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  1. #131
    Predictably Unpredictiable Mvcrash's Avatar
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    Some absolutely stunning razors this week. This fuels RAD!!!
    “Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe.”
    Albert Einstein

  2. #132
    Senior Member blabbermouth LegalBeagle's Avatar
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    Razor: Filarmonica Doble Temple 13 (7/8)
    Strop: None (Wicked Sharp Shave Ready Edge courtesy of Glen)
    Lather: Ogallala Bay Rum + CarrieM Bay Rum + 6 drops Glycerin
    Brush: Shavemac Custom Silvertip (23mm)
    Post: Thayer's Lavender
    ASB: CarrieM
    Cologne: Penhaligon's Endymion

    What can be said about an uberlather with Ogallala and CarrieM? It is shaving perfection. The scent is unbelievable, the cushion is downy soft and the glide is unmatched. It was nirvana!

    Despite the awesome lather I built, I must admit to being a bit anxious during this shave. Glen warned me that it was a "lone" hone, and therefore wickedly sharp - even by his lofty standards! So, with his warning in mind, I set off to sample the famous Filarmonica quality. All that I can say is: WOW!

    I don't know if it was simply the fact that I was concentrating intently on avoiding any pressure and keeping the angle very shallow as Glen advised, or it's the razor but I barely felt it on my face. This thing just wiped the whiskers off with such a buttery smoothness. After two passes and some touchup my skin was BBS!

    What a great week, gentlemen, keep the inspiring pictures coming!

  3. #133
    Senior Member blabbermouth nicknbleeding's Avatar
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    Beautiful razor!! Hows the Ogallala working for you?

    Quote Originally Posted by LegalBeagle View Post
    Razor: Filarmonica Doble Temple 13 (7/8)
    Strop: None (Wicked Sharp Shave Ready Edge courtesy of Glen)
    Lather: Ogallala Bay Rum + CarrieM Bay Rum + 6 drops Glycerin
    Brush: Shavemac Custom Silvertip (23mm)
    Post: Thayer's Lavender
    ASB: CarrieM
    Cologne: Penhaligon's Endymion

    What can be said about an uberlather with Ogallala and CarrieM? It is shaving perfection. The scent is unbelievable, the cushion is downy soft and the glide is unmatched. It was nirvana!

    Despite the awesome lather I built, I must admit to being a bit anxious during this shave. Glen warned me that it was a "lone" hone, and therefore wickedly sharp - even by his lofty standards! So, with his warning in mind, I set off to sample the famous Filarmonica quality. All that I can say is: WOW!

    I don't know if it was simply the fact that I was concentrating intently on avoiding any pressure and keeping the angle very shallow as Glen advised, or it's the razor but I barely felt it on my face. This thing just wiped the whiskers off with such a buttery smoothness. After two passes and some touchup my skin was BBS!

    What a great week, gentlemen, keep the inspiring pictures coming!

  4. #134
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    Default Wed

    Razor: Genco Easy Aces 11/16
    Soap: I Coloniali Shaving Soap with Mango Oil
    Brush: Kingsley Pure 19mm
    After shave: The Body Shop For Men Maca Root Razor Relief sample (I'd rather stick to the pure Rose hip oil regimen)
    Attached Images Attached Images  

  5. #135
    Senior Member blabbermouth LegalBeagle's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by nicknbleeding View Post
    Beautiful razor!! Hows the Ogallala working for you?


    Thank you for the compliment! I really like the Fili! The Ogallala is working very well - another thank you for you sending it to me. I love the uberlather with CarrieM's Bay Rum cream! In fact, I like it so well that I am probably going to order their 5 soap sampler to try out all the scents...

  6. #136
    CTHULHU FHTAGN! mbeem's Avatar
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    • 5/8 F.H. Loeffler DEMON
    • RupRazor "El Toro" Strop
    • Art of Shaving Unscented cream
    • Vulfix 2234
    • Trumpers Sandalwood Skinfood
    • Art of Shaving Sandalwood EdT

  7. #137
    OlllllllO eTom's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mbeem View Post
    • 5/8 F.H. Loeffler DEMON
    • RupRazor "El Toro" Strop
    • Art of Shaving Unscented cream
    • Vulfix 2234
    • Trumpers Sandalwood Skinfood
    • Art of Shaving Sandalwood EdT
    today without a picture?

  8. #138
    CTHULHU FHTAGN! mbeem's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by eTom View Post
    today without a picture?
    No, no pic today.. Or yesterday for that mater. Had some things going on the last couple of nights and haven't had time to snap any. Will try to get some tonight for tomorrow's shave.

  9. #139
    Str8 & Loving It BladeRunner001's Avatar
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    Thumbs up Very, very nice

    Quote Originally Posted by LegalBeagle View Post
    Razor: Filarmonica Doble Temple 13 (7/8)
    Strop: None (Wicked Sharp Shave Ready Edge courtesy of Glen)
    Lather: Ogallala Bay Rum + CarrieM Bay Rum + 6 drops Glycerin
    Brush: Shavemac Custom Silvertip (23mm)
    Post: Thayer's Lavender
    ASB: CarrieM
    Cologne: Penhaligon's Endymion

    What can be said about an uberlather with Ogallala and CarrieM? It is shaving perfection. The scent is unbelievable, the cushion is downy soft and the glide is unmatched. It was nirvana!

    Despite the awesome lather I built, I must admit to being a bit anxious during this shave. Glen warned me that it was a "lone" hone, and therefore wickedly sharp - even by his lofty standards! So, with his warning in mind, I set off to sample the famous Filarmonica quality. All that I can say is: WOW!

    I don't know if it was simply the fact that I was concentrating intently on avoiding any pressure and keeping the angle very shallow as Glen advised, or it's the razor but I barely felt it on my face. This thing just wiped the whiskers off with such a buttery smoothness. After two passes and some touchup my skin was BBS!

    What a great week, gentlemen, keep the inspiring pictures coming!
    Great looking DT13 you got there...very nice indeed . These Spanish shavers do have some sort of magic shaving edge I can't quite put my finger on.

    PS: I see you have already received your Endymion from do you like it?

  10. #140
    Str8 & Loving It BladeRunner001's Avatar
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    Smile Anniversary Shave

    Pre-Shave: Hot shower + Stephan's Conditioning Smooth Shave Creme
    Razor: 7/8" Le Grelot "P. Hospital & Co.", Half Hollow, Round point
    Brush: 23mm Shavemac Silvertip Badger
    Überlather: Al Raz Custom Semi-dense Formulation Shave Creme
    Astringent: Thayers Witch Hazel (Rose Petal, no alcohol)
    Post-shave: Trumper's Sandalwood Skin Food
    Facial Moisturizer: Trumper's Facial Moisturizer
    Cologne: Penhaligon Opus 1870
    Picture: This was at taken at Horseshoe Bend near Page, Arizona.
    Result: Today is our 3rd anniversary and being a special day, I had my angel pick out the SOTD hardware for today, which you see listed above. Who am I to argue, right ? The Le Grelot is one of Max' masterpieces , rescaled in butterscotch micarta. Well, the combination of Al's custom scent Bomb (which my wife loves) and the Le Grelot (which I love) was a recipe fit for kings. I wanted to spend the entire day shaving . Tonight (since I can't take the day off...too many fires to put out at work), my wife will enjoy a special dinner fit for a Queen: Moroccan fish with Couscous (probably with a 2006 bottle of Seven Deadly Zins Zinfandel). And yes, in case you are wondering, I am making dinner. And, judging by the feel of my face, I get the impression that I'll still be sporting this BBS look way into late night.
    Name:  _DSF3005_4329-Combo.jpg
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    A closer view at the SOTD gear:
    Name:  _DSF4329-1'.jpg
Views: 224
Size:  52.9 KB

    Enjoy your Wednesday gentlemen .

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