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Thread: Any Russians lurking about ??

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  1. #1
    Modern Day Peasant Nightblade's Avatar
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    Wink Any Russians lurking about ??

    I am really fond of hearing Russian spoken(I wish I could speak it).I've been reading about the foods and of course I love Russian tea and Kvass(Fermented Rye bread beverage Non alcoholic) and If I ever find a nice Russian girl who's not a mail order or connected to the mob,I'm gonna marry her ooohh yeah. I've never been to Russia,but I've seen pictures of the forests,Beautiful I must say.They remind me a lot of my native Michigan in some respects.I am fascinated by the peasant culture and art.I think they got robbed by the communists of having a rich wonderful cultural heritage. But ,what was before all that time is still wonderfully rich.I'm fascinated with the Czars and I know a Russian Orthodox priest and kinda dig on the Orthodox religion a bit too.So anybody else into Russian culture or any and all things Russian.Pull a chair up to the Samovar and enlighten me .

  2. #2
    Senior Member Wintchase's Avatar
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    Dude, if you are in Denver then you are in the right city for Russians..Denver has a huge community of Russians.

  3. #3
    Member Fierce30rus's Avatar
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    Я из России. Чем я могу помочь Вам?
    К сожалению я плохо знаю английский...
    I am from Russia. How can I help you?
    Unfortunately my English is very bad ...

  4. #4
    Modern Day Peasant Nightblade's Avatar
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    Wintchase........unfortunately I only know one russian family in Denver and they are wonderful.But it's hard to meet these folks and they have warned me to be careful as most of the places where Russians hang out here are mob. and in reply to fierce30rus............What is modern Russia like?? We were always making fun of the communists back in the 70's and 80's when I was growing up and I am wondering what modern Russian culture is like? I know that is a broad unclear question,but ....well maybe for starters,tell me a little about where you live?? Is it rural or city.Are the people friendly or backward old school communist country folk ? What do you do for fun?I assume you are a wet shaver since your here?What blades and stuff do you like??I'm not sure where or how to get this ball rolling so I am open.And for the heck of it.How are the Russian ladies over there?? I sure would like to believe that not all are mail order mob girls??

  5. #5
    Senior Member blabbermouth ScoutHikerDad's Avatar
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    I teach/have taught a good many Russian, Ukrainian, and Belorussian students, as they have formed a sizable immigrant community locally. They have consistently been some of my most disciplined, best students. In fact, most of my best students are 1st-generation immigrants, including many Asian and Hispanic kids. I wish some of our spoiled American kids appreciated more what they have here...
    rocarule likes this.
    There are many roads to sharp.

  6. #6
    Member Fierce30rus's Avatar
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    So, my city ...
    Astrakhan - a city in Russia, administrative center of Astrakhan region, 1500 km south-east of Moscow.
    The city is situated on 11 islands of the Caspian lowlands, in the upper part of the Volga delta. There are about 30 bridges. On the left bank of the Volga is the main part of town, on the right bank are approximately 20% of city residents. Both parts of the city are connected by two bridges across the Volga. The total area of 500 km ².
    The city stretches along the Volga River 22 km. On the two banks is over 45 km. The city is divided into 4 administrative districts in the future due to its large area will be divided into seven administrative districts.
    Astrakhan assigned to the same time zone as Moscow, though the local real time ahead of Moscow in 42 minutes.
    River and sea port of the Volga-Caspian basin, the airport and railway station. The flight time to Moscow a little over 2 hours, the train to Moscow takes about 28 hours. Journey along the Volga by boat takes 8 days to Moscow (with stops in cities).
    21 large and small port. 15 Shipyard.
    Last edited by Fierce30rus; 02-21-2011 at 04:37 PM.
    Tarkus and parkerskouson like this.

  7. #7
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Molokan Uke here,family name Daniloff,Mother born on the boat over here 1922.
    Grew up in an extended family of about 15 (the best of times for me)
    As a child spoke nothing but russian,sadly cannot today
    Have all of Boonia and Dedas recipes for cooking the simple fare I was raised on,are truly treasures.
    My german wife has learned to cook the old fare with the help of my aunts,food to die for such as Shaslik,Lapsha,Pashka,the best Borsct in the world bar none,all peasant food.the good old days,how I miss them.

  8. #8
    Senior Member Wintchase's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nightblade View Post
    Wintchase........unfortunately I only know one russian family in Denver and they are wonderful.But it's hard to meet these folks and they have warned me to be careful as most of the places where Russians hang out here are mob. and in reply to fierce30rus............What is modern Russia like?? We were always making fun of the communists back in the 70's and 80's when I was growing up and I am wondering what modern Russian culture is like? I know that is a broad unclear question,but ....well maybe for starters,tell me a little about where you live?? Is it rural or city.Are the people friendly or backward old school communist country folk ? What do you do for fun?I assume you are a wet shaver since your here?What blades and stuff do you like??I'm not sure where or how to get this ball rolling so I am open.And for the heck of it.How are the Russian ladies over there?? I sure would like to believe that not all are mail order mob girls??

    WhaFa? Denver has an outstanding Russian community. Sure there are bad apples everywhere..But the norm is that they are hard working folks who actually contribute the US. There have been droves that have been joining the military to pay back a coutry that has given them a new start..There has been multple distiguished acts by these young soldiers. ..It is more common to run into a 'vitch or 'ov than a Smith in the military these days. I say welcome them with open arms! Don't believe the hype out there..If you go by that mantra, then all italians are mobsters and mexicans are gang members..

  9. #9
    Bringer of Dust shayne's Avatar
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    Do Russians lurk? I have never met a lurking Russian but if I do I will get back to you..
    The Russians I know in shanghai are all the coolest guys ( the women on the other hand think they are gods gift to i dont know what) .

    several room mates in uni that were from St. peter.
    need to go there i do..

  10. #10
    Modern Day Peasant Nightblade's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wintchase View Post
    WhaFa? Denver has an outstanding Russian community. Sure there are bad apples everywhere..But the norm is that they are hard working folks who actually contribute the US. There have been droves that have been joining the military to pay back a coutry that has given them a new start..There has been multple distiguished acts by these young soldiers. ..It is more common to run into a 'vitch or 'ov than a Smith in the military these days. I say welcome them with open arms! Don't believe the hype out there..If you go by that mantra, then all italians are mobsters and mexicans are gang members..
    You misunderstand sir.....I don't go by Mantras,I listen and observe.The few people I know both Russian and American who know the Russian community well here in Denver have warned me about certain areas only located here that I should watch out for.That was not meant to be a blanket statement.And if a Russian tells me where not to go as far as where other Russians go that would be considered not so savory or for that matter what to watch out for period,I will heed that advice as they would know better than I. If you wanna go willy nilly into a world you don't know about,then be my guest.And let me stress again,that this is told to me by real live Russians not just some dude off the street. And the Russians I do know and am starting to know,I like a lot !
    Last edited by Nightblade; 02-24-2011 at 08:13 AM.

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