor and Gentileman. gugi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by prodigy View Post
    The government runs the VA, and look at how good of job they've done there. Hundreds if not thousands of Veterans died awaiting care because the VA decided to accept people's applications then hide them in basement file cabinets, all to boost their numbers to increase their bonuses. When you rely on the government to handle matters that a government has no business handling everything will fall apart. Life is full of unexpected and unplanned injuries. If you get hurt and don't have the means to seek care, why should I take that burden.
    If I understand it correctly you suggest that if the government just gives every veteran 6k per year to spend on their healthcare and private companies can compete for that money everybody will get better healthcare than they do now?
    Because those are the numbers: 120,000M USD/year for the VA budget (well during the Obama years, during the Bush years it's significantly less) and 20M veterans.

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  9. #99
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    Ok ALL of you have proved your highly intelligent and informed. Obamacare is just one clog of a broken system.
    From birth to grave and all points in between the system is broke. I am NOT an anarchist.
    But when you look at all the broken beyond repair parts.
    Population as a whole who isnt vested in this ride.
    Its just a revolution waiting to happen. Step outside of this nations problem.
    The tentacles of this disease when its being symptom treated never gets to the root of a system failure. Feudal lords, Kings and Monarchies and communism. All already broken.
    Do you really believe this will end well?
    Obamacare is just another death by a million paper cuts.
    Your only as good as your last hone job.

  10. #100
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    The fact is this whole business with the VA makes loads of money for the news organizations who play it to death.

    When I got out of the military back in 1972 I was told that if I had any health issues to take care of them now because "you don't want to put your fate in the hands of the VA". When I was looking for work I investigated the VA and was told by their employees it was a terrible place to work for a multitude of reasons.

    Govt agencies are not businesses. If I go to the bank and I have to wait in line for 30 minutes I'm going to find another bank and they know that. Govt agencies get appropriations from Congress and there is a hierarchy within departments and the VA is on the same level as the Bureau of Prisons. No one in Congress ever cared about the VA and they have always been a broken agency barely able to function. As I've said before I knew two MDs and a RN who worked for them and the stories they told you wouldn't believe. They all eventually quit. yea I know this guy and that guy loves the VA but all and all the stories aren't in agreement.

    So now everyone makes this big stink and Congress wants to know what happened. They should all look at themselves in the mirror for the answers. There are bunches of Govt agencies who are in the same boat as the VA but no one knows or cares until something happens and then the blame game begins.

    The question I pose to all of you who think Govt is too big and bloated and has too many regulations is how did it get that way and why did it get that way?????
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