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Thread: Shoes

  1. #91
    Member sharpy's Avatar
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    Default Barefoot

    These are mine (well not "these")
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    The vivobarefoots are my office shoes, most comfortable office shoes ever !

    I ran toughmudder in the vibram fivefingers
    The Premier Obstacle Course Series In The World | Tough Mudder Australia
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  2. #92
    May your bone always be well buried MickR's Avatar
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    I like those five fingers footwear. Wouldn't mind a pair for myself.


  3. #93
    Member sharpy's Avatar
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    Hey Mick, They are hard to get in australia for a decent price. I bought mine from the US. The stores there are not allowed to ship to australia but I use a forwarding company.
    I have actually just ordered a pair for my wife yesterday. If you were interested in getting some in the next couple of days you could order as well, get it sent to my mailbox with the forwarding company and combine postage.
    Id be happy to give my thoughts on which model to buy a well.

  4. #94
    May your bone always be well buried MickR's Avatar
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    Thanks for the offer mate, but I've just gone out and bought new pair of boots that has blown the budget for a while. I need the boots more than the shoes. The boots are better at protecting against the ever looming threat of snake bite when I'm doing my farm chores .
    And even if I was wearing a pair of five fingers, I'm no longer fit and fleet of foot...More fat and flat of foot these days, so there would be no chance of skipping out of the way with them fancy joggers on neither.
    I'll get a pair, but not just yet.


  5. #95
    Member sharpy's Avatar
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    No worries.
    I think you can get ebay-chinese knockoffs, there was a whirlpool thread about them being ok.. haven't looked into it yet.
    I do think that wearing them will make your feet strong
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  6. #96
    Senior Member rickmccarey's Avatar
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    Hey there my seasonal shoes/boots are...

    Winter - Irish setter 8" Wingshooter boots (by redwing)
    Summer - toms classic and Converse Chuck Taylor low-cuts
    Fall/spring - Redwing 875 6" boots (my favorite)

    And when I'm at home a pair of hush puppie leather slippers


  7. #97
    The Great & Powerful Oz onimaru55's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sharpy View Post
    No worries.
    I think you can get ebay-chinese knockoffs, there was a whirlpool thread about them being ok.. haven't looked into it yet.
    I do think that wearing them will make your feet strong
    Do they make your feet smell strong too ?
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  8. #98
    Recovering truckdriver poppy926's Avatar
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    usually J. Chisolm cowboy boots or Redwing laceups, but working around the house it a pair of tennis shoe Sketchers I think.

  9. #99
    Senior Member JSmith1983's Avatar
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    I have a pair of shoes here that someone has been trying to throw out on me for awhile now. I keep saying those aren't holes its air conditioning.
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  10. #100
    Senior Member NoseWarmer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JSmith1983 View Post
    I have a pair of shoes here that someone has been trying to throw out on me for awhile now. I keep saying those aren't holes its air conditioning.
    I had... as you see I said had... a pair of cheap mesh water shoes that I wore for the last 5 years... They were the best ... I went to the back doctor the other day and he looked at them and looked at me and said... "XXXXXXXXXXXX" so when I got home they went in the trash...

    My back thanks me...
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