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Thread: Sun July 24th - Sat July 30st

  1. #81
    Senior Member blabbermouth kalerolf's Avatar
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    After exercise in the gym in the sauna, then hurry home and enjoy shaving.
    I like this combination.

    Pre: sauna and cold shower
    strop: rolfcowhide
    Brush: FS fine badger
    Soap: MB Rose Chypre
    Razor: unknown German razor
    Aftershave: Jean Paul Gaultier Le Male
    Result: smooth

  2. #82
    Senior Member Teiste's Avatar
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    Nomad SS/Muhle R89 with Treet Classic/Simpson 55 brush/Nomad Balsam

  3. #83
    Str8 & Loving It BladeRunner001's Avatar
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    Thumbs up


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    Quote Originally Posted by thewatermark View Post
    SOAP: Napa Soap Co
    David (Nubskillz) graciously let me borrow his Napa Soap, and this stuff is really great. I lathered it straight to the face and after a few moments it exploded with lather.
    Is that the same soap that they sell at O'Beauty down on Brand Blvd? Nice work on the Geneva btw.

    Quote Originally Posted by Birnando View Post
    Pre-Shave:A warm shower after a long training session
    Razor: Fiarmonica Novodur #13
    Hey B.,
    Training for what (just curious)? Love that Novodur

    Quote Originally Posted by Zephyr View Post
    Razor: Wacker Antik 15/16
    Honing Regimen: John Crowley at
    Results: Finally the Wacker arrived after four weeks in transit , and it was definitly worth waiting for. The setup for this shave was obvious, picked out all my favorites to give this beauty a test run. An amazing effortless shave, two passes DFS. Not sure if I'm 110% satisfied with the finish on the edge, it felt just a tiny bit too rough by my taste, but it might be that I just need a few shaves to get used to it.
    Congratulations buddy. She's gorgeous. Great choice indeed. Unless things have changed, I can vouch for the edge John puts on his blades, especially the Wackers. So, I can confidently say that it ain't the edge. It's probably technique. If she left you with a bit of rough/irritated feeling, it's probably due to pressure/angle (a bit too extreme maybe). We don't realize it, but it happens. Since you are slowly getting into straight shaving, give it some time. Remember, it's a whole different animal than DE shaving. There's more freedom of movement as far as angle than a DE. No pressure and good angle does it. It will come. The edge will be good for some time. Have fun with her.

    Quote Originally Posted by kalerolf View Post
    After exercise in the gym in the sauna, then hurry home and enjoy shaving. I like this combination.

    Pre: sauna and cold shower
    I like this combination too. Sauna is the most wonderful creation since sliced bread. I wish I had everyday access to it. Well done

    Quote Originally Posted by Teiste View Post
    Nomad SS/Muhle R89 with Treet Classic/Simpson 55 brush/Nomad Balsam
    Lovely...simply lovely. I bet the shave was just as good and delicious

  4. #84
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    Prep: Hot Shower
    Brush: Shavemac 177
    Cream: TOBS Avocado
    Razor: W/B 5/8ths 'Bow'
    Toner: Thayers Lemon W.H.
    A/S: Pinaud Clubman
    Balm: Nivea Sensitive ASB

  5. #85
    Eagle-eyed Zephyr's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BladeRunner001 View Post
    Congratulations buddy. She's gorgeous. Great choice indeed. Unless things have changed, I can vouch for the edge John puts on his blades, especially the Wackers. So, I can confidently say that it ain't the edge. It's probably technique. If she left you with a bit of rough/irritated feeling, it's probably due to pressure/angle (a bit too extreme maybe). We don't realize it, but it happens. Since you are slowly getting into straight shaving, give it some time. Remember, it's a whole different animal than DE shaving. There's more freedom of movement as far as angle than a DE. No pressure and good angle does it. It will come. The edge will be good for some time. Have fun with her.
    Thanks Robert, she's really gorgeous.

    She didn't leave me with an irritation or anything, that part was 100% perfect, it was more the feeling when shaving. I'm not saying that I didn't have a little excess pressure or angle, but I don't think so.Since I'm still fairly new and still learning, I've given it some thought, trying to analyze what caused it after the shave, and think it simply is that it is a new razor with a different edge than I am used to (I don't know what type of finisher John use?) Tomorrows shave will probably answer some of my questions, anyway I have NO plans of doing anything to the edge as I'm pretty sure the reason is me and not the razor.
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  6. #86
    Predictably Unpredictiable Mvcrash's Avatar
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    Warm Shower
    Warm Oil
    Dirty Bird
    Castle Forbes Lavender w/glycerin
    Badger Brush
    Maxtom, 13/16 Spanish Point : 3/8 Hollow : G10 Jade Ghost
    SRDP1 Strop
    AOS Aluminum
    Pinaud Bay Rum
    Vaseline for men

    Between last nights RW shave and tonights Maxtom shave I don't see how it can get any better. The CF always lathers up and gives off an great aroma. The Maxtom glides through whiskers without a care in the world.

    Have a great evening.

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    Last edited by Mvcrash; 07-26-2011 at 09:52 AM. Reason: left out words.
    “Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe.”
    Albert Einstein

  7. #87
    GUNG-HO FOR GENCOS thewatermark's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BladeRunner001 View Post

    Is that the same soap that they sell at O'Beauty down on Brand Blvd? Nice work on the Geneva btw.
    yes it is, The scent if u remember is a little too fruity for me, however on there site they have a lot of different scents, I dont remember if they had different scented pucks there at O beauty , but I need to buy one ASAP, it really is good stuff, but like I was saying it really does at least with my experience compete with the MDC and La tojas of the world, at the very least for the moisturizing properties.
    sharp and BladeRunner001 like this.

  8. #88
    Scutarius Fbones24's Avatar
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    Default SOTD_7.25.2011

    Semogue Custom Boar | Martin De Candre | Max Sprecher Custom | Alum | Cade Balm | ELDO Archives 69

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  9. #89
    Senior Member Str8Shooter's Avatar
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    Dovo Ebenholz 13/16-RazoRock Italian Master Barber Limited Edition Shave Soap-TOBS Jermyn Street ASB

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    DFS today after not shaving for a few. Da wiska's fell like a dry wheat field. Late post as I have been on the buffer's working WB wedge blades today for Nervin and myself. Robert I got the AK in today so I'll try it Tues. Thanks!!! Great looking shaves all!! Now back to the wheel's!!
    "We sleep soundly in our beds because rough men stand ready in the night to visit violence on those who would do us harm."

  10. #90
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    It has been a few days

    Prep: Hot shower and lather while stropping
    Brush: Con. Conk Bristle
    Soap: Fitjar Lighthouse Bay Rum
    Razor: ERN 1166 Crown and Sword
    Post: WitchHazel

    I do like the 1166! Heavy and sharp it made short work of the three day beard in a single pass (not BBS but smooth).

    A good start to the week!

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