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  1. #81
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    Quote Originally Posted by gugi View Post
    Nice, you'd think Jesus should've followed his own advice, eh. He did know the consequences didn't he. Since today we're big on context, the preceding verse is about hypocrisy, which ties rather nicely with the predominant perception about christians.
    See that comment is as offensive as any made here. But some of us are not moderators so we can' do anything. Jesus did live by his own advice and you can not research any writing either secular or religious that condemns his character, with perhaps the only exceptions being the Jewish. But, he lived by their laws and I believe what they believe PLUS that Jesus was the Savior. So I am more like them than different.
    I am not offended because I don't actually care, but I am surprised that you would get away with an offensive comment when others would not.
    Last edited by treydampier; 11-09-2009 at 02:15 AM. Reason: Add Comment

  2. #82
    The original Skolor and Gentileman. gugi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by treydampier View Post
    See that comment is as offensive as any made here. But some of us are not moderators so we can' do anything. Jesus did live by his own advice
    Uhm, offensive, eh, here's the rephrase of that sentence - the way I read the story, Jesus threw his wisdom to people who didn't appreciate it so they asked for his head, and got it.
    As far as the perceptions that Christians are hypocrites, that's just poll data, i.e. pretty much the same as do you prefer pepsi or coca cola.

    If you think I'm getting away with insults just explain where the insult is and I'll be banned - very simple.

  3. #83
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    A person has to ask himself three simple questions before joining the armed forces, does not matter if you want to be a hairdresser or special forces-
    1 / Am I willing to kill!
    2 / Am I willing to die!
    3 / Am I willing to be sent anywhere to do the above!

    If you cannot answer YES truthfully to all three questions. DO NOT JOIN!
    Because the bottom line is it does not matter what job you have in the military your number 1 job is as a soldier, this is why everyone who joins does basic training.
    This Major might have been a doctor of the old grey matter,but didn,t have the common sense to be true to himself.

  4. #84
    JMS is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by AussiePostie View Post
    A person has to ask himself three simple questions before joining the armed forces, does not matter if you want to be a hairdresser or special forces-
    1 / Am I willing to kill!
    2 / Am I willing to die!
    3 / Am I willing to be sent anywhere to do the above!

    If you cannot answer YES truthfully to all three questions. DO NOT JOIN!
    Because the bottom line is it does not matter what job you have in the military your number 1 job is as a soldier, this is why everyone who joins does basic training.
    This Major might have been a doctor of the old grey matter,but didn,t have the common sense to be true to himself.
    Unless he already answered those three questions for some other entity.

  5. #85
    At this point in time... gssixgun's Avatar
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    Oh my you Christians are so easy to manipulate aren't you?????

    You let these guys, twist this whole discussion into a religious comparison...

    This is why I am scared of all religions....

    The question is rather simple and is not posed to Christian's or Jews because it doesn't have to be... Both of these religions allow for war...

    Please do not quote "Thou Shalt not Kill" this commandment translates to "Murder" defending ones home and hearth is allowed...It is also allowed in every other Religion I can think of...including Islam..

    The question is, can Muslims be in the Military with Jews and Christians, there by forming an alliance with them, and can they fight other Muslims in this alliance ... Is that true??? Is it good enough that Congrees declares war, or do we need an American Imam to declare war also....

    Now some have said it depends on how devout they happen to be,,, well DUH !!! if they are not good devout Muslims, there is no problem, is there???

    We know Hassen was a Wacko, but he did not just run in and kill people, he did not scream "Your all aliens that want to eat my brain" HE SCREAMED "Allah Akbar" so that to me is proof of two things!!!! First, it was a hate crime, second it was religiously motivated...
    Last edited by gssixgun; 11-09-2009 at 07:23 AM.

  6. #86
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    Quote Originally Posted by JMS View Post
    Unless he already answered those three questions for some other entity.
    Then as I said, he did not ask "himself" these questions nor was he true to "himself". Even if he was prepared to do the first two he obviously flipped when told to do the third. Or if as you suggest he answered these questions for "something" else, that means he was a "sleeper'
    Personaly I think the guy just lost the plot

  7. #87
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bruno View Post
    Extremist Christians are just as dangerous as extremist muslims.
    I think, for me, this really gets to the heart of the issue. Any extreme of any belief or political agenda (or lifestyle for that matter, look at those who abuse alcohol for a start) is a bad thing.

    If you have extreme right wing views you end up with nazism, extreme left wing you end up with communism. Extreme Christian views, you get the crusades of the middle ages. Extreme Muslim views, you get the current conflict we are having. And to carry on my point about lifestyle; Extreme drinking, you get a drunk with liver failure. Extreme eating, you get an obese person with heart disease. The only difference with lifestyle is that it only affects the person who makes the choice.

    Personally, I have no desire to inflict my views on someone else, and if someone wants to be a Christian, a Muslim, a Buddhist or any other belief thats absolutely fine by me.

    I dont think for an instant that these religions were intended to encourage people to war, to maim and to kill. I've always thought that they offered a way of living your life that allowed you to get on with your fellow man and offered spiritual guidance and counselling at difficult times.

    I think the vast majority of people on this planet have no desire to kill someone because they are the "wrong" colour or they believe the "wrong" thing. Unfortunately it seems to me that it is a small hardcore of individuals who are determined to do these things, and are dragging everyone else along with them because of the severity of what they are doing.

    ANY extreme view is a bad thing, because it doesnt go along with the majority view, hence the reason its called an EXTREME view. If it was the view of the majority it would be called the status quo.
    Last edited by Stubear; 11-09-2009 at 12:38 PM.

  8. #88
    Freakin' Ladies Man Hillie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gssixgun View Post
    He is just one of the famous ones Jimmy, but yes I am to him also...

    My real question though is how????

    What changed in 40 years time???

    What I mean is a Quaker is a Quaker the were CO's then and are CO's now same with Buddhists they don't fight in wars... I get that, I accept that, I understand that...

    What I don't get is how, in 1965 you could claim being a Muslim was grounds for being a CO but now you want to be in the Army ??????


    Isn't this due to the fact that the US army is now fully professional? That, combined with 'no discrimination on religion', would make it simple for any follower of an 'objecting' religion to join.

    Quote Originally Posted by gssixgun View Post
    This is why I am scared of all religions....
    The debate on religion, or any subject that can be pulled into the religious field, becomes more and more senseless. What doesn't help is my personal realisation that the majority of people is indeed, well, just too stupid for intelligent conversation. I responded in this topic because of your post up there, but in general these topics go overboard too quickly and result in the same misunderstandings after a few hundred posts.
    Last edited by Hillie; 11-09-2009 at 01:21 PM.

  9. #89
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    Quote Originally Posted by AussiePostie View Post
    Then as I said, he did not ask "himself" these questions nor was he true to "himself". Even if he was prepared to do the first two he obviously flipped when told to do the third. Or if as you suggest he answered these questions for "something" else, that means he was a "sleeper'
    Personaly I think the guy just lost the plot
    I suggest it only as a possibility that must be considered.
    Last edited by JMS; 11-09-2009 at 04:59 PM.

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  11. #90
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    Don't be scared Glen. Unfortunately there is no sure way to determine who the good non-fundamentalist non-wacko non-extremist peaceful Muslims are. Also there are not masses of Christians Jews Buhddists or any other group blatantly vocally and openly intent on killing and destroying America Americans and American soldiers.

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