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Thread: just wanted to share tonight's dinner with you guys..

  1. #3921
    Senior Member blabbermouth OCDshaver's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by nessmuck View Post
    I don’t think everyone on my friends list died...iam thinking another forum ...maybe.
    The debacle that happened last year split a few people away. And that’s a shame because I think some of them are out there simply not participating anywhere. There is one guy that lives in my area. I don’t know him but he’s friends with others I’ve known for years. He’s just gone. Not here, not there. It’s a shame.
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  2. #3922
    Senior Member blabbermouth nessmuck's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cudarunner View Post
    I know this is Off Topic

    You don't need to live to be 100 years old---I started losing my friends when I was 14 years old (My Freshman Year in High School). I stood on a football field and watched my childhood friend Jay Mashek die at my feet. I watched Dr. Pittman put that Adrenalin Needle into my friends heart to no avail. I think the worst part was seeing and hearing his parents.

    The next year I attended the funeral of my classmate Ryan Parsons (the entire High School was around 400 kids).

    My Junior Year nobody died but my friend Shelly Brown was permanently crippled in a car wreck.

    The Christmas after I graduated Three Friends; Kim Bond, Jim Cunningham and Craig Heinz were killed in a car wreck at 2 AM Christmas morning. I was stationed on the East Coast and couldn't attend the services.

    Five years-Three Hours Later Craig's only brother would die from Leukemia at the age of 14 years young. I was a pall bearer for him.

    I've buried my parents, every Grandparent, every brother and sister of my parents and grandparents and most all of their kin. There's no uncles or aunts left and the older cousins are dying far too quickly.

    Way back in the early 80's a very beautiful, gracious and kind hearted young woman died in a car wreck. She was a friend and so was her older brother. When the brother spoke at her services he talked about how she would remember little things about him and especially his birthday which he would himself space off.

    He ended with something like this:

    "If there is someone you love, reach out and hug them because you never know when they'll be gone".
    Yah might need a low dose of Celexia....just to bring those levels up a
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  3. #3923
    Senior Member blabbermouth nessmuck's Avatar
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    And Happy Birthday’s nice to be
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  4. #3924
    Giveaway Guy Dieseld's Avatar
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    Sorry I missed your Bday OCD, but looks like you had a great time. And happy late Bday!!!!!

    And I'm not too far behind ya
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    Look sharp and smell nice for the ladies.~~~Benz
    Imperfection is beauty, madness is genius and it's better to be absolutely ridiculous than absolutely boring ― Marilyn Monroe

  5. #3925
    Modern Day Peasant Nightblade's Avatar
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    First off......Happy Birthday OC your ooooooooooooooooooooold ha ha ! Least by most young kids standards these days. I find it amusing how many kids at 30 have said they're old. Boy, they're gonna hate the rest of their lives with that attitude heh.

    Second, I have been on here sporadically myself this last year or so. Like OC said , the schism that happened about a year ago I think did some damage but also, once you get past a few thousand posts you slow down a little bit or just simply get occupied with other things. I know my last year was platter loaded with lots of mental garbage at home and abroad. I keep in touch with a small handful of SRP expats who for what ever reason or another just got tired of internetism (my new word) . I like it here because regardless of past incidents and all I have met some genuinely nice folk here and I refuse to do Facecrap or any other hip trendy social media forum. So this is where I like to go. It's like going down to the lodge and hangin with the lads kinda thing I suppose. SRP isn't near as invasive or pushy as mainstream social media I think anyway. Maybe someday I'll find that elusive brunette I've been semi searching for and send you lot to the wayside but, till then here we are.

    Oh and no dinner to show either tonight sorry. You guys have a Merry Christmas now and also to OC ......since my DB2 diagnosis back in July I have done okay except when it comes to such things as Stollen,one of my Christmas faves .......DAMMIT !!
    Last edited by Nightblade; 12-21-2018 at 06:33 AM.
    Come along inside,We'll see if tea and buns can make the world a betterplace.~TheWind in the Willow~

  6. #3926
    Senior Member blabbermouth OCDshaver's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nightblade View Post
    First off......Happy Birthday OC your ooooooooooooooooooooold ha ha ! Least by most young kids standards these days. I find it amusing how many kids at 30 have said they're old. Boy, they're gonna hate the rest of their lives with that attitude heh.

    Second, I have been on here sporadically myself this last year or so. Like OC said , the schism that happened about a year ago I think did some damage but also, once you get past a few thousand posts you slow down a little bit or just simply get occupied with other things. I know my last year was platter loaded with lots of mental garbage at home and abroad. I keep in touch with a small handful of SRP expats who for what ever reason or another just got tired of internetism (my new word) . I like it here because regardless of past incidents and all I have met some genuinely nice folk here and I refuse to do Facecrap or any other hip trendy social media forum. So this is where I like to go. It's like going down to the lodge and hangin with the lads kinda thing I suppose. SRP isn't near as invasive or pushy as mainstream social media I think anyway. Maybe someday I'll find that elusive brunette I've been semi searching for and send you lot to the wayside but, till then here we are.

    Oh and no dinner to show either tonight sorry. You guys have a Merry Christmas now and also to OC ......since my DB2 diagnosis back in July I have done okay except when it comes to such things as Stollen,one of my Christmas faves .......DAMMIT !!
    Merry Christmas to you too old buddy.

  7. #3927
    Senior Member blabbermouth nessmuck's Avatar
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    All salted and peppered into the Fridge ,until Christmas. Going with the reverse sear method again this year....low and slow....250 degrees until internal temp reaches 130...then 20 min rest....then back into oven @500 degrees for a Browning...remove and serve......How am I doing OCD ????

  8. #3928
    Modern Day Peasant Nightblade's Avatar
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    Supper tonight was slow grilled brats with prosciutto and asparagus with salt, pep and a little fresh lemon .

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    Come along inside,We'll see if tea and buns can make the world a betterplace.~TheWind in the Willow~

  9. #3929
    32t is offline
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    Keep the posts coming.

    For some reason I have missed the pictures of that table in Denver.
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  10. #3930
    'with that said' cudarunner's Avatar
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    Here's the main attraction from my Christmas Day Dinner. A Pork Loin with a rub made with chopped fresh rosemary and garlic along with freshly coarse cracked black pepper all mixed in with some extra virgin olive oil.

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    I'd have preferred to have had it a little more pinkish inside but my daughter and her family prefer 'Shoe Leather' so I compromised and cooked it at 300 degs until it was 150 degs in the middle then wrapped it in foil and a heavy towel for 1/2 an hour.

    It came out quite nice, it wasn't too pink for some (that's why I was cutting from both ends trying to get to the dryer parts). My son and I don't care if it still moo's or oinks so the inner pieces were closer to more pink.

    Since I knew there wouldn't be much for drippings I bought some bone in pork chops and baked them until all was dark, then I used a pressure cooker along with some onion, carrots and the crispy pork to make a couple of quarts of stock. It worked out really well.

    My apologies for the fork in the way but we'd already started dishing up when it dawned on me that I hadn't take a pic of the finished roast

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    The rest of the meal was Green Beans cooked in ham stock with bacon and onion, homemade BBQ Baked Beans, store bought rolls with butter and homemade blueberry jam, black olives, wedding ring pickles (Thanks Joel) ) and a peach crisp for a bit after dinner.

    Well it's time to run another batch of dishes.

    I hope all had a Wonderful Christmas Day!

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    Our house is as Neil left it- an Aladdins cave of 'stuff'.

    Kim X

  11. The Following User Says Thank You to cudarunner For This Useful Post:

    Benz (12-27-2018)

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