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Thread: Pipe of the Day

  1. #4521
    Senior Member NoseWarmer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sailor View Post
    Wednesday evening pipe & beer.
    Best Brown Flakes from Oldenkott.
    Beer named after man who got tragic ending (but got a beer named after him anyways).


    I must say that is quite the AWESOME lighter... I would love to have her in my pocket But I can't say my wife would be happy...

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  2. #4522
    Damn hedgehog Sailor's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by NoseWarmer View Post

    I must say that is quite the AWESOME lighter... I would love to have her in my pocket But I can't say my wife would be happy...
    This was actually a gift from wifey. She must be thinking that as long those younger sexy ladies are in a form of a lighter, that will be ok with her
    MickR, eTom and NoseWarmer like this.

  3. #4523
    Well Shaved Gentleman... jhenry's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by donv View Post
    Any suggestions for a person who would like to get into nice pipe to smoke? I've wanted one for years, just always stayed away, didn't have the time or patience for a pipe. There are so many to choose from, what would be a good brand of pipe for someone starting out? I realize that's a pretty open question, so many things to consider, but something nice just to see how it works out for me. As far as time goes, I seem to have quite a bit more on my hands now, and have developed a taste for old school rites, wet shaving, and now; perhaps pipes.

    thanks, don v

    The choice of a tobacco pipe is based on personal preference. You can spend a few bucks or thousands of dollars on one.

    If you don't want to spend a lot on a decent tobacco pipe go with a corncob. They are one of the cheapest ways to begin pipe smoking. 4noggins sells them.

    There are also some online vendors who offer pipe starter kits. 4noggins as well as Pipes and Cigars are two that I know of who offer such kits.

    Just my 2 cents worth of advice. Good luck!

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  5. #4524
    Senior Member NoseWarmer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by donv View Post
    Any suggestions for a person who would like to get into nice pipe to smoke? I've wanted one for years, just always stayed away, didn't have the time or patience for a pipe. There are so many to choose from, what would be a good brand of pipe for someone starting out? I realize that's a pretty open question, so many things to consider, but something nice just to see how it works out for me. As far as time goes, I seem to have quite a bit more on my hands now, and have developed a taste for old school rites, wet shaving, and now; perhaps pipes.

    thanks, don v
    Don V,

    Did you get my PM?

  6. #4525
    I'm on The Straight Road jdto's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nightblade View Post
    like your tamper. May I ask where you got it ?
    A gentleman who goes by the name of Briar Boy on Pipe Smokers Forum made it.

    Tonight, it's GL Pease Cumberland in the Sasquatch Horny Dublin

  7. #4526
    RJD is offline
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    Kingfisher in a Savinelli Milano. The tin is just about empty I have a few more in the cellar, but I am starting to worry. I sure hope some of this weed makes it to our side of the pond soooooon.
    Sailor and NoseWarmer like this.

  8. #4527
    Crimson King
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    Quote Originally Posted by donv View Post
    Any suggestions for a person who would like to get into nice pipe to smoke? I've wanted one for years, just always stayed away, didn't have the time or patience for a pipe. There are so many to choose from, what would be a good brand of pipe for someone starting out? I realize that's a pretty open question, so many things to consider, but something nice just to see how it works out for me. As far as time goes, I seem to have quite a bit more on my hands now, and have developed a taste for old school rites, wet shaving, and now; perhaps pipes.

    thanks, don v
    I will agree with WRX guy for briar. Peterson is a good, well made pipe (I do not think they ever had really bad years in terms of quality like some other manufacturers.) and can be had at a reasonable price. If you have a local shop I would go there to look at their offerings and even look at a basket pipe to get a feel. I would probably start by looking at what shape and size you prefer and go from there. Panels and sitters and bulldogs, oh my!

    Decide if you prefer a straight pipe or a bent. If you have smoked in the past and do not mind clenching a pipe in your teeth the bent will be easier. I cannot take inhaling the smoke, so it does not matter to me, but some people are able to work, drive, play poker (or probably shave) with a pipe clenched firmly in their teeth.

    Finally, look at an estate pipe. It is more than just the cost. You should not have to break in an estate pipe. You likely do not need to worry as much about its construction as a new pipe (nobody is going to use a pipe that was not drilled properly to smoke with.) I have a Charatan Trafalager that has two bowls run through it. The draft hole is so far off center that it is nearly unsmokable.

    If you are replacing cigarettes and plan on smoking daily (or several time a day) you will need more than one pipe. They do not need to be expensive- but do not follow my example. My first pipe was a medico... It was briar saw dust and epoxy pressed to make a bowl. It is amazing that I ever smoked more than a single bowl of pipe tobacco considering how wet, hot and horrid the smoke it produced really was. Stick to natural briar, a cob or meerschaum (if you only plan on puffing in an easy chair.)
    Last edited by dolf; 08-02-2012 at 05:43 AM.

  9. #4528
    Crimson King
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    One last thought... in addition to avoiding the Medico, I might also avoid the Jacksons pipe from the early 1900s. Jokingly, I submit my pipe of the day. If the tobacco smoke does not get you, the asbestos will...
    Perhaps I will just stick to espresso for this evening.
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    Last edited by dolf; 08-02-2012 at 05:44 AM.

  10. #4529
    Senior Member donv's Avatar
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    Thanks for the advice all, I see where this is going. Much like asking an opinion on what straight to start with, there are just too many streets, lanes, avenues and alleys to consider. From what I've soaked up, I think I'll go to a tobacco shop, perhaps lean toward a cob, but keep my eyes and mind open. I won't even dare to ask what a good tobacco, or blend would be!! Some work I'll leave to me.

    Thanks again, good night or good day, donv

  11. #4530
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    Quote Originally Posted by sinnfein View Post
    peterson 2009 st patricks day pipe (999) and peterson 2009 christmas blend tobacco (i know its out of season but its sooo good)
    ever since i started collection the st patrick series of peterson pipes thats pretty much all i use now

    I am a huge Peterson Fan... The Sherlock Holmes collections being favourites...

    Petersons University Flake is the baccy I always run home to.....
    MickR likes this.

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