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  1. #151
    GUNG-HO FOR GENCOS thewatermark's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mvcrash View Post
    Corn Huskers, I have been using that on my hands in the winter time for years. An old tile man told me about that stuff years and years ago. Never thought of the face!!
    Going to try it tonight. Thanks!!

    Yeah, I heard about using it for the face awhile back, and it's suppose to have almost the same ingredients as skinfood , some people complain about the smell but i actually like it(reminds me of aloe Vera gel) alittle goes along way , but seals up my skin great! Hope it works for u!!

  2. #152
    Senior Member Milkylee's Avatar
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    I read about using Cornhuhsker's lotion on B&B when I first started using my DE. Now I mix a 3 oz. bottle of cornhusker's with a little coconut oil and grapefruit and lime essential oils. Very good and VERY cheap! Next I am going to find some sandalwood essential oil and see if I can close to duplicating the smell of Trumper's sandalwood skin food.

  3. #153
    Str8 & Loving It BladeRunner001's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by nicknbleeding View Post
    Well i tried again with the 2 razors that didnt make the cut. Rehoned them last night. Man this sucks. Still not shave ready. Felt really sharp off the 1k norton. Grabbed the GD as backup only because it was still out from my last shave. Couldnt even get through one pass on the first cheek. So i had to do the full shave with the GD. BBS but still not how i wanted it to happen.

    Srd Strop
    Thrumpers Violet
    Henckles, Waterville Cutlery and GD
    Thayers Witch hazel
    Skin food
    TAOS Balm
    Don't worry Rene,
    It'll come together soon enough...just keep at it. I know how you feel though. I am not an expert but seems like if you were getting a sharp/cutting edge from the 1k, then you probably over honed and lost the edge somewhere subsequent to it. I don't think you'll need to redo 1K, just maybe (carefully) honing on 5k, 8k and 12K or whatever progressive stones you have. Don't go overboard. There is such a thing as too much.

    But, then again, my advice is like "the blind leading the blind"...I am getting my feet wet in honing as well (I like it so far)...What you really need is see what Max, Glen or Lynn (or some others much more experienced in honing) have to say.

  4. #154
    Senior Member ganboyi's Avatar
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    Default SOTD 09092010

    Time: 0136
    Location: Taipei, Taiwan
    Soap: Knize Ten
    Brush: Old Trumper's Badger in Ivory
    Razor: Greaves 13/16 Full Hollow
    Aftershave: Ogallala Bay Rum

    Late Evening Bliss

  5. #155
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    Wednesday, 9.8.10

    Aura Glow as a Pre Shave Oil
    Gibbs Marine Fresh Shave Cream
    Vulfix 660 Pure Badger
    G.H. Pumacker Black Diamond 11/16ths
    SRD Premium I Strop .. 50 Linen/200 Leather
    Dickinson's Witch Hazel
    Nivea AS Balm
    Spanish Floïd Suave AS

    This Pumacker blade is like brand new! The bluing on the tang is perfect, as is every other aspect of this razor. Following the advice of gssixgun, I stropped it to within an inch of it's life, after about sixty laps on the 12K Naniwa alone. This razor delivers the goods! And smoothly..
    The backdrop for today's SOTD is an old photo of my Mom and Dad, taken somewhere in Wales. My Mother was a Welsh girl, and my Dad an American soldier staging for the D-Day invasion of occupied France. They made a handsome couple, and I must say that I miss them both quite a bit..

    Name:  IMG_2010.jpg
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  6. #156
    Str8 & Loving It BladeRunner001's Avatar
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    Thumbs up

    Quote Originally Posted by ganboyi View Post
    Time: 0136
    Location: Taipei, Taiwan
    Soap: Knize Ten
    Brush: Old Trumper's Badger in Ivory
    Razor: Greaves 13/16 Full Hollow
    Aftershave: Ogallala Bay Rum

    Late Evening Bliss

    Great to have you back Brad

    Nice G&S

  7. #157
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    Quote Originally Posted by BladeRunner001 View Post
    Pre-Shave: Hot shower + Stephan's Conditioning Smooth Shave Creme
    Razor: 7/8" Le Grelot "P. Hospital & Co.", Half Hollow, Round point
    Brush: 23mm Shavemac Silvertip Badger
    Überlather: Al Raz Custom Semi-dense Formulation Shave Creme
    Astringent: Thayers Witch Hazel (Rose Petal, no alcohol)
    Post-shave: Trumper's Sandalwood Skin Food
    Facial Moisturizer: Trumper's Facial Moisturizer
    Cologne: Penhaligon Opus 1870
    Picture: This was at taken at Horseshoe Bend near Page, Arizona.
    Result: Today is our 3rd anniversary and being a special day, I had my angel pick out the SOTD hardware for today, which you see listed above. Who am I to argue, right ? The Le Grelot is one of Max' masterpieces , rescaled in butterscotch micarta. Well, the combination of Al's custom scent Bomb (which my wife loves) and the Le Grelot (which I love) was a recipe fit for kings. I wanted to spend the entire day shaving . Tonight (since I can't take the day off...too many fires to put out at work), my wife will enjoy a special dinner fit for a Queen: Moroccan fish with Couscous (probably with a 2006 bottle of Seven Deadly Zins Zinfandel). And yes, in case you are wondering, I am making dinner. And, judging by the feel of my face, I get the impression that I'll still be sporting this BBS look way into late night.
    Attachment 48465

    A closer view at the SOTD gear:
    Attachment 48466

    Enjoy your Wednesday gentlemen .

    Congratulations to yourself and your lovely wife on your third Anniversary, Robert!

    Enjoy the day to the fullest, my friend...

  8. #158
    Str8 & Loving It BladeRunner001's Avatar
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    Thumbs up Beautiful

    Quote Originally Posted by BlacknTan View Post
    Wednesday, 9.8.10

    Aura Glow as a Pre Shave Oil
    Gibbs Marine Fresh Shave Cream
    Vulfix 660 Pure Badger
    G.H. Pumacker Black Diamond 11/16ths
    SRD Premium I Strop .. 50 Linen/200 Leather
    Dickinson's Witch Hazel
    Nivea AS Balm
    Spanish Floïd Suave AS

    This Pumacker blade is like brand new! The bluing on the tang is perfect, as is every other aspect of this razor. Following the advice of gssixgun, I stropped it to within an inch of it's life, after about sixty laps on the 12K Naniwa alone. This razor delivers the goods! And smoothly..
    The backdrop for today's SOTD is an old photo of my Mom and Dad, taken somewhere in Wales. My Mother was a Welsh girl, and my Dad an American soldier staging for the D-Day invasion of occupied France. They made a handsome couple, and I must say that I miss them both quite a bit..

    Name:  IMG_2010.jpg
Views: 280
Size:  47.3 KB
    Beautiful blade amidst a beautiful backdrop. That's one heck of a photo. I enjoy old photos very much.

    Nice SOTD my friend. Thanks for sharing

  9. #159
    Senior Member ganboyi's Avatar
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    Thanks Robert. Congratulations on your anniversary.

  10. #160
    Predictably Unpredictiable Mvcrash's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by thewatermark View Post
    Yeah, I heard about using it for the face awhile back, and it's suppose to have almost the same ingredients as skinfood , some people complain about the smell but i actually like it(reminds me of aloe Vera gel) alittle goes along way , but seals up my skin great! Hope it works for u!!
    Quote Originally Posted by Milkylee View Post
    I read about using Cornhuhsker's lotion on B&B when I first started using my DE. Now I mix a 3 oz. bottle of cornhusker's with a little coconut oil and grapefruit and lime essential oils. Very good and VERY cheap! Next I am going to find some sandalwood essential oil and see if I can close to duplicating the smell of Trumper's sandalwood skin food.
    I used the Huskers oil because my hands would dry up and crack in the winter. I kept the stuff in the police car all the time because I would not wear gloves and the huskers oil kept my hands from cracking and bleeding. it was and is super cheap also, so I will give it a try tonight. I always have it in the house.
    “Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe.”
    Albert Einstein

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