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Thread: 51 MG restoration.

  1. #1731
    STF is offline
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    It's been a long haul restoring that beaut, I can't wait to see it rolling.

    I procrastinate and wait for the perfect weather to give our car the first wash and polish of the season after the winter grime but it takes such a lot of work, especially when I clay it. I am absolutely sure that project would still be in pieces all over the floor if it were mine.
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  2. #1732
    Str8Faced Gent. MikeB52's Avatar
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    Amen, it has been almost 2 years of offline rebuilding.
    Now that I have seats, and a sound system I find I am really imagining the final push, open roads ahead and all..
    Dug out the old wheel to give it some love before it goes back on as well.
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    Think it was chrome before it was black, and I know the wood slats can line up better so it’s not as bumpy in hand when turning.
    A bit of clamping, sanding, and epoxy work, should be good for another few decades.
    Wasn’t OEM anyway so have some liberty with it.
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  3. #1733
    Str8Faced Gent. MikeB52's Avatar
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    Well that was a fussy bit of work, the tank sits under the spare carrier held tight by a metal strap under a rubber strip. Needed an extra set of hands to get everything lined up
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    But both it, and the rear valance are now installed, and bolt holes lined up where they need to..
    Can mount the fuel pump and start working on fenders next.
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  4. #1734
    Razor Vulture sharptonn's Avatar
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    Looking good, Mike!
    Gotta spot under that valance to tie-in a section of RR track (or 2) across the rails?
    Might be a future project what with the heavies shifted forward.

  5. #1735
    Str8Faced Gent. MikeB52's Avatar
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    Thanks Tom.
    I do have a fair bit of room under there but hope I won’t need any ballast. I had plans for my bit of railway line in the form of an anvil, not a G force stabilizer.
    Besides I figure I’ve actually put the engine closer to where the weight for the original would have been located, center of gravity-wise. The triumph engine was mounted much too high between the frame rails, as well as quite far back as received.
    How would it being too far forward manifest anyway? Like an easy to spin out, or heavy roll type characteristic ya figure?
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  6. #1736
    Razor Vulture sharptonn's Avatar
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    It will upset handling and braking. Lack of traction. I think there is a way to weigh all 4 tire contacts.
    I had one I installed the motor too far forward. Sack of concrete in the spare well made a real difference!

    You will know something as you drive it, I think. Lack of adjustable suspension would require some weight here and there.
    Saw this........
    Last edited by sharptonn; 05-29-2022 at 04:56 PM.
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  8. #1737
    Senior Member blabbermouth tcrideshd's Avatar
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    Looking almost ready to get our flat hats and cigars ready to ride in style brother
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  9. #1738
    Str8Faced Gent. MikeB52's Avatar
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    You know it man..
    I figure can just barely fit 2 Churchill’s into that ashtray.
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  10. #1739
    'with that said' cudarunner's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MikeB52 View Post
    You know it man..
    I figure can just barely fit 2 Churchill’s into that ashtray.
    Churchill Cigars???

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  11. #1740
    Str8Faced Gent. MikeB52's Avatar
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    Working on the fenders after avoiding the one that fell off its hook in the winter. Had scratched right into the base and I feared the worst, but really not to bad to touch up, I hope.
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    All those little spritzes of black should fill the blemishes, then when I blend the panel up to 3k, it should take away the bits of black on top of the pearl still, and those little scratches. Hopefully not too bad.
    The one fender sadly, had a nasty clear sag and even despite my best attempts not to, I went through the clear, and pearl.
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    Not the best paint to match, for a novice, and I’m not sure if my 1.5mm tip in my air brush will allow the 40 micron pearl to flow but basically my plan after this black cures, is to scuff it back a bit with 1k, then hit the damage with a coat of clear, then a coat of clear/pearl, then another clear.. and blend it all at 3k and up..
    Really all things considered though, these are the only real paint fuck ups I had, and one of them was cause of gravity, not my application, so I’m pretty happy
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    "Depression is just anger,, without the enthusiasm."
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