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Thread: just wanted to share tonight's dinner with you guys..

  1. #4661
    Home of the Mysterious Symbol CrescentCityRazors's Avatar
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    Name:  SmotheredTrout_20230127_194209900.jpg
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    A rare treat here in New Orleans, fresh caught rainbow trout, smothered under crawfish and ro-tels served on a bed of grits, with okra from last year's garden. I never knew about this, but LDFW stocks several lakes across South Louisiana every winter, when the water gets cold enough for the trout. They don't survive the summer, of course, so they stock with adult fish rather than smaller fry. I didn't know you are supposed to use corn on a hook to catch these fish, but apparently they don't know that anything else is good to eat until they have lived free and wild for a couple of weeks. They will apparently attack a rooster tail but corn is king. Once I got tipped off and given some corn by someone leaving, it was fish on, almost immediately. We catch trout all the time, but speckled trout, a different fish, found in salt or brackish water. Rainbows are something we only see in the grocery. So me and the wife really enjoyed our trout dinner, and we will be ready with corn on hook, next year. Actually I figure on going back to the park and getting my limit Monday morning, and picking in a few hatchery channel cats won't be a bad thing. They taste better than wild ones.
    Last edited by CrescentCityRazors; 01-28-2023 at 03:01 PM.
    Tathra11, PaulFLUS and STF like this.

  2. #4662
    Home of the Mysterious Symbol CrescentCityRazors's Avatar
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    So, went fishing in Joe Brown Park again this morning, didn't catch ANY trout this time, but got a couple of nice hatchery channel cats. Those hatchery cats are so friggin good! Yeah I like wild catfish but these guys are incredible. I didn't do nothing fancy, just cut up the filets in handy size portions, dusted with Slap Ya Mama, battered, and deep fried them. Wife did a cole slaw the other day and so we had it, and I opened up a can of porky beans, Campbells this time, instead of my usual favorite brand, Showboat. Beverage was a homebrewed imperial oat stout aged over a year, and it was delightful, too. Wife presented me with a perfect Old Fashioned, for after dinner cocktail.
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  3. #4663
    Senior Member Johntoad57's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by CrescentCityRazors View Post
    So, went fishing in Joe Brown Park again this morning, didn't catch ANY trout this time, but got a couple of nice hatchery channel cats. Those hatchery cats are so friggin good! Yeah I like wild catfish but these guys are incredible. I didn't do nothing fancy, just cut up the filets in handy size portions, dusted with Slap Ya Mama, battered, and deep fried them. Wife did a cole slaw the other day and so we had it, and I opened up a can of porky beans, Campbells this time, instead of my usual favorite brand, Showboat. Beverage was a homebrewed imperial oat stout aged over a year, and it was delightful, too. Wife presented me with a perfect Old Fashioned, for after dinner cocktail.
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    Did you finish it off with a good cigar?
    Semper Fi !


  4. #4664
    Home of the Mysterious Symbol CrescentCityRazors's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Johntoad57 View Post
    Did you finish it off with a good cigar?
    Actually, no. It didn't seem a good fit and I didn't feel the urge. I like a stogie after a more hearty meal, usually, though I do make exceptions.

    I will say that to me, a cigar and an Old Fashioned go together pretty well. This might sound strange to many, but I never really liked drinking straight whiskey with a cigar. The alcohol fumes somehow clash with the smoke. Certain cocktails work, for me, and a nice glass of Tawny Port is great, alongside a cigar. So yeah on the strength of the after dinner cocktail, I could have enjoyed a smoke, I suppose.

  5. #4665
    Home of the Mysterious Symbol CrescentCityRazors's Avatar
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    Name:  rockefellers_20230201_184419864.jpg
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    Here's the first dozen. I had to wait for the Mrs to shuck the second dozen. Oysters Rockefeller, first time I have made this. Came out pretty darn good. Wine was $2.49 at Walmart and actually was not awful at all. This time, I DID have a cigar, one of my home rolled Imperfectos.

  6. #4666
    Senior Member Johntoad57's Avatar
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    Semper Fi !


  7. #4667
    Senior Member blabbermouth markbignosekelly's Avatar
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    Double Venison burger from the Kings Estate.

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    Cooked medium rare.

  8. #4668
    Str8Faced Gent. MikeB52's Avatar
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    That’s a deer looking burger Mark!
    "Depression is just anger,, without the enthusiasm."
    Steven Wright

  9. #4669
    Senior Member blabbermouth markbignosekelly's Avatar
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  10. #4670
    Str8Faced Gent. MikeB52's Avatar
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    Easter tradition for a friend is cold Easter pizza. So she shared a slab graciously.
    Name:  F3E4D978-8760-4B87-A3BC-77BE65DB43E3.jpg
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    Massive taste, all spicy capicola, cheese and crust around the edge.
    Served cold the mouth feel, buttery and flaky.
    Never had anything like it, but enjoyed it quite a bit and will be sniffing for the recipe.
    Cheers men..
    Last edited by MikeB52; 04-09-2023 at 09:53 PM.
    "Depression is just anger,, without the enthusiasm."
    Steven Wright

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