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Thread: Firearms of choice
03-28-2008, 06:16 AM #21
Wow, max the test? That's awesome!
I was once at an indoor range where a guy had a 50 cal smokestick- that thing sounded like a freakin' cannon going off. And that was after all the acoustic material
03-28-2008, 08:16 AM #22
Wow, Where to start...
I'll stick to my personal firearms, and not the family guns, because there are just too many.
Hunting... Taurus 44 magnum 6.5" ported barrel, M1 Carbine with open sights, Thompson Hawken 50 cal Black powder, or Winchester M70 30-06 with a 6-18x54mm Bushnell banner scope sighted in at 500m (the winchester is not the best setup for hunting anything inside 200m, but It's what I've got.)
carry... Walther PPKS 380 acp or S&W 4563TSW (45 acp)
home defense... see above
plinking... Remington 552 speedmaster (22cal)
SHTF... ? what ever I have ammo for... I'd prefer to stay at a distance, "reach out & touch someone" so to speak, so I'd say my 30-06
Top of the want list... M14 or H&K SL8
03-28-2008, 10:28 AM #23
Don't do much hunting anymore but still shoot on my own range. I like to shoot all my guns and load for most of them including 12ga.
S&W 22 caliber 10 shot stainless steel revolver
Glock .40 S&W Model 24c Fun to shoot and never failed to chamber.
Colt Python Super Stainless .357 [4", 6", 8" barrels]
Rossi Model 720 .44 Special
Colt Anaconda Stainless 6" barrel .44 Magnum
Colt Anaconda Hunter with scope 8" Barrel .44 Magnum
Freedom Arms .454 Casul with scope
S&W .500 Magnum Most rifles don't have this power
Marlin 45-70 Lever Action
Mauser 25-06 24" barrel and 3X9 Redfield scope
AR-15 Assorted Manufactures. Around 7 of these
AK-47 2 of these
Marlin Golden 39AS with scope 22 caliber
Browning OU 12ga Citori Lightning
Browning Double Automatics in Silver, Black and Green
Lafevre 12 double barrel
Lafevre 410 double barrel
bjLast edited by 2Sharp; 03-28-2008 at 10:43 AM.
Don't go to the light. bj
03-28-2008, 12:41 PM #24
Carry: MAKAROV in 9mm MAK
Wife carry sig 232 in .380 or sig 229 in .40
fun: Uberati Colt 45 clone in .45LC, Kentucky percussion in .50
Trap, or clays: Mossberg 500 12g (also doubles as home invasion
plinking: .22 remington and .22 S&W 436 pistol
investment: Several antiques in various calibers/working order dating back to the days of the wild west
Hunting not formerly mentioned: Hawkin percussion left handed made in Italy in .50
SHTF: Yugo M59/66 SKS and M44
03-28-2008, 03:43 PM #25
Carry gun: SW1911 45acp, highly customized of course
(trigger's at 2.5 lbs, I may take it a bit lower)
Wife's carry gun: Walther P99 9mm, custom painted with NMR to make it "prettier"
Clay busting: Benelli Nova (this one has ghost ring sights and other "tactical" mods so I use it for home defense and 3-gun as well)
Fun gun: RRA AR15A4 w/eotech HWS (also use this for home defense and 3-gun, has mods that make it suitable for this)
Hunting: when I rarely get a chance, either the AR or an old M1A in .308, depending on what I'm gunning forLast edited by jockeys; 03-28-2008 at 06:33 PM.
03-28-2008, 03:49 PM #26
Anything belt fed and fully automatic.
But seriously, I love my Sig, the Berretta silver pidgin II sporting clays O/U boom stick, most fun, a Camp Perry slab side break open single shot 22 match pistol, older than me (one of Dads finds) or one of the M1903A3’s
03-28-2008, 04:05 PM #27
03-28-2008, 04:07 PM #28
Damn,our guys sure know their firearms regards gary
03-28-2008, 06:35 PM #29
Speaking of reaching out and touching something, I lived most of my life in Big Spring, TX where one of the top rifle barrel makers in the US lived. I bought a .22/6mm from him that he used to shoot a 5" group at 1000yds at the NRA range in Raton,NM. It shot a 70gr .22 bullet at around 3600 fps with a high rate of twist rifling in the barrel. He made these barrels from round bar stock and rifled them himself. They couldn't be beat. He got out of the business one time and sold his equipment and taught the buyer, Kenny Jarret, how to do it.
A master craftsman.
03-28-2008, 07:15 PM #30
I think it goes with using an exposed blade...
The type of people that would use a straight are not likely to be scared off by political fear-mongering, or anti gun rhetoric...
Respect for ones razor, respect for ones firearms... I think much of it goes hand in hand.
I just wish i had the budget to go with the limited knowledge I have...
An educated purchase is great, but a well funded educated purchase is always much better.