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Thread: Four days in

  1. #301
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gssixgun View Post
    Can't help yourself ????
    No not at all. I was just reflecting on how our President leads by example.
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  2. #302
    Senior Member blabbermouth Geezer's Avatar
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    Okay folks, pizzing contests splatter every one, 'nuff of that on other forums!
    Find another way to participate, please!
    Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.
    - Oscar Wilde

  3. The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to Geezer For This Useful Post:

    Razorfeld (04-05-2020), RezDog (04-05-2020)

  4. #303
    Sharp as a spoon. ReardenSteel's Avatar
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    Here's an interesting experience that I dealt with a few months ago, before this pandemic was named COVID-19. Back in early January one of my coworkers traveled to Guam for 10-12 days. Shortly after she got back to work she said she wasn't feeling well, (coughing, shortness of breath, the whole 9 yards). She worked her shifts the next 2 days before fever forced her to call out sick. She went to Urgent Care, she tested negative for the flu, they told her she had a upper respiratory infection, gave her a few prescriptions sent her home.

    Shorty after that, another one of my coworkers got sick as well as my boss and subsequently his wife. Obvisouly I was exposed but I never felt ill nor my wife or children. I'm not a germophobe, but I have always be very vigilant not to touch my face at work or out in public and I constantly wash or use hand sanitizer at work. I have even carried hand sanitizer in all of our cars for years.

    I have been off work for a while, we had planned a vacation the got canceled due to the outbreak. However last week I finally got to work again with my coworker who initially was sick and I asked her in hindsight did she think she had the virus and she said yes. Of course without her being tested for it at time, we'll never know for sure, so in the mean time I will still stay at home with the family as much as possible and take precautions. My work recently supplied us with masks and I'm sure when I go back to work on Monday it will be mandatory to wear them.

    Luckily all of my coworkers and their families have recovered and are well.

    Stay safe and take care of yourselves guys.
    Last edited by ReardenSteel; 04-05-2020 at 01:42 AM.
    Why doesn't the taco truck drive around the neighborhood selling tacos & margaritas???

  5. #304
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    That's the crazy thing about this bug. Certainly old folks and those with health issues are in for it however even among young healthy people it can run the gamut from no symptoms at all to being on a ventilator.

    I suspect the actual sick count is 10x what they say, maybe more much more.
    rolodave and BobH like this.
    No matter how many men you kill you can't kill your successor-Emperor Nero

  6. #305
    Senior Member blabbermouth PaulFLUS's Avatar
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    There is an antibody test in development that has yet to be released. You may be able to find out after all. It would be interesting to know each year if you had antibodies to the current flu bug.
    What is still flooring to me is that we (understandably) are taking great precautions but 10s if not 100s of thousands of people die each year from influenza. THIS year that many may die from flu and NO ONE is talking about that. You would think that we would be even more worried about it now.
    Nightblade and rolodave like this.
    Iron by iron is sharpened, And a man sharpens the face of his friend. PR 27:17

  7. #306
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Quote Originally Posted by PaulFLUS View Post
    There is an antibody test in development that has yet to be released. You may be able to find out after all. It would be interesting to know each year if you had antibodies to the current flu bug.
    What is still flooring to me is that we (understandably) are taking great precautions but 10s if not 100s of thousands of people die each year from influenza. THIS year that many may die from flu and NO ONE is talking about that. You would think that we would be even more worried about it now.
    If you are referring to the common seasonal flu as compared to Covid 19, the stats are out there. I think you will find the Covid 19 has killed far more. It is looking it will stick around for a long while and not go away as the seasonal flu does racking up even more deaths.

    rolodave likes this.
    Life is a terminal illness in the end

  8. #307
    Modern Day Peasant Nightblade's Avatar
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    Just talked to our mail carrier where I work. a few folks in our local facility died from C19. The facilities in and around are swamped with no relief in sight and due to fear from the death, Dept. heads and workers are self quarantining and are a hair away from just walking out and shutting down The manpower is outnumbered by workload to ridiculous compounded by the fact they were short to begin with and hard as they have been trying, can't get anybody to hire on either because they flat out are not enamored about being postal workers but also because most can't pass the drug screen. Oh man it's just gettin good isn't it now.
    Come along inside,We'll see if tea and buns can make the world a betterplace.~TheWind in the Willow~

  9. #308
    Truth is weirder than any fiction.. Grazor's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by PaulFLUS View Post
    There is an antibody test in development that has yet to be released. You may be able to find out after all. It would be interesting to know each year if you had antibodies to the current flu bug.
    What is still flooring to me is that we (understandably) are taking great precautions but 10s if not 100s of thousands of people die each year from influenza. THIS year that many may die from flu and NO ONE is talking about that. You would think that we would be even more worried about it now.
    I don't know where you are getting your news from, but we are hearing America has more infections of covid than any other country with New York city being overwhelmed with cases and lack of medical supplies.
    A worrying trend is that ppe is being sold to the highest bidder instead of where it is needed most.

    This is no normal flu, and I will quote our prime minister Jacinda Arden..

    "There are still some people I would charitably describe as idiots"
    Geezer, rolodave, BobH and 1 others like this.
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  10. #309
    Modern Day Peasant Nightblade's Avatar
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    I'm with Geezer on this now. I understand what Paul was trying to say so before this thread starts getting ugly can we refrain from calling people idiots or better yet try to understand what is trying to be communicated from others and be a little less semantic.nit picky or overly political. If I misinterpreted then I too am sorry but a little snark can turn into something that gets bigger which Ive seen here before and that was ugly .
    Last edited by Nightblade; 04-05-2020 at 09:22 AM.
    PaulFLUS likes this.
    Come along inside,We'll see if tea and buns can make the world a betterplace.~TheWind in the Willow~

  11. #310
    Truth is weirder than any fiction.. Grazor's Avatar
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    On a lighter note, I have perfected the art of social distancing.
    I washed my hands for 20 seconds every 10 seconds as recommended, but I didn't shower for 7 days.
    The darling wife started avoiding me after day 4, the 3 year old granddaughter managed 6 days before giving up.
    12 days in with no bathing, I go to the supermarket and get a wide berth from everyone.
    As sure as ear wax on a strop, it works for me...
    Into this house we're born, into this world we're thrown ~ Jim Morrison

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