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Thread: Sun January 01st - Sat January 07th

  1. #211
    Well Shaved Gentleman... jhenry's Avatar
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    Default Wednesday

    Prep: Hot shower -- followed by 3P pre-post-shave cream
    SS: Tabac “Original”
    Brush: Vulfix - Grosnevor “Mixed Boar/Badger”
    Strop: VB Red Latigo 50 fabric; 60 leather
    Razor: 5/8” Boker #301 “Red Injun”
    Toner: Thayers “Original” Witch Hazel w/ Aloe Vera
    ASG: Visal “Dopo Barba”
    AS: Hoyt’s "The Original 1868" Cologne
    Result: A smooth, comfortable shave…

    Name:  SOTD 01-04-12.jpg
Views: 334
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    "Age is an issue of mind over matter. If you don't mind, it doesn't matter." Mark Twain

  2. #212
    Eagle-eyed Zephyr's Avatar
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    Pre-Shave: Hot shower
    Brush: Simpson Chubby 1
    Razor: ERN Crown & Sword 7/8
    Strop: 40/60 Neil Miller Linen/English Bridle
    Soap: Palmolive Stick
    After shave: Musgo Real
    Results: Took my time today, spent almost an hour showering and shaving. A very nice, relaxing and wonderfully smooth shave.

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  3. #213
    Senior Member mjhammer's Avatar
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    Some amazing gear again today men!!! Beautiful!!

    Thanks so much to all my brothers in blades for the encouragement. It's soo dead around here, I don't know what I'm going to do. I'll be finding out all about Unemployment benifits for the first time in my life. I guess that's really pretty lucky for a 55 YO guy, eh? The thing that really sucks, is we are so close to be completely out of debt. 5 more years, my house is mine. 7 more years SS can kick in.

    I got screwed out of retirement at Qwest (Century Link Now), got screwed At Runge Tool, out a job right when it is soooo dead in the industry. Great start to the new year... ;(

    And there I was hoping 2012 would be better.....

    Thanks again gents, you are my support group!!! Who needs a shrink, eh?? heheheh.

    ​-- Any day I get out of bed, and the first thing out of my mouth is not a groan, that's going to be a good day --

  4. #214
    Senior Member blabbermouth 1OldGI's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mjhammer View Post
    Some amazing gear again today men!!! Beautiful!!

    Thanks so much to all my brothers in blades for the encouragement. It's soo dead around here, I don't know what I'm going to do. I'll be finding out all about Unemployment benifits for the first time in my life. I guess that's really pretty lucky for a 55 YO guy, eh? The thing that really sucks, is we are so close to be completely out of debt. 5 more years, my house is mine. 7 more years SS can kick in.

    I got screwed out of retirement at Qwest (Century Link Now), got screwed At Runge Tool, out a job right when it is soooo dead in the industry. Great start to the new year... ;(

    And there I was hoping 2012 would be better.....

    Thanks again gents, you are my support group!!! Who needs a shrink, eh?? heheheh.

    Wow Man, that sucks. Prayers and thoughts to you and yours. Hang in there Brother, bad times never last but good people always do.
    Last edited by 1OldGI; 01-05-2012 at 12:33 AM.
    baldy, Rugbysh9, DOOM and 5 others like this.
    The older I get, the better I was

  5. #215
    Nic by name not by nature Jeltz's Avatar
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    Bassler 5/8 Stainless
    GFT Trumpers Sandalwood Cream
    Old Spice Whitewater
    Result - Damn fine shave
    Name:  04 Jan 12.jpg
Views: 293
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    This razor is a tricky one for me, it was cheap and I don't think its great quality. It never gets really sharp, today I tried it out on my new Naniwa 12K, the results were pretty much as good as I get with it although it does do a little better on Crox. Despite being less sharp than my other razors it still delivers a decent shave.

  6. #216
    Senior Member blabbermouth nicknbleeding's Avatar
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    I guess i forgot to take a picture. Im sure i did but its not on the camera. Oh well.

    Mike sent me back the Clauss to rehone and a Fridour to hone. I did them last night and tested them this am. 2 pass shave. BBS from both. Very sharp and a little crisp edge. I think im going to run it across the Thuri and see how it does.

    Tony Miller strop
    TGN 24mm Brush
    Sandalwood + Salter sandalwood
    Clauss & Fridour 4/8
    baldy, Rugbysh9, DOOM and 12 others like this.

  7. #217
    Senior Member Sargon's Avatar
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    Weds Jan 4
    Brush: Vie-Long Horse
    Soap/Creme: Poraso Green
    Razor: Merkur Progress
    Blade: Astra SS
    Pre: 10 minutes of canned goo
    Post: Witch Hazel
    Hair Groom: Gables Creme Oil
    Result: I have been experimenting with canned goo for 10 minutes as a pre-shave, and am finished with my experiments. It does seem to work decently, but is so nasty on my skin, that it is just not worth using as a pre-shave, and the results are little better than a minute with a hot towel (which actually feels good). I did get a very good shave, but I attribute that to a fresh Astra blade in my progress and Poraso's bullet proof lather.

  8. #218
    Senior Member dinatali's Avatar
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    Hot Shower / Pre MRG lime oil soap / Merkur 37G / Astra SP / Musgo Real Cream /Vulfix 2236S Super Badger / Musgo Real lotion / Musgo Real Balsam / Musgo Real Aqua di colonia orange Amber

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  9. #219
    OlllllllO eTom's Avatar
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    Good morning, friends.

    Thiers Issard-day
    decoration: German bayonet

    Have a nice day

  10. #220
    Senior Member fonthunter's Avatar
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    Default SODT -- Thursday

    Good morning friends!

    PREP: Floïd Sandolor Pre Shave Gel
    BRUSH: 23 mm MÜHLE (synthetic fibres)
    SOAP/CREAM: PLISSON Shaving Soap
    SCUTTLE / BOWL: Fitjar Lathering Up Shaving Bowl
    RAZOR: Tosuke
    STROP: Kanayama Cordovan # 60.000
    SHAVE: 2 passes, WTG / XTG
    AS: Pitralon (Swiss made)
    RESULT: Smooth shave

    Have a nice day,
    Life is like a cup of tea... it's all in how you make it...

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