Quote Originally Posted by Devilpup View Post
I like anyone have experience the the stainless steel version. Seems like it would be a good idea if it was being staples in or onto a boot, clipped into the waistband, and hung from neck.

P.S. I ooked back and seen you own one. I'm seriously debating it. I think it would be a good size and open up small of the back carry too. Maybe wrapping the grip in para cord for a little extra grip.

P.S.S. I've decided it's either going to be the BK11 or the BK14 EsKaBar. Probably the BK 14 if the belt clip fits.

This is true i do have one, i think they are awesome little knifes. i usually keep it in my backpack in case i need a blade at work or anything.

The stainless version is the silver with the fancy black design on the blade right?

If so i have heard some not so good things about them, alot of people have complained that the grinding its quite off.

as for the clip you are talking about i assume its the kabar tdi clip? If so it fits both the 11 and the 14 sheath perfectly.