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  1. #31
    At this point in time... gssixgun's Avatar
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    OK I have debated whether or not to post on this thread, I figured that I would get way to carried away

    Yes I have a whole lot of weapons..
    so let's just keep it simple....

    If I carry a handgun in town it was/is a .45acp or a 10mm
    in the woods a .45 lc or a .44mag
    Busting clays/birds a BT99 or a Ruger Red Label O/U 12ga
    Hunting in Colo a 30/378 weatherby mag... in Idaho my newest custom for myself is a .338 fed (neck up .308)
    Shear boringly accurate toys..... Full customs in .223, 22-250, .308, and a .300 win mag....

    In the house loaded at all times up here is a little different, I stand way more of a chance of having to face down a Black/Grizzly Bear or a Bull Moose than an armed intruder, so the weapon of choice is a Marlin Guide Gun in 45-70 with hand-loaded 405 grain lead Lazer casts chrono'd at 1650 fps, just a "touch", hotter than normal loads....

    Just about anything that goes bang is OK by me from Flintlocks to the high tech full custom tactical whiz bangers with triggers set to just breathe on....
    Whew made it through without going too nutz on guns
    Last edited by gssixgun; 03-29-2008 at 03:42 AM.

  2. #32
    Cheapskate Honer Wildtim's Avatar
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    If you wife is ready to go and you are still standing IN the gun safe trying to decide what to "wear" might be a redneck

  3. #33
    RMV is offline
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    Drfred, nice thread.
    No hunting for me.
    Concealed Carry: 357Mag Ruger SP101 DAO, ported and modified
    Home defense: Glock 20 10MM, pre-ban
    Target: 45 Colt Gold Cup, dual chamber compensated
    Ruger GP100
    SHTF, any shotgun

    I have tried:
    Springfield Armory DX 9MM, my biggest surprise, very pleased with it.
    Walther P99, known to be extremely reliable, but disappointed (personal)
    H&K USP 9MM, beautiful weapon, extremely pleased with it, my next
    Purchase in compact version.
    Sten 9MM, piece of history, unfortunately jammed every 3 rounds
    Uzi, full auto, fun
    H&K MP5 SD full auto, a lot of fun, my favorite of all times
    500 S&W Mag, what a piece of monster, but so much fun.

  4. #34
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Addendum and clutter,

    I mentioned my Shiloh Sharps as it is the gun with which I do the most shooting at both the shorter ranges of 200-600 yds and long range of 800-1000 yds. Were I to have a clear the door gun it would be my old '97 Winchester, but while it is not as impressive from the front, my Colt 70 series shooter points instinctively for me and while it may not "clear" the door it would make walking over what clutters the door relatively easy.

    For me there is not a more naturally pointing pistol than the 1911. The Colt Single Action Army is probably the most handsome pistol ever made and may be the funnest to shoot, but John M's genius may have made the best pistol ever in the 1911. With it, I would not like to be me were I shooting at me, at least back in the old days.

    If weight and logistics were no problem, the best at raising (or quelling) a ruckus for me is the M60 machine gun. Anything within about 1200 yards needn't even try to duck.

  5. #35
    Senior Member freebird's Avatar
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    haven't hunted in years, but for squirrel my .410 double barrel (side by side) Savage Stevens, for shtf S&W .41 Mag with 6 inch barrel or the ol' savage stevens would work for that as well .

  6. #36
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    I could CHOOSE a lot of firearms, but from the ones I *own*
    I'm pretty limited, I have a bolt action .30-06, a Russian SKS, and a No.5 Mk2 .303 British.
    I also have a Cobray M-11 in 9mm.

    I really like the Enfield.
    I have access to a lot more at home.

    At work:
    GAU-17 minigun (2,000rpm low rate, 4,000rpm high rate) 7.62, A165.
    M240D machine gun (650-950 rpm, belt fed) 7.62, A131 although it usually gets fed A165
    M-14 7.62mm (even one or two old select fire ones)
    M-11 SiG 9mm.
    XM-27 Carbine (ordies tell me it's an M4E3-dunno. Select fire, 5.56mm, collapsible stock, fixed carrying handle that makes optics awkward)
    Remington 870 12 GA shotgun
    Mossberg 500 12 GA shotgun
    Various sites but the optics they provide are EOTech holographic sites.

    Personal favorites-M-14, but with an aftermarket stock, followed by the carbine.
    Unlike some outfits, we aren't given suppressors for our M-11's, and if we're using that thing, things have gone REALLY bad.

    The machine guns are nice, but the GAU-17 requires AC power. The M-240 is excellent with the egress kit mounted, but kind of a bear to run with *and* carry enough ammunition to be really effective.

    High on my wants list: Springfield XD45,
    Mossberg 500 or Benelli Supernova
    Small Carbine.
    Family has an M1 Garand (and an M1 Carbine) that I will probably eventually own, but they are my fathers and I would rather keep him around.

    John P.

  7. #37
    Senior Member drfred's Avatar
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    Just saw this and it pretty well sums up my thoughts:Subject: GUNS

    This is the law: The purpose of fighting is to win. There is no possible victory in defense. The sword is more important than the shield and skill is more important than either. The final weapon is the brain. All else is Supplemental.

    As John Steinbeck once said.

    1. Don't pick a fight with an old man. If he is too old to fight, he'll just kill you.

    2. If you find yourself in a fair fight, your tactics suck.

    3. I carry a gun cause a cop is too heavy.

    4. When seconds count, the cops are just minutes away.

    5. A reporter did a human interest piece on the Texas Rangers. The reporter recognized the Colt Model 1911 the Ranger was carrying and asked him, "Why do carry a .45?". The Ranger responded with, "Because they don't make a .46."
    * Credit to Retired Texas Ranger Joaquin (Waukeen) Jackson, Alpine, Texas.

    6. An armed man will kill an unarmed man with monotonous regularity.

    7. The old sheriff was attending an awards dinner when a lady commented on his wearing his sidearm. "Sheriff, I see you have your pistol. Are you expecting trouble?" "NO Ma'am. If I were expecting trouble, I would have brought my rifle."

    8. Beware the man who only has one gun. HE PROBABLY KNOWS HOW TO USE IT!!!

    I was once asked by a lady visiting if I had a gun in the house. To which I said I did. She said, "well I certainly hope it isn't loaded!" To which
    I said, "of course it is loaded, can't work without bullets.." She then asked, "Are you that afraid of someone evil coming into your house?"
    My reply was, "No not at all. I am not afraid of the house catching afire either, but I have fire extinguishers around, and THEY ARE ALL LOADED."

    Parting note: An unloaded gun is just a club.



  8. #38
    I need help... I have RAD
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    Trap: remington 870 and 1187 in 12 guage

    deer: remington 700 .308

    pistol range:

    HK socom Mark 23,
    browning hi power practical 9mm,
    sw 686 6" .357,
    ruger .22,
    colt .45,
    sw model 19 in 2" and 4"

    for home defense, whatever I can get my hands on at the moment

    wants hk psg, AR, winchester model 94 trapper

  9. #39
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    I don't hunt (no hang-ups about it, just never have had the opportunity), but I have a couple of "legacy" weapons I inherited that I love to take to the range:

    Winchester Model 67 .22 bolt action for plinking (iron sights only)
    Winchester Model 1894 .32 Win special lever action (very old school--Grandpa's hunting rifle--and you're right, Mike, he shaved with a straight!)
    and a Walther PPKs .380 ACP (inherited from my Aunt, believe it or not!)

  10. #40
    Connoisseur of steel Hawkeye5's Avatar
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    Deer: Ruger MK II .308, Ruger MK I UL .250-3000, Jack Garner .50 Flintlock
    Quail: Winchester M12 20 gauge
    Pheasant: Winchester M12 12 gauge
    Dove: Remington Special Field 20 gauge
    Turkey: Remington 870 Special Purpose 3" 12 gauge mag
    Concealed Carry: Sig P232 .380, Colt Cobra .38
    Open Carry in the woods: Glock 19 9mm, Colt Diamondback .38, or Colt Peacekeeper .357 mag
    Large pistol: Ruger Super Blackhawk Hunter .41 mag
    Plinking: Ruger MK II .22, Ruger 77/22t, H&R M12 .22 target, sometimes an '03 just for the heck of it.
    Last edited by Hawkeye5; 03-29-2008 at 03:31 AM.

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