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Thread: Handguns that Fit

  1. #51
    aka shooter74743 ScottGoodman's Avatar
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    I've been carrying a 45 for so long that I have to think about aiming the G26. For the topic though, you guys should look into different grips. I have some American Legend grips on a couple of my 45's and they take a nice feeling pistol and turn it into a glove.

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    Southeastern Oklahoma/Northeastern Texas helper. Please don't hesitate to contact me.
    Thank you and God Bless, Scott

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  3. #52
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Always thought the Colt Defender would make a nice carry gun.

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  4. #53
    Senior Member blabbermouth JimmyHAD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gssixgun View Post
    I hardly ever carry it but it fits my hand so perfect

    Smith & Wesson Model 686 2 inch with the custom shop grips

    The flash will blind ya in the dark and the boom will deafen everyone near which is why I don't seriously carry it, not what you want to be in a fight, Blind and Deaf

    But god does it feel good in the hand
    I've got the old FBI issue model 66 with the round butt and the 2 1/2" bbl. Shoots a flame 3 feet long when you shoot 357 mag in it. Got a Milt Sparks IWB holster for it but it is too thick to carry without printing and I just have it 'cause it is beauteous.

    My latest crave is a Glock in 45ACP. I don't want a CCW in that caliber, but I just want one to shoot. I'm torn between the model 21 with the 4 1/2" bbl and heavy slide or the new kid on the block, the G-41 with the 5 3/8" bbl and the thinner .40 caliber slide. Both weigh about the same and hold 13 in the mag and one in the pipe. Decisions, decisions.
    Be careful how you treat people on your way up, you may meet them again on your way back down.

  5. #54
    Senior Member rbaker2778's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BobH View Post
    Always thought the Colt Defender would make a nice carry gun.

    The Colt Defender actually fit my hand pretty well with Houge grips. That said, I would not give it the perfect fit label, as it seemed to bite my hand when the slide would cycle.

    The reason I said my G19 was a perfect fit is because after many years of shooting it, my grip and shooting has adapted in a way that the G19 is the perfect fit for my hand.
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  6. #55
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Quote Originally Posted by rbaker2778 View Post
    The Colt Defender actually fit my hand pretty well with Houge grips. That said, I would not give it the perfect fit label, as it seemed to bite my hand when the slide would cycle.
    Yea, I remember being bitten by my old AMT Hardballer years ago. Always wondered if a beaver tail extended grip safety would have cured that.

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  7. #56
    lobeless earcutter's Avatar
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    Ok so it seems there are a bunch of Baby Glock guys here, so I'll share this as... it might seem weird, but no kidding, it really helps the grip feel better. More secure.

    So we all know what the gun looks like with the regular mag - but here is here's mine. Its a small thing,

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    Note the little extention.

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    Here is who makes it if interested.

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    ... but it works great. This little magazine plate just wedges my two fingers in there perfectly giving me a really secure grip. I can't remember how much they cost - but it was well worth it.

  8. #57
    Senior Member blabbermouth JimmyHAD's Avatar
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    I recently picked up two Glocks in trades with two different individuals. Both had Pearce grip extensions for the spare magazines. I've gotten used to shooting pistols where my little finger has nothing to grab. Seemed to me, when I took the two to the range, that the mags with the extensions had me shooting slightly higher. Still would hit what and where I needed to, but I think I like the standard length mag for CCW.
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  9. #58
    Senior Member Boarder277's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by earcutter View Post
    Ok so it seems there are a bunch of Baby Glock guys here, so I'll share this as... it might seem weird, but no kidding, it really helps the grip feel better. More secure.

    So we all know what the gun looks like with the regular mag - but here is here's mine. Its a small thing,

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    Note the little extention.

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    Here is who makes it if interested.

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    ... but it works great. This little magazine plate just wedges my two fingers in there perfectly giving me a really secure grip. I can't remember how much they cost - but it was well worth it.
    jealous...i want a small, very concealable Glock...but unfortunately i live in the Peoples Republik of Massachusetts...and our good old AG decided that Glocks are not "safe" for the subjects here in this state to own because it doesn't have a loaded chamber can own any Glock made prior to 1998 however, but i didn't want an old, used carry gun. (sorry, off topic, rant over lol)

    so i recently picked up an M&P 9 compact which is excellent, and very concealable

  10. #59
    At this point in time... gssixgun's Avatar
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    Here ya go David all 4 of the babies

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    And to satisfy your curiosity

    Maybe Wolf

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    Why Wolf ??? It is canine see the nails and the double pad mark at the back, Cats have a triple pad and usually no claw marks, no way it is Bear...

    Why not dog ???
    A singular purpose to the track, moves very efficiently down through an old ATV track, in a straight near single file line, dogs "meander" note the Rabbit track there too

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    My neighbor's 80# Lab track

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    The "Gun in Hand that fits" when looking for something that might have Teeth, Claws or Big Sharp Hooves, a 45-70 Marlin Guide Gun "fits" me just fine, those huge 405 gr hunks-o-lead make me feel all warm and fuzzy

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    And whatever it was, headed off into the deep snow hopefully back North

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    End of story...
    Last edited by gssixgun; 02-27-2014 at 06:22 PM.

  11. The Following User Says Thank You to gssixgun For This Useful Post:

    earcutter (02-27-2014)

  12. #60
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Dawg tracks for sure, Schnauzer,Biggin,bout 20 lbs.Best get out the .460 Weatherby Mag Glen,are hard to put down
    Dangerous within 1 Mile

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