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Thread: Sun August 26th - Sat September 01th

  1. #201
    Senior Member lu20vt's Avatar
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    Thiers Issard Okawing G N.379 // Speik in Bowl Custom by Alfredo // Chubby olive wood 2band Floïd Vigorosp

  2. #202
    Senior Member Mmmike's Avatar
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    Default first straight shave

    i have done it! Not one single cut.I watched a few videos this morning and decided to go for it. The first time you i touched my skin with the blade was stressfull,but after a few strokes i kinda felt more confident, i had troubles around the mouth and the chin so i decided to stop.Then i looked at myself and decided i should finish the job,so i did, carefully and slowly, but i finished it. It still rough in some places, as i am not ready to go against the grain just yet. I had a week old beard and in the end i noticed the razon did not cut as much as when i started, should i strop it in the middle when this happens? Anyway im proud i can now shave li a real man ;-) I think for now i will keep it for the week-end so i can take my time until i get a little bit faster at this.

  3. #203
    Senior Member csrund's Avatar
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    Nothing more indulgent than a Saturday morning shave with no time pressures.

    Had this Genco 4/8 in my collection for a while now, but haven't shaved with it until this morning. Wasn't very sure about the edge. Passed an HHT okay after 20x linen/60x leather on the Illinois 127. First pass across two days' growth produced plenty of noise (like buttering toast) and a little hesitation of the blade to mow through the whiskers. Each pass got a little easier and felt a lot better. Turned out to be a very clean shave with no irritation. Musgo provided the lather; Brut cologne for the finish.

    Very enjoyable shave. Hope you have one today, too!

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  4. #204
    Incidere in dimidium Cangooner's Avatar
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    Congrats Mmmike!

    Relatively few have emerged from their first shave unscathed - especially if the tricky bits were included. Hopefully that continues, but if you do notice yourself starting to remove bits of nose, lip, or chin, it might be a good idea to back up a bit and concentrate on the sideburns, cheeks, etc until you're more comfortable.

    Whether you will have to strop mid-shave will depend on your blade and your beard. I have never had to do that. I suspect that you'll find it is more a question of technique than a edge in need of a touch-up. Also, once you start going across and against the grain, many of those rough spots will be dealt with. *However* if you have a blade that cannot hold a good edge, that could be the culprit. What kind of razor are you using?

    I certainly second your decision to take your time. This is definitely not a process that you will want to rush. Especially if you want to keep your bloodshed-free streak intact. And don't rush into ATG and XTG to deal with the rough bits. Let that come naturally.

    Good luck!
    Last edited by Cangooner; 09-01-2012 at 03:48 PM.

    It was in original condition, faded red, well-worn, but nice.
    This was and still is my favorite combination; beautiful, original, and worn.
    -Neil Young

  5. #205
    Senior Member Mmmike's Avatar
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    Hi cangooner, im using a dovo BQ that i bought yesterday, it was supposed to be shave ready but i think it was not,Name:  c4b5a4e4f43811e1b5561231380e8944_7.jpg
Views: 218
Size:  17.9 KB I will send it for honing this week

  6. #206
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    Pre shave - Hot Towel, Arko
    Razor - Weber ARC
    Blade - Astra S/S
    Brush - CH2 2Band
    Soap - Mike's Unscented
    Cold Rinse/ Witch Hazel Gel/ Musgo Real

    Great shave, Squeaky clean...

  7. #207
    The Assyrian Obie's Avatar
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    Gentlemen, here is today's shave bill:

    Razor: Dorko 7/8 round point in horn
    Brush: Thater 24 mm silvertip
    Cream: Castle Forbes lavender
    Pre-shave: Edwin Jagger
    Scuttle: Moss
    Face lather
    Witch hazel
    Balm: Institute Karite
    Aftershave: In Style by Polo

  8. #208
    Senior Member blabbermouth kalerolf's Avatar
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    Default Re: Sun August 26th - Sat September 01th

    Bartputzer 1930/Custom Silvertip/Bomb goodfellaw./La Male.

  9. #209
    Senior Member blabbermouth Geezer's Avatar
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    SOTD September 1st 2012
    Hot shower prep
    Razor: ~1890 Henckles "WOTAN"
    Soap: Cela
    Mug: ~1890's
    Brush: 1960's boar
    Aftershock: Alum Block
    Splash: NOS Brut

    Close and clean in about six passes. Still better than my Gillettes! Lovely workmanship and longevity, it has hone-able and strop-able blades.

    The fun of trying things makes the day go a bit better and quicker!


  10. #210
    Incidere in dimidium Cangooner's Avatar
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    Location: Ottawa, Ontario
    Razor: R.J. Roberts Parabola
    Strop: Miller Heirloom Latigo
    Brush: Whippeddog 24mm Silvertip
    Soap: Bald Frog Wakeup Rosemary
    Scuttle: Robert Baker 002 in Lava Slate
    Shave: 3 passes, WTG/XTG/ATG
    Astringent: Thayer's Witch Hazel
    A/S: Men's Stock North Woods

    Name:  2012-09-01 10.37.36.jpg
Views: 232
Size:  66.3 KB

    Wow, September already! Where has the summer gone? Autumn is my favourite time of year, so I'm one of those weirdos who was always glad to see the arrival of Sept. It isn't far now...

    This little 11/16 R.J. Roberts is the only mid-size razor that has stayed in my regular rotation. All of my other regulars are much larger near-wedges and 1/4 grinds. I know next to nothing about this little guy other than it is a great shaver. Anyone else have one? I'd love to know whether this one is a complete fluke or if Roberts are generally good.

    Have a safe and fun weekend everyone!

    It was in original condition, faded red, well-worn, but nice.
    This was and still is my favorite combination; beautiful, original, and worn.
    -Neil Young

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