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Thread: Sun April 1st - Sat April 7th

  1. #71
    Plausibly implausible carlmaloschneider's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by baldy View Post
    Hope things go OK at the hospital mate.
    Quote Originally Posted by Mvcrash View Post
    Enjoy the weather and I hope all goes well for Baily.
    Thanks guys. I just got back, it went well actually. On the way down Bailey said "I've got a bad feeling about this". He's been watching too much TV lately. His x-ray showed the bone had been 'eaten' away quite a bit by the staph infection, but the doctor was positive that the bone would re-grow and might even knit with his Tibula (that's now his upper arm bone instead of the humeros) without another operation. It was interesting to see the little staples (about 15 or so) in the arm that were used to close off the blood vessels. I can't remember the name of the operation, but it was where the tibia was taken with blood vessels complete, and those all hooked up again to make a 'live' piece of bone. Bailey is just really interested when Easter Bunny going to get here...
    Stranger, if you passing meet me and desire to speak to me, why should you not speak to me? And why should I not speak to you?
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  2. #72
    Plausibly implausible carlmaloschneider's Avatar
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    Absolutely excellent shave with the Wade and Butcher this morning. Tell me, is it the edge of particular razors or the steel itself that makes for a really smooth feel? I hone all my razors myself; and some I’ve had now for close to a year, so I doubt many retain the original edge, so I’m guessing it really is the steel. It probably sounds silly to say that steel feels smooth but this Wade and Butcher certainly does to me; it’s like the steel is actually soft. I mixed the O Melhor cream into a really nice lather and couldn’t resist a second pass ATG. I splashed a fair amount of the Lavanda cologne on both my face and head. A really nice shave all in all.

    A nice day, really, Bailey wasn’t TOO badly behaved at the hospital, though he did say he was going to ‘kick my arse’ when I told him off for running away. I’m happy that it bought joy to the other people waiting in the waiting room.

    Razor: Wade and Butcher Special by Maxi
    Pre Shave: Proraso
    Cream: O Melhor
    After Shave: Lavanda

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  3. #73
    Senior Member NavalArchitect's Avatar
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    Default Monday 2nd - Athens, Greece.

    Merkur 34C & Wilkinson (#1)
    Omega No. 49
    Aqua Velva (Connaught decant)
    Santa Maria Novella crema pre/dopo barba

  4. #74
    Senior Member blabbermouth LegalBeagle's Avatar
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    Simply too early this morning to the office, as a result:

  5. #75
    Customized Birnando's Avatar
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    Default Tuesday morning

    Another cold, but beautiful morning around here.
    Started the day slow with a great shave.

    This C-Mon Royal may be on the small side, but the shave it delivers is a big one
    Paired with some Castle Forbes Lime shaving cream and a Rooney's Finest, this shave was pure bliss.
    I finished the shave with some Alum and A dash of Castle Forbes ASB.

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  6. #76
    Who's that guy think he is... JoeSomebody's Avatar
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    Went with the mostly Cade Lineup today.

    Prep: Hot Shower/ Proraso pre-post creme
    Brush: 4125-2 Thater
    Scuttle: G5
    Soap: L'Occitane Cade SS
    Razor: Palmer #41, 11/16" square point
    Post: Proraso AS/ Cade Balm
    Result: Slow relaxed BBS shave, the lather exploded out of the bowl, had so much I probably could have shaved 3 people... With the Cade balm as a finish, I'm out the door to face the day feeling like a king!
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    Have a great Tuesday Gents!

    Carl, good luck to Bailey hope he heals soon and well. Are you keeping the head shaved or did the "Queens" rule overwhelm you??? LOL
    Last edited by JoeSomebody; 04-03-2012 at 04:11 PM. Reason: can't spell

  7. #77
    Senior Member Nuntits's Avatar
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    Razor: H Eicker & Sohne 42 4/8 Biedermeier
    Strop: Red Imp 700C linen/leather
    Prep: Prorasso Pre-shave, hot towel, Cromwell & Cruthers shave oil
    Brush: Omega boar
    Cream: Prorasso
    Post: Prorasso Pre-shave cream
    Aftershave: Old spice
    Not quite what I've snapshot-ed, but you get the jist. Happy warm and sunny spring to all you gents!

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  8. #78
    Lookin like a crim baldy's Avatar
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    Prep: Hot Shower/Hot Towel
    Soap: MWF
    DE: Gillette Tech With Feather Blade
    Toner: Thayer's Lemon Witch Hazel
    Balm: C.O. Bigelow Mentha
    I enjoy this DE for the head shave. Extremely easy to use.
    2 passes and I'm shiny smooth.

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    Jacky boy's 5th birthday today. Every single day I think about how lucky we are to have him.
    This next year will be better than the last 2 years for him.

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    Thanks for the posts and pics gentlemen.

  9. #79
    OlllllllO eTom's Avatar
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    Happy Birthday, Jacky!

  10. #80
    Senior Member fonthunter's Avatar
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    Happy Birthday, Jacky boy!

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