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Thread: Pipe of the Day

  1. #6341
    Senior Member NoseWarmer's Avatar
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    "What kinda steel is that now again?"

    420 Stainless...
    Last edited by NoseWarmer; 03-09-2013 at 05:14 PM.
    Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated...

  2. #6342
    OlllllllO eTom's Avatar
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    Just back from Nuremberg
    No the Marttiini-website you get better one photographies.

    Got some good cleaning tools for my weapons, nice talks with the OTIS-guys, Leatherman-crew, the hard-core-troops of ColdSteel. Marttiini sells their products only Monday- the last day of the exhibition.
    In the afternoon we strolled through the Old Town of Nuremberg. It was a sunny day there.

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    Have a nice weekend!

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    The final version...
    Last edited by eTom; 03-10-2013 at 10:17 AM.

  3. The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to eTom For This Useful Post:

    MickR (03-10-2013), spacemonkeyjon (03-09-2013)

  4. #6343
    Damn hedgehog Sailor's Avatar
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    Nice picture, Thomas.

    We are planning to take to trip next fall. Either to Germany, Hungary or Poland (again). Lady hasn't yet decided.
    To all those places there are direct flights from my home town. Tickets are dead cheap.

    Howevers. Just a saturday evening pipe & beer. Chocolate flakes from Stanwell Royal Danish. Red Rooster Ale.

  5. #6344
    OlllllllO eTom's Avatar
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    If you come to Germany, please give me a message.
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  6. The Following User Says Thank You to eTom For This Useful Post:

    Sailor (03-09-2013)

  7. #6345
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    Nice relaxing Saturday with my corn cob and some Golden Cavendish
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  8. #6346
    Senior Member Mauri's Avatar
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    Pipe of the day: a massive Bari Wiking I just got from the bay.
    Tobacco: Larsen Mellow & Tasty and Mac Baren Golden Blend (the pipe is so heavy that I want something light to smoke in it!)
    And (since this thread has turned into a knife show ) a mysterious silver-clad knife that I bought from a friend some year ago for 15 Euros...

    Name:  Bari.jpg
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    And now the riddle: my friend told me the knife has been in the property of his family for 30 years, and it comes from Siria or Persia or some place like that in the Middle East... The blade's width tapers towards the point like in handmade knives... have you ever seen something like that? Can somebody help me to identify it?

    To finish, a praise for Renaissance Wax: I treated the knife, handle and sheath with it more than 6 months ago after polishing it, and it is shining now as then!

  9. The Following User Says Thank You to Mauri For This Useful Post:

    Sailor (03-09-2013)

  10. #6347
    Damn hedgehog Sailor's Avatar
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    Sorry i can't help with identifying the knife, but that is surely a beautiful knife. Very different from the ones that are common here, but surely the makers knew about what is is made for.

    Now, about some of the beautiful Lucio Chiodo pipes you posted before. Do you know any online places where i could look for some more?
    Most of my pipes i've bought from estate auctions, flea markets, members from some of Scandinavian pipe forums or individual Finnish pipe collectors.

    I tried to check from Pfeifenkonsulat and few other stores but no information at all. I haven't bought a pipe for maybe too long time. Those Chiodo pipes surely look something to try.

  11. #6348
    Senior Member blabbermouth nessmuck's Avatar
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    did someone say knifes.....a little neckerName:  a595b85e53eaeef1ac492a0a8df70bc8.jpg
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  12. #6349
    Senior Member irish19's Avatar
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    Pipe of the day is Iwan Ries Dr. Bradley mixture in a Tim West.
    Sailor and NoseWarmer like this.

  13. #6350
    Modern Day Peasant Nightblade's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mauri View Post
    Pipe of the day: a massive Bari Wiking I just got from the bay.
    Tobacco: Larsen Mellow & Tasty and Mac Baren Golden Blend (the pipe is so heavy that I want something light to smoke in it!)
    And (since this thread has turned into a knife show ) a mysterious silver-clad knife that I bought from a friend some year ago for 15 Euros...

    Name:  Bari.jpg
Views: 313
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    And now the riddle: my friend told me the knife has been in the property of his family for 30 years, and it comes from Siria or Persia or some place like that in the Middle East... The blade's width tapers towards the point like in handmade knives... have you ever seen something like that? Can somebody help me to identify it?

    To finish, a praise for Renaissance Wax: I treated the knife, handle and sheath with it more than 6 months ago after polishing it, and it is shining now as then!
    What type of tobacco is that Larsen (virginia,aromatic?) The Macbaren I have and I like that stuff pretty good.
    Come along inside,We'll see if tea and buns can make the world a betterplace.~TheWind in the Willow~

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