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Thread: Hone of the Day

  1. #2701
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Quote Originally Posted by outback View Post
    Its just a means to an end, Tim. A progression of my choosing. Typically I'd use a Thurigan, over the Coti.

    After the Chosera, the Washita really dials in the bevel, creeps up on it slowly. The rest are just polishing.

    I'll say this, the BBW is a under rated hone. IMO better than the Coti, side. Just like Coties, all BBW's aren't the same, either. But I enjoy honing, and the feel of a natural edge.
    Bart of mentions a study that showed most SR users could not tell the difference between a BBW edge and a coticule edge. The garnets in both produce keen but comfortable edges. And yes, just as cotis differ so do BBWs.
    32t and outback like this.
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  2. #2702
    Senior Member caccia's Avatar
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    Since retired,I hone more or less for therapy,I always have but now there is way more time to do it.A few classics today (IMO) Thiers razor with chewed up scales,Salmen combo stone,HSB cordovan shell strop.A little beat up but working fine.

  3. #2703
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Honing for therapy works for me too.

    That coticule and those strops are gorgeous. I can see why working with them takes you to another place.
    “Shared sorrow is lessened, shared joy is increased”
    ― Spider Robinson, Callahan's Crosstime Saloon

  4. #2704
    Senior Member blabbermouth Speedster's Avatar
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    Honing very much focuses my mind on the task at hand similar to shaving. Since I only have 15 blades or so, it's not work for me.

    Honestly, I truly appreciate helping out beginning honers by testing/honing their edges simply because I enjoy more honing experience, especially with unfamiliar blades (thinking of your Adsworth Solingen, John!).
    Last edited by Speedster; 12-22-2018 at 02:14 PM.

  5. #2705
    Senior Member caccia's Avatar
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    A couple unique things things from the closet, like a strop marked porpoise hide and different looking pattern on a coticule.Engstrom frame back with thumb notch in ivory is a superb shaver.Have to wonder if this strop was made from a skin that came from the ocean?Will put some time into trying the strop,it is well used so it could be good?Always good results with this stone and razor.

  6. #2706
    Senior Member jfk742's Avatar
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    Got these two going today. Both have been laying around for a couple years. Funny what you find when you dig around in the garage.
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    Just finished shaving with the Yutaka for the umpteenth holiday party this year. Took a fine edge and super silent as it’s a 1/4 hollow. Been shaving with full and extra hollows for a while I forgot how quiet shaving can be.
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    Last edited by jfk742; 12-23-2018 at 01:11 AM. Reason: Tried fixing the photo, now I have two that aren’t oriented correctly and can’t seem to delete the extra.

  7. #2707
    Senior Member blabbermouth ScoutHikerDad's Avatar
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    So my engineer son can't sharpen his own knives (or won't because he knows Dad can't abide a dull knife!). He came home for Christmas Friday night with the usual butter-knives, and I got inspired. Both the Spyderco and the Zero Tolerance are pretty hard steel, and I remembered reading somewhere on here about using diamond spray on Arks. So I lapped both sides of my SB and my Translucent with the DMT to "wake them" up a little. I used a few squirts of the.5 micron diamond spray on the "rough," un-burnished side to tune the edges back up, with that smaller Trans being used for the smaller knives and fine point work. The diamonds on the ultra-hard arks worked like a charm on that hard steel, so I threw a couple of kitchen knives into the mix cuz why not?
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    On the burnished side I used my usual WD-40, followed by some work on a diamond-sprayed fire-hose strop. So we've got some smokin' edges here, and I'm ready to go at some razors after Christmas.
    In other news, when he gets transferred to the professional engineering group of his company in Osaka, Japan next year, I will be baby-sitting all of his knives and guns (and his dog!) for a couple of years.

  8. #2708
    Senior Member blabbermouth markbignosekelly's Avatar
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    Got this mint/NOS Kropp a while ago, I was going to sell it but I thought it was too nice to let go so decided to keep her. Honed her up for my Christmas eve shave.
    Started on the Naniwa 2k then 5k and finally 10k. I always finish on the 10k with a new razor to see what her mettle is!

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  9. #2709
    Senior Member blabbermouth Steel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by outback View Post
    Its just a means to an end, Tim. A progression of my choosing. Typically I'd use a Thurigan, over the Coti.

    After the Chosera, the Washita really dials in the bevel, creeps up on it slowly. The rest are just polishing.

    I'll say this, the BBW is a under rated hone. IMO better than the Coti, side. Just like Coties, all BBW's aren't the same, either. But I enjoy honing, and the feel of a natural edge.
    I get it Mike. The Washita quickly transforms the 1k scratches to a soft haze and really creates a smooth base for the rest of the naturals. Playing with different stones is just plain FUN!! I know very little about coti/BBW stones except that they are loved by so many. I bet your edges speak for themselves. Beautiful stones by the way.
    What a curse be a dull razor; what a prideful comfort a sharp one

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    outback (12-25-2018)

  11. #2710 JOB15's Avatar
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    Did some edge restoration tonight.

    This blade had a smile or more like a belly and a part missing close to the heel.

    I used my standard tape set up and then added an extra layer and worked away using circles, spine on the hone on the 1k with a thick slurry.

    Eventually I removed the extra tape, killed the edge and worked with water. I ended up with a lovely bevel, thin too.

    Did some Ozuku dmt work and finished on water . Hopefully it will be a good shave

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