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Thread: What cigar did you smoke today?

  1. #901
    Antiquary manah's Avatar
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    PDR 1878 Reserva Dominicana Capa Oscuro Robusto, 5 x 52.
    Interesting and tasty cigars.

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    Alex Ts.

  2. #902
    lobeless earcutter's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rickmccarey View Post
    Slackin on my post but not on my smokes. Got another 7 undercrown and 4 Montecristo 520 the other night and my hometown buddy gifted me a Cohiba Behike 54 as a wedding gift.

    Also been smoking. last night a Liga Privada t-52 which packs a punch holy. And today a Hoyo Epicure Especial.

    Wedding day tomorrow! Then off to Cuba and getting some boxes
    Great looking sticks! Enjoy your trip! Smoke a lot

    [QUOTE=manah;1217251]PDR 1878 Reserva Dominicana Capa Oscuro Robusto, 5 x 52.
    Interesting and tasty cigars.

    Lol - do you always buy by the box? Those look great.

  3. #903
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    Well, my regular Saturday golf game was called off due to a unfolding family emergency. Mother-in-law visiting from SW Ontario took a spill and broke her kneecap last night. Her Canadian insurer has decided to not let her have the surgery here, but rather, they have chartered an "air ambulance" rife with pilot, co-pilot, a respiratory specialist and an RN to accompany her and her traveling companion to a Canadian hospital of her choosing. Moreover, some dude will be here on Monday to drive her car home lol!! Wow.

    Anyway - the dust is settling and with nothing more for me to do than wait, I figured a good cigar might be a good way to calm the nerves .

    Today's choice: A 601 box pressed Maduro. Nom, nom .

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    About half way through, the stick blistered and the wrapper blew out .

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    Nothing my lighter couldn't fix though. Note as I type this, I am nubbing the thing!

    I can't remember how much these are - not the most - not the least - but what a great cigar. It's my second, and I'll be buying a few more. It's rather complex and the flavors are sharp. The finish lingers... but never takes away from the next draw. I like em.
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  4. #904
    ace is offline
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    Give the 601 Green a try for an even more substantial kick.

    Here it's a Don Pepin Blue Label. That and some college football, and I'm good to go.
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  6. #905
    lobeless earcutter's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ace View Post
    Give the 601 Green a try for an even more substantial kick.

    Here it's a Don Pepin Blue Label. That and some college football, and I'm good to go.
    I have been working through the 601's. Yellow or la bombas are awesome. The blue was great. Was going to go with red next, but green it is lol. Thanks for the recommendation.

    Don's blue are awesome too ! Happy hurfing !

  7. #906
    Antiquary manah's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by earcutter View Post
    do you always buy by the box?
    In most, I buy boxes.
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    Alex Ts.

  8. #907
    lobeless earcutter's Avatar
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    Tonight... well tonight I get to run with the Bulls! All the while sitting on my rump lol !

    Tonight's stick is an A.J. Fernandez concoction known simply as "The Bull."

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    Is it wrong to hope for a beefy smoke when it's called "the bull" lol?

    Ultimately in its first half, this thing gave up a lot of the seasoning one would hope for on top of a steak. Black pepper! Maybe a little white too. It's a "dry cigar"too, with hints of hey - so it gives up the food a bull may eat... But where is that meaty coffee and earth I hear about? Not there yet.

    But hey! The construction is A one A! Can't hardly find the seams and it's as smooth as the butter you would put in the skillet before frying up a piece oh meat !! Moreover, what a great burn! Not only is the smoke a triple A, the ash on this thing is awesome lol! This is a densely packed stick gents! It burns nice and slow - cool too!

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    Want to be a financial planner?

    Anyway, it's hard to knock a guy like A.J. Fernandez's work! The guy is a Cigar God! But ultimately, for me, The Bull lives up to its name in only one aspect - and that's the nicotine! Good Gosh! It'll knock you over!! This thing is making me dizzy lol!!

    Ultimately - again for me - the first half of this smoke is a disappointment flavor wise, but it picks up in the second with a little leather. Unfortunately the vitamin N (nicotine) is so strong... I might be imagining it in my dizzied state! D.A.N.G!!!

    I think I'll save the rest for friends who smoke cigarettes - maybe this cigar is at some crazy fermenting stage - who knows lol.
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  9. #908
    lobeless earcutter's Avatar
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    Enjoying an inexpensive cigar while the kids play outside... great time of the year .

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  10. #909
    lobeless earcutter's Avatar
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    It was the good old "progressive" dinner in the old hood tonight. Meet for drinks at house A, move on to house B for salad, house C for entree, etc., etc. Always a good night.

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    Look at that lol - they put a picture of your house on the name-tag and everything .

    Decided to end it on my porch with a friend and enjoy a La Herencia Cubana CORE "Dagger" rather than do the last stop which is cocktails only lol. It's a nice little med bodied chisel that smokes in about an hour.

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    Thought a little Brit might help it/me along .

    Nice little cigar.
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  11. #910
    lobeless earcutter's Avatar
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    Made myself a little "drinking chocolate" and ventured out on a quiet night to give the old Drew Estate "MUWAT - Bait Fish" a try.

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    Now, as best as I can recall from my fishing days, a Bait Fish is a smaller fish used to catch a bigger fish. I don't know if metaphorically I am supposed to be the bigger fish, or if this is supposed to make me want to bring home some of their larger offerings but...

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    it reeled me in!!

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    Moreover... if the rest of the line smokes like this... Tastes like this... I'll be reeling in some of those too!!

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