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Thread: Cut of the Day

  1. #561
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    Quote Originally Posted by Phrank View Post
    Thunder and Horns!

    Lord Thunderin' Jesus...that must have been quite the sneeze!

    I'd say, "Gesundheit!!", or, "Bless You!", but it looks like it's a little late for that!!

    Make sure you put some polysporin or other anti-biotic creme on it, it's a tip from Lynn and it works, cuts heal faster and much cleaner. many styptic pens did you go through to get that to stop bleeding...that looks like a nasty one!!
    No styptic pens! Just used pressure and wet took about 45 minutes to stop the bleeding...then put some polysporin and changing out the bandaids every three or four hours hahaha...but yeah...that sucker time I get the urge to sneeze...the razor goes way away from my face!

  2. #562
    Senior Member DaveTheGeordie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rook83 View Post
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    Don't sneeze while shaving...
    It looks like you got out of that Fleet Street barber shop just in time eh?
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  3. #563
    Senior Member Splashone's Avatar
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    Wow pretty deep...I think I can see you jaw in there!

  4. #564
    Senior Member Grizzley1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rook83 View Post
    No styptic pens! Just used pressure and wet took about 45 minutes to stop the bleeding...then put some polysporin and changing out the bandaids every three or four hours hahaha...but yeah...that sucker time I get the urge to sneeze...the razor goes way away from my face!
    Real good idea.............

  5. #565
    Chasing the Edge WadePatton's Avatar
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    I nipped an earlobe, and a few nicks so far-but never thought to ham it up. Okay. I'll bring you my next one.

    Well, i nipped my shoulder (don't axe) but it didn't quite bleed.

    for the artists with bloody razors, my blade never gets blood on it. That's the odd thing for nice smooth cuts (on me) that you feel the cut (or don't) and then have to wait for the blood. I usually know right away when the blade makes a lateral move.

    Oh and real men stitch up their own hands. (or drink whiskey while the vet does it.) also, super-glue type adhesives were developed and used to stop battlefield bleeding back in the 60's. There is a mild toxicity, but toxins are moot if you bleed out.

    Vet wrap and glue have saved me many "non-face" trips to the vet with whiskey.
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  6. #566
    Stay calm. Carry on. MisterMoo's Avatar
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    Sorry to disappoint - the blood clotted hours ago. But let this be a word to the wise. They say everyone oughta take a baby aspirin every day and that's probably a good idea. Here's what I say - "Nobody should ever change from a round point to a square point without a little advance meditation, visualizations and mental preparation." Damn things will just reach right out and bite your neck. S'bout the fourth time I've done this - same place, same razor.

    I might feel a little less the moron if I hadn't been taking the aspirin, too. Pinklather.... right. Pink sink, pink washcloth, pink towel, pink tissue paper, pink blade... pink puddle down around the collarbone. It was a mess for a few minutes. Upside was, a darn fine shave after alum bar, witch hazel, ice water. You know, once the bleeding stopped.

    Seems familiar -
    Last edited by MisterMoo; 12-20-2013 at 07:30 PM.
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  7. #567
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    Quote Originally Posted by MisterMoo View Post
    They say everyone oughta take a baby aspirin every day and that's probably a good idea.
    Medical opinion it seems might disagree with that statement

    "It's important to have a discussion with your doctor, weigh the risks and benefits, and factor in the uncertainty to decide if you should be on aspirin," says Dr. Deepak Bhatt, a professor of medicine at Harvard Medical School and chief of cardiology at the VA Boston Healthcare System.

    That's amongst others that I found. Did it take long for the bleed to stop MisterMoo?
    Last edited by diesel; 12-20-2013 at 09:22 PM. Reason: may have sounded rude
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  8. #568
    Stay calm. Carry on. MisterMoo's Avatar
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    You're exactly right and I'm not dispensing medical advice! Conventional wisdom has shifted in the last several years. I continue to take aspirin on medical advice because of family history.

    Using tools at my disposal (pressure and a styptic pencil) it took more than 5 minutes to stop the bleeding.I may rethink my use of square points in the future.
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  9. #569
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    My answer to me constantly cutting myself under my nose was to grow a moustache, I admire your persistence

  10. #570
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    Default I make the cut...

    It's been a while since I've had more than a weeper..
    But a new razor, wicked French point and a moment of inattention…
    My first reaction was "phone! picture! Cut of the day!"

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    (Sorry, I can't get this to rotate…)
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