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Thread: Hone of the Day

  1. #1711
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    Oz is dead right on this. As someone who is fairly new to Japanese natural stones, people look at these collections of words, that are hard to spell, and hard to pronounce. Most of these terms simply describe colour and shape, so imho, check out what these names actually mean. As someone eager to learn, I try and understand the reality of terms. You often pay more for a word, so check it out before shelling out.
    ScoutHikerDad and outback like this.

  2. #1712
    Senior Member blabbermouth ScoutHikerDad's Avatar
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    Wow, some of those JNATs can be pricey! I'm thinking that if I get bored with my current Arkie obsession, I may get another one of Keith/TomoNagura's all in one kits. I got one a few months back, a Nakayama Asagi with full Asano naguras included, and sold it to CJBianco just as I was starting to get really good edges off it-I needed the money.

    He has a Shoubodani complete kit with all the naguras and tomo for what seems like a great price; plus, he tests and matches all of the nagura stones and tomo to the base stone. Sadly, I've broken the bank this summer on razor gear, so it will have to wait. Enjoy those beauties!

  3. #1713
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    Sadly you do pay for colors and patterns, but really it is more based on size. If and I mean if you can find some of these in smaller razor hone size or Koppa vs bench stone you may pay a little less than I did, but not much. I am cheap and although I felt it was expensive (I feel anything over a $100 is expensive) these were a steal. Keith has stones and setups in the high price range too, it just depends on what it is and what you want. One thing I have noticed is Razor quality Suita is not cheap and usually not in the small size making it more too. Add renge, patterns and harder stones, the price goes up.
    Steel likes this.

  4. #1714
    At this point in time... gssixgun's Avatar
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    watching TV late last night figured I would get these two done

    Korrat with some edge dings all worked out on a Chosera 1k -5-10 the finished on my Zulu with a misty slurry

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    Filarmonica #14 Sub - Cero
    Chosera 1-5-10 Nakayama finish

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    Getting my late night hone on
    "No amount of money spent on a Stone can ever replace the value of the time it takes learning to use it properly"
    Very Respectfully - Glen

    Proprietor - GemStar Custom Razors Honing/Restores/Regrinds Website

  5. #1715
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    I've read a fair bit, asked some questions and respected opinions I value. As far as colours go, they are indicators of a stones performance based on past traded similar types. I have honed for over 5 years before getting a Japanese natural stone. My opinion on coticules is my own, and I prefer not to use them, based on actual use of top graded stones. About cost. Well, like any other commodity they are what the market says they are. We have heard and seen many who swear by their sub $100 USD jnats, mostly referring to shoubu-dani stones. We all see the amazing prices asked for and paid for some stones. This is where size does matter. A full bench sized (say 8 x 3 x 1) in favoured mined stones, like your Nakayama and Ozuku will command the highest prices when you must then consider those 'colours' and there are many types to place them in the stratosphere on prices. Would I pay four grand for a stone? No, but there are many that will. For others who are considering Japanese natural stones, go in with your eyes open. You do to a large degree get what you pay for. I can only tell of my experience as the owner of 2 'jnats'. To me, I wanted some firm commitment by the vendor that I would receive what I asked for and expected, or they will accept it's return. That gives you confidence that for any such trader to make a living he has to be supplying decent stones. Don't buy without such guarantee. My 1st stone was a 212mm x 78mm x 38mm 1400 grams, a double sided Ozuku Asagi. I asked for a full sized stone, that would be a final stone, a finisher. I got exactly that, and in the 4 months since, so happy was I that I bought a second, another full sized double sided Wakasa, another hard stone. That'll take me to number 3 which is on the way. Same vendor. Guaranteed and tested on razors. The third not double sided and slightly smaller at 1100 grams. It's in the mail. My most expensive purchase was $455 usd, the cheaper being $325 USD. For what I actually received I am happy, and haven't sent any back. As far as what I paid, I believe it is low to middle ground on what to expect to pay. The two I have, have been photographed post lapping and are in the 'hones' pages on this forum with an opinion. I'll do the same after my third one arrives.
    Go in with open eyes, buy from a trusted source, and learn what the price can get you, and , what you want. Good luck.

  6. #1716
    Senior Member celticcrusader's Avatar
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    Here we have the last of the week the Saturday 6 all finished back out Monday.

    “Wherever you’re going never take an idiot with you, you can always find one when you get there.”

  7. #1717
    Senior Member celticcrusader's Avatar
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    Just touched up my two EDC blades the tops came in last week with a nice edge but my Spyderco Sharpmaker can always improve that and it did both hair popping sharp.

    “Wherever you’re going never take an idiot with you, you can always find one when you get there.”

  8. #1718
    Compulsive frankensteinisator Thaeris's Avatar
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    Just fall for this natural Kyoto Honyama

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    It'll be hard to wait until november to try it :-(

  9. #1719 JOB15's Avatar
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    Just honed up my W Greaves & Sons 7/8ths.
    Tsushima through to Tomo..

    Really awkward blade this one.
    Never had an amazing edge off it and I used a Tomo that has never produced for me.

    Kinda set my self up for a fail haha

    Saying that though it is popping leg hairs like a lunatic

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  10. #1720
    Senior Member blabbermouth outback's Avatar
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    Wheatsheaf Cutlery Co.

    Fresh from the work bench, one layer tape.
    Bevel set: 1000 Chosera.
    Small Washita and oil.
    Large Washita and water.
    Slurried Coti, diluted to water.
    Slurried B/G Escher, diluted to water.

    Leaded linen.
    Russian Tanned/ heavy draw.
    Red Latigo/ med. heavy draw.
    Russian Tanned/ med. draw.
    Bridle/ light draw.
    Roo/ fast, very light draw

    Passing all test, but the one coming next. SOTD [emoji6]

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