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Thread: The Famous/Infamous Norton 4/8 "JaNorton 2012"

  1. #71
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    I've been watching this thread with interest. I've been thinking about temporarily dropping my 12K and pasted strops from my honing progression to remove variables and focus on perfecting the results off of the 8K. So, in effect, I’ve been thinking of something similar. If the room isn’t already too crowded, I’d like to join January’s fun adventure.
    gssixgun and markdfhr like this.

  2. #72
    Senior Member jeness's Avatar
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    You can write me up too Glen! Sanyi/jeness

    I have two razors that were in the first 20 razors I have honed long ago, one I got from my Dad, and one from my Mom. I didn't shave with them for a while, and I have honed maybe 150-200 razors since, so I am sure they will accept the challenge I was thinking about rehoning them since a while, but this will be a good oppurtunity to do so. One is a 5/8 Clauberg, the other one is a 6/8 Henckels, both full hollow. This experiment should be fun
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  3. #73
    At this point in time... gssixgun's Avatar
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    I put both you guys on the list welcome aboard

    This is really shaping up into a really good cross section of shavers here...

    Remember first shave day is Sunday Jan 1st

    hehe why is this old song playing in my head now

    U2 - New Years Day - YouTube

  • #74
    Historically Inquisitive Martin103's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gssixgun View Post
    I think this time through let's stick with actual Norton's But I do like the idea of doing this again, it seems that many of the guys are into it and I actually like the idea of maybe using a Barber's Hone next time...

    Simple easy solutions I love them...

    Yes I know, this from the same guy that writes a Blog about Taking Honing to the Nth degree, LOL but I like all aspects of this hobby... From the Simple Solutions to the Crazy Minutiae
    I would be very interested to try this as well with a barber hone, count me in!!

  • #75
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    I guess I need to finally put some scales on the restoration projects... I'll check back in the new year.

  • #76
    Captain ARAD. Voidmonster's Avatar
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    This is really tempting.

    Especially considering I've gotten into a bit of a rut where I get a razor, loan it to Ogershok for honing, then clean it up and shave with it.

    This method hasn't really polished my honing skills very much.

    But even when I do hone my own, I'm in a diamond-plated rut. It would be really good to truly learn the Norton I've got (hell, I've even got the flattening stone). I'm not quite a rank beginner, but I've probably only successfully honed 5-6 blades.

    But I'm thinking for my own fun, I'll use an old Greaves battleaxe of a wedge (sanity is overrated!) and one of those William Elliot blades with the MOP in the scales. Both have just been sitting around waiting for me to fix'em up. The Greaves will need some extra love since its spike is chipped off and there's a ding in the middle. The Elliot oughta balance out all that 'interesting' though.

    And this will be an exercise in restraint since I've got an 1810 Wostenholm winging its way to me that probably won't get here until after the project starts.

    Huh. That all sounds like I convinced myself to join in, doesn't it? I can always fail the class if life gets too stupid before it starts!

    Count me in!

    -Zak Jarvis. Writer. Artist. Bon vivant.

  • #77
    Plausibly implausible carlmaloschneider's Avatar
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    Is it possible to use just one razor? I really don't have that many to risk two, and yes, I mean risk. If so, I'll be in just to add the valueless commentary of someone who has used a hone less than 10 times.

    Oh, BTW, typically I hone while also drinking German beer, so when I say I did 50 laps it was probably 5, or 500, or none, or I didn't even hone...

    Stranger, if you passing meet me and desire to speak to me, why should you not speak to me? And why should I not speak to you?
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  • #78
    Senior Member rgc58's Avatar
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    Im getting ready, here are my 2 razors that I will use. A 6/8 Boker King Name:  good1.jpg
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Size:  16.9 KBCutter and a 5/8 Garantie. I love these 2 razors and this will be the first time in my one year of straight shaving that I will use the same razor for more than a couple shaves in a row. Im always going back and forth between the 10 razors that I have so far.
    gssixgun and Disburden like this.

  • #79
    The First Cut is the Deepest! Magpie's Avatar
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    Should I ask questions about the Norton stones HERE, or in the Hones forum?

  • #80
    At this point in time... gssixgun's Avatar
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    Either way Hones or here.. I have a funny feeling this thread is going become a rather large resource of info on honing with and the Norton hones themselves I have had some great PM's already on some cool variations on squeaking the most out of the edges off the 8k...
    Last edited by gssixgun; 12-17-2011 at 09:17 PM.

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