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Thread: SOTD - 'HOME THEME' - Sun August 22nd - Sat August 28th

  1. #251
    Predictably Unpredictiable Mvcrash's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fbones24 View Post
    I second that! Very nice photo. I drove over the GW this past weekend and your photo does not capture the typical traffic jam/aggravation that accompanies a trip over this bridge.
    FYI, there is another bridge, in NYC, after you go under the buildings that is called the Alexander Hamilton Bridge. The roadway was in dire need of repair. During the night, they close down all lanes except for one that leads to the Cross Bronx Expressway, the Major Deegan and the Harlem River Drive. At about 5AM, the re-open the lanes and leave the roadway.
    The issue is that they create a traffic jam throughout the night that carries over into the morning rush. The only thing you can do in the future is take the lower level.
    “Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe.”
    Albert Einstein

  2. #252
    Str8 & Loving It BladeRunner001's Avatar
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    Smile Week of August 22 "Themed" SOTD - Friday

    Pre-Shave: Hot shower + Stephan's Conditioning Smooth Shaving Creme
    Pre-Shave Oil: Almond Oil (I am loving this great as a pre-shave oil)
    Razor: 6/8" Wade & Butcher Original Bow, Hollow, Spike Point (Another Max masterpiece)
    Brush: 23mm Shavemac Silvertip Badger
    Überlather: CarrieM Black Raspberry Vanilla Shave Creme + Mama Bear's Victoria Violets Shave Soap + Glycerin
    Astringent: Thayers Witch Hazel (Lavender, no alcohol)
    ASB: Trumper's Sandalwood Skin Food
    Facial Moisturizer: NancyBoy Facial Moisturizer
    Cologne: Penhaligon Blenheim Bouquet
    Picture: Today's picture is not of my immediate surroundings, but of a place where I thought would be a "perfect", serene location to have a great shave - i.e., the Grand Canyon - one of the seven "Natural" wonders of the world. This panoramic shot was taken when my wife and I were there in 2008 as part of out Zion-Bryce Canyon-Grand Canyon road trip. And of course, the gear pictured was was actually used in my shave this morning.
    Result: I decided to use Max' redone "Bow" again this AM. I can;t seem to get away from this beauty. As always, CarrieM's Black Raspberry Vanilla creme did not disappoint and delivered the goods on demand (but I am running out of this wonderful sample and will be shooting off an order to CarrieM soon). The shave was once again awesome...what a sharp and beautiful blade. I love the feel and weight in my hands. What a way to end a busy week .

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    This picture is just in case you can't see the full gear in the other shot:
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    TGIF gentlemen. Have a great Friday .
    Last edited by BladeRunner001; 08-27-2010 at 03:06 PM.

  3. #253
    Str8 & Loving It BladeRunner001's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by eTom View Post
    don't know, Robert.
    I'll ask our Count. He's also a member of the "Friends of Lynchburg association" and he knows a lot about his ancestors.
    At page #1 I wrote already parts of these castles exists since 1170 A.D.

    And it could be older than 1170...amazing, just amazing

  4. #254
    OlllllllO eTom's Avatar
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    excellent picture, Robert (NTT= need the tut!)

  5. #255
    Str8 & Loving It BladeRunner001's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by eTom View Post
    excellent picture, Robert (NTT= need the tut!)
    I'll make a couple of tuts and post...but, it may have to wait 'til end of Sept as I am dealing with a few grant deadlines due this coming month.

  6. #256
    OlllllllO eTom's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BladeRunner001 View Post
    I'll make a couple of tuts and post...but, it may have to wait 'til end of Sept as I am dealing with a few grant deadlines due this coming month.
    No prob, Robert. I wish you a successful work.

  7. #257
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    Friday, 8.27.10

    Today is perfection!

    Aura Glow as a Pre Shave Oil
    Mitchell's Wool Fat
    Semogue SOC HyperBoar
    Genco Master Barber
    SRD Premium I strop .. 40 Linen/75 Leather
    Dickinson's Witch Hazel
    Nivea AS Balm
    Ice Blue Aqua Velva

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    Long Island was once known far and wide for Long Island Duck, and it appeared on the menus of the finest restaurants.. It was the finest table fare, but there are only a few family owned farms left. The reasons are many, but chiefly because of encroaching civilization, new plastic McMansions popping up everywhere with neighbors that want no part of the associated odors(Indeed, there are new, high dollar homes directly across the road from where these photos were taken, and threaten this farm's existence), and the undoubted pollution of the necessary tributaries that these operations require that empty into the bay.
    But, no tour of Suffolk County in pictures would be complete without a tip 'o the hat to one of our first industries. This farm, one of two remaining in the area, is within walking distance of home.

    So, while it may not be very scenic, it's a part of our local "color..."

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  8. #258
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    Quote Originally Posted by BladeRunner001 View Post
    I'll make a couple of tuts and post...but, it may have to wait 'til end of Sept as I am dealing with a few grant deadlines due this coming month.
    We used to love the end of the fiscal year, when all unused government funds had to be spent or lost, with a resulting reduction for the next year...
    Ahhh... the government's wisdom...

  9. #259
    Senior Member Batmang's Avatar
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    Geneva Cutlery Pyramid 5/8
    Semogue 2009 LE #19
    Prairie Creations Old Spice type ss
    Thayers Cucumber WH w/ aloe
    Floid Vigoroso a/s
    444 a/s balm

    Used my second Geneva Pyramid to great effect this morning. The Prairie Creations soap provides a wonderfully cushioning and slick lather that works well with the blade. It's great for me to have two terrific straight shaves in a row...maybe that's the secret for shave every day with the straight. Will I ever use my Gem Featherweight again? Sheesh!
    Attached Images Attached Images  

  10. #260
    The Shell Whisperer Maximilian's Avatar
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    Location: 36° 0'5"N - 115° 15' 21"W
    Razor: Giesen & Forsthoff - Adoration 'Hand Forged'
    Brush: Simpson Polo 10
    Cream: Dr Harris - Marlborough
    Astringent: Thayers Witch Hazel
    AS Milk: KD Creation
    Shooting Data
    Camera: Nikon D200
    Lens: Nikon 17-55 F/2.8G ED DX
    Sensivity: Iso 400
    Focal lenght: photo 1: 48mm - photo 2: 45mm
    Exposure Mode: Aperture Priority
    Metering Mode: Multi Pattern
    F-Stop: photo 1: F/11 - photo 2: F/5.6
    Shutter speed: photo 1: 1/40 sec - photo 2 1/30 sec
    Exposure compensation: photo 1: +1.0EV - photo 2: +0.7EV
    The picture shot is what I see facing East from the back of the house. I got up at the crack of dawn so I got myself a very early shave. Refreshing I would say. We finally had some rain yesterday and some clouds this morning but those are already dissipated by now. The sun is already peeking through.
    Have a great WK.

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