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Thread: Firearms of choice
03-27-2008, 09:39 PM #11
I carry a Kimber .45 or a .357 J-frame. I plan on deer hunting this year with a .44 mag handgun w/4 power scope. I compete in IPSC with a 45 auto revolver/the 625 S/W.
03-27-2008, 10:31 PM #12
I used to teach the concealed carry classes when they first started in TX and had a 625 w/full moons. Nice pistol!
Damn Gary, you have a lot of 1911s. I wouldn't mind seeing them some day. No pistol fits my hand like a 1911.
Like Jeff Cooper always said, one gets hit with that 230gr hardball, one is definitely going down.
03-28-2008, 03:15 AM #13
Man, some of you guys have some nice shooting irons.
Coyotes: CZ 527/Ruger Mini-14/Sig 556
Upland: Philly Fox Sterlingworth 12/Citori 16 ga./L.C. Smith O grade 12 circa 1899 with black powder loads/1973 Auto-5 Light Twelve (Gary, I would love to fondle your shotguns)
Deer/Elk: Rem 700 30-06/Win 270/FN Mauser .338 Win Mag
Carry: Kahr P45/SA XD45 /S&W 60
Range fun: Glock 17L
Stolen: H&K P7M8
My wish list is too long to mention.
03-28-2008, 03:41 AM #14
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Accurate and fast-shooting. I'd carry it if it weren't (a) big (b) single-action.
Deer on up: CZ550 in .375H&H
The 375 H&H is actually really nice for deer-sized creatures. Although it made its reputation stopping things with pointy teeth and sharp claws, ballistically it's a 30-30 scaled up by about 1/3. Recoil is about like a 12ga.
Bunnies&Squirrels: Rem 1100 in 20ga
In the close range shots you get in the east texas thickets you don't want too much shotgun or you'll tear the meat up.
Personal Defense (home): S&W Model 627 revolver - 8-shot .357 Magnum
utterly reliable and packs a big punch. That big-assed cylinder with all those holes stuffed full of cartridges is pretty intimidating from the front and pretty comforting from the back.
Personal Defense (carry): H&K P7M8 9mm "squeeze-cocker"
utterly reliable and seems to aim telepathically. It's a safetyless single-action, but it cocks and decocks automagically.
SHTF gun: H&K 91 (7.62x51)
utterly reliable and accurate, if a bit heavy. The wife can take either the AR15 or the Para FAL.Last edited by mparker762; 03-28-2008 at 03:47 AM.
03-28-2008, 04:36 AM #15
I don't have a good SHTF gun yet. My 12 ga riot gun is good, but I want to buy a couple rifles so I can reach out and touch someone. Preferably I'd like one that fire 7.62 and one that fires .223- the US government has plenty of both laying around
That P7M8 is pretty sweet! Very cool design for sure.
03-28-2008, 04:46 AM #16
Let's see...for on-Duty I carry a SigP226 DAO .40 S&W
not a big fan, but it's free
Concealed carry - Glock 27 or H&K USP
Upland bird hunting- Browning Citori 16 Gauge or Savage side x side, or Parker 20 gauge
Deer hunting...Remington 870 12ga
Groundhog rifle - Kimber mod84 .223
fun rifles- HK91, HK93, AR15, M1 Garand
Other rifles- custom built flintlock Kentucky rifles in various calibers from various schools of Pennsylvania gunsmiths
BTW...what is a SHTF gun?Last edited by iron maiden; 03-28-2008 at 04:48 AM.
03-28-2008, 05:04 AM #17
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03-28-2008, 05:14 AM #18
03-28-2008, 05:35 AM #19
Oh my gentle Jesus... this is my kind of off topic discussion! I could list all the guns I WISHED I had for the aforementioned activities but I will be brutally honest.
Varmint shooting- Lee Enfield No. 4 Mk. 1 .303 British
Deer hunting- Lee Enfield No. 4 Mk. 1 .303 British
Elk.Moose- Lee Enfield No. 4 Mk. 1 .303 British
Quail- Remington 870
Dove- Remington 870
Chuckar/Grouse/Ducks/Geese/Ringnecks/- Remington 870
Pistol- Dan Wesson .357 Magnum
Big Pistol- See above
All plinking- small collection of early 20th century battle rifles
For Work:
Side Arm: Sig P220 (.45 ACP) Issued
Backup: Taurus Model 85 (.38 special)
Patrol Rifle: M14 clone
Issued Patrol Rifle: M4 (in the trunk with the junk where it belongs)
Shotgun: Remington 870
If I cant kill it with a .303 British then I don't need to eat it and I haven't met a game animal in Washington state that was legal to hunt that wont drop dead as a stone for it. Similarly I haven't met a bird yet that wont die for a Remington 870. Maybe some day I will get a .308 but the .303 has served me well since I was 15 and I dont see any reason to stop now.
Not an exotic list by any means, but it gets the job done and it gets done right... every time.
If I had the dough, I would buy a Para Ordnance 14.45 LDA (nitetac) for work but, alas, I cant afford it. Fortunately the department issued Sig P220 is one of the most accurate mass produced .45 ACP out of the box and I consistently max the State firearms test with it (that is hard to do with ANY pistol). I CANNOT recommend the M14 highly enough!
03-28-2008, 06:08 AM #20
Favorite Weapons hmmmm most anything that goes bang
for Deer Hunting in NH/VT 30-30
Deer Hunting in WA 270
Deer Hunting in AZ (this year hopefully) 50cal St. Louis Hawken
Going to the Desert for any length of time AO 45 ACP
Fun shooting at the range 22LR, 45ACP
Fun Shooting in the desert - depends if I talk the neighbor into going - Then its AK's, SKS's, Mauser's , 45's, 22's and smokepoles