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Thread: Dogs!

  1. #1071
    'with that said' cudarunner's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MikeB52 View Post
    Congrats Scott.
    Beautiful to see new puppies growing..
    I’m dealing with pending loss of my old gremlin..
    Kidney disease advancing and comfort foods and love are where we are at.
    Going to miss this little cranky pal.
    My friend, you have just said the P Word which is the most most Wonderful Word there is concerning the relationship between a dog and a human.

    That word is 'PAL'!
    Our house is as Neil left it- an Aladdins cave of 'stuff'.

    Kim X

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  3. #1072
    aka shooter74743 ScottGoodman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MikeB52 View Post
    Congrats Scott.
    Beautiful to see new puppies growing..
    I’m dealing with pending loss of my old gremlin..
    Kidney disease advancing and comfort foods and love are where we are at.
    Going to miss this little cranky pal.
    Attachment 301427
    I feel your pain. One month before Mali came into heat, I had to put mu best mate down...85% kidney failure. I had bought her specifically to mate with him. I still get choked up time to time at the sudden loss. Some of the worst pain I have felt. This was right before the end. Name:  20180904_185900.jpg
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    Last edited by ScottGoodman; 01-27-2019 at 03:26 PM.
    Southeastern Oklahoma/Northeastern Texas helper. Please don't hesitate to contact me.
    Thank you and God Bless, Scott

  4. #1073
    Senior Member blabbermouth engine46's Avatar
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    I'm so sorry for your loss B-52 & you also Scott. I feel the pain you fellas are going through..........
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  5. #1074
    Senior Member blabbermouth engine46's Avatar
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    Hi everyone. it's been a rough 2 weeks but hopefully everything will be okay. My buddy & best friend, Cherino got all bloated & at first I thought he had gotten that bloat thing which is very deadly if not attended to so I took him to the animal hospital. The woman vet stuck a long needle in him to see what it was because his stomach wasn't twisted & the syringe was full of blood so he needed an emergency surgery. I told them to do what they could. I went home all down & bummed. A short while later she called me & said they removed his spleen because it was covered with tumors. She told me that he weighs 10 lbs less than he did & he had been 85 lbs for some time now but he is now 75 lbs & lean. She told me I almost lost him had I not brought him in. We talked a bit & she told me we probably bought him some time & said that he would have 1-3 months. She called the next day saying he was doing really good & that he could go home so I went & had a balance to pay (worth it to me) & took him home. I had to wait a few days for biopsy results & they came back positive so they were malignant. I was devastated & I'm still worrying but I posted on about what a good animal hospital they are because they were so nice & caring. Everyone who replied to it said nothing but good things about them & I found them when I had a Dr's appt about a week before. I then had a pm from a woman who lives near me & she told me she cured her dog of similar cancer by using antibiotics & she said that it was no joke & had a couple links in the message which I'll post but they said that it was discovered when an oncologist from Manchester University in the UK asked his daughter at the supper table about how she would cure cancer. Here are the links:

    I immediately emailed the animal hospital about it then called them & I told the guy I just sent them an email about antibiotics curing cancer in dogs. He printed it out & gave it to the woman vet. She called me & said it was worth a try, that they had never heard of it yet. I told her I needed to go to a dr appt & that I would stop & pick them up on my way home which I did. he gets a dose of 3 twice a day so keep him in your prayers. He's doing really good again, eating & drinking more, wanting to play more & so on but it made a difference! I'm keeping positive thoughts like I always do. I just hope it isn't too late but like I said, he's been doing great. He can tell he's doing much better & I know he feels better. I just hope he pulls through all this. I also wanted to share with everyone else in case their beloved dog gets cancer, there's still hope! I'm hangin' in there...................

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  7. #1075
    aka shooter74743 ScottGoodman's Avatar
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    I feel your pain oh so well and wish you the best. Hardest decision of all is that point of quality of life for quantity.

    I TRULY hope this new treatment works. A very dear friend was diagnosed with early stage of leukemia and she is going homeopathic as long as she can.

    Southeastern Oklahoma/Northeastern Texas helper. Please don't hesitate to contact me.
    Thank you and God Bless, Scott

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  9. #1076
    Senior Member blabbermouth markbignosekelly's Avatar
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    Hey Steve,

    Its great to know that Cherino pulled through his op ok and is doing much better.
    Its positive news with the antibiotics too.

    My thoughts are with you and Cherino mate.
    BobH and engine46 like this.

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  11. #1077
    Senior Member blabbermouth engine46's Avatar
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    Thanks Scott & Mark. He's doing really good now but I'm not getting my hopes up just yet. I'll know if it works out after 3+ months. If he's like he is now in 3-4 months I'll feel better about everything but even then I'm not going to have my hopes up just yet, even after losing a tad over 10 lbs. The illness is called henangiosarcoma in case anyone wants to know or look it up. From what I read, it is usually transferred genetically from the mother or father. He was wanting to play tug last night & he's strong as hell like he always has been, so that's a good sign. The day he was sick, he didn't want to eat or move around. Then he suddenly got up, walked a few feet & peed on the floor which he hasn't done since he was a pup & I noticed how bloated he was. I took him outside & came in to clean the carpet with my steam vac carpet cleaner. I went to get him to come in & he didn't want to move but I finally had to pull him & he got up & came in but couldn't walk too well. I then called the animal hospital & got him in there. She said I almost lost him when he was like that & it was good I got him there in time. It came on so sudden & at first I was so heart broken after she told me if he survives, he may have 1-3 months. I thought I was gonna have to put him down that day though. He knows he was sick & he's like he's being so thankful plus his tail just wags away even more now so I know he feels better. He knows I got him help. When he came home, I noticed he was eating & drinking more so I know it is already an improvement but just need to watch him & make sure he keeps on doing better everyday. I noticed right away he isn't shedding as much hair as he was before. He must have had it for some time & it didn't show until the day he was sick. I guess that's because I always make sure he's doing better before myself plus he's always been healthy, never has had anything wrong with him, not even worms of any kind. That also may be why he's doing so good so far but like I said, I'm not getting my hopes up, he's not out of the woods yet. I had to get up a couple nights ago to purge my bladder & I had to take a pic of him. He was asleep with a rawhide bone next to him, what's left of it.

    Name:  fullsizeoutput_7f3.jpg
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    I change his water several times a day because after he drinks it gets stuff in it from when he's "s been outside. I always make sure his water & food are full & fresh. He's spoiled rotten but I wouldn't have it any other way. He loves to eat what I eat most of the time but he's been eating his food a lot more now. He always get compliments from people who see him like when I take him for a walk but he's much more active now & his butt is always wiggling from wagging his tail. He's smart too & I think he understands more than many people think. I think many dogs are that way but not all. We all love our dogs just like they're our own kids & he knows he's family here! The day he was sick is the only time I've ever seen him not his normal self. Today he is like his same normal self again & it makes me happy. Amazing how a schoolgirl in the UK helped make this discovery about antibiotics being able to help cure cancer in dogs.

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  13. #1078
    aka shooter74743 ScottGoodman's Avatar
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    Omg, i hope he continues to improve. Sounded so much like how i lost my Uri, which broke my heart.
    BobH and engine46 like this.
    Southeastern Oklahoma/Northeastern Texas helper. Please don't hesitate to contact me.
    Thank you and God Bless, Scott

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  15. #1079
    Senior Member blabbermouth engine46's Avatar
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    He's hangin' in there but now when I give him the antibiotics they are messing with him in the evenings. I think it's them fighting the cancer or the opposite. He got that way night before last after giving him the meds inside food. He was better yesterday morning & I took him for a walk both days because he wanted to & he was eating a lot in the mornings. Then I gave him his meds again last night & same thing. He didn't do that at first when I started giving him the meds. IMO, I think it's the cancer trying to fight the antibiotics. I'm up late but I'll see how he is in the morning. If he's okay again in the morning, I know that's what it is. I may have to give him the same thing to eat at night which is apple fritters. In the evenings I give him something different to eat so I may have to give him what I've been giving him in the mornings. He loves those & I put the meds in them. During the day, when he hears noises or the mail truck is here, he raises hell like he always does. I just know the lady that told me about the antibiotics said that they take them 3-4 weeks or until they're gone. It's been a little over 2 weeks since the surgery & he's been on the antibiotics for a week. The dr told me to keep checking his gums. She said if they turn pale, it isn't good. I may try something different today.

  16. #1080
    aka shooter74743 ScottGoodman's Avatar
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    You might try those pill pockets in peanut butter. Something different to coat his stomach.
    Southeastern Oklahoma/Northeastern Texas helper. Please don't hesitate to contact me.
    Thank you and God Bless, Scott

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