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Thread: What are you working on?

  1. #12911
    Heat it and beat it Bruno's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RezDog View Post
    We all have different sicknesses. I have enough material to make scales for hundreds of razors.
    I just bought another 5 pounds of wootz.
    That will go nicely along the 20 pounds or so that I already have, the modern and antique tamahagane, the mosaic damascus, and normal damascus.

    My 'sickness' is steel. Although I will say that the main reason I buy more steel when I can is a) to anticipate on when I need it and how long I need to wait to get it, and b) I have it to be able to use it for custom orders without having to wait months (sometimes) for the steel. It's all in my inventory.
    Geezer, sharptonn, 32t and 7 others like this.
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    To spit in Sightblinder’s eye on the Last Day

  2. #12912
    Senior Member blabbermouth outback's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sharptonn View Post
    An Old regrind, Mike! Should make a fine one!
    Saving the scales would be cool....I have another.....

    Still on the boats?
    Yes,sir. Still a dry dock, pirate.!!
    Talk about laid first day, they showed me the weeks, schedule board. ( things needed done that week)
    I started laughing, boss looks at me and asked what's so funny. I said...this is what all of us need to get done..together.?!! Reply....yep, why.?

    Because what you have on this schedule for the week, would have been for me alone, at my previous job.

    I'm planning on a repair, like I did for MrZ. Then putting them in dye, or vice versa. There's a bit of a gap between the scale, and the broken piece, so it may be able to be epoxied back on just as easy, we'll see. More thought will go into it, while I work on the blade, but I don't see the need for any extra structural integrity to be added. The repair on MrZ's, was a test bed for this one. It ended up stronger that I had expected.

  3. #12913
    Senior Member blabbermouth outback's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sharptonn View Post
    Seems that is old fishing line from back in the day .

    This is gonna be good!
    Yep..Daycron fishing line. Still make it, got some round here. Tuff as steel, soft as silk. Now its spider wire, for these days. Makes a mess outta the seals in the lower units of people's boats. Real quick, too.!!

    Oh well...job security.
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  4. #12914
    JP5 is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by outback View Post
    Because what you have on this schedule for the week, would have been for me alone, at my previous job.
    Don't say that! Where I work the best employees get run ragged until they quit and the lazy people get tolerated because they need bodies in the store. Makes me sick. I get the same low pay as the guy that want to sit around doing nothing because he just came from his full time job and a kid that wants to do his homework and won't do any work unless given a specific job he may or may not do.
    Sorry. End rant.

    Got some Mother's out to do a little polishing yesterday. This is my recently acquired first "animal" razor.
    Hone wear and bug bites out of the edge of the other scale, but not too rough.

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  5. #12915
    illegitimum non carborundum Utopian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by outback View Post
    Yes,sir. Still a dry dock, pirate.!!
    Talk about laid first day, they showed me the weeks, schedule board. ( things needed done that week)
    I started laughing, boss looks at me and asked what's so funny. I said...this is what all of us need to get done..together.?!! Reply....yep, why.?

    Because what you have on this schedule for the week, would have been for me alone, at my previous job.
    This is like the night and day difference between my old lab job and my new one. I was running sometimes 500-600 culture plates along with many, many other time consuming tasks that resulted usually in 80-100 (sometimes up to 120) hours per week.

    In my new job, I was asked in a very apologetic manner, if I might be able to handle up to...(dramatic pause)...25 plates? I swallowed hard, and said "yes, I'm pretty sure that I can." It has been a challenge not to rise above their expectations.

    On the bright side, both my wife and Randy (my SRP wife), say that I am a different person now
    after being freed from that old job.

  6. #12916
    Skeptical Member Gasman's Avatar
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    I feel your pain outback and utopian.
    With my new job i keep stopping by the office or calling and asking for another load. Its like the other drivers are happy with 8 or 10 hours of work. Im so used to running 14 to 16 hours a day. They wont let me work 16hrs at this new job but i get paid by the hour now so hook me up with 14 please. Ha. Overtime after 12hrs and after 40 hrs is a new thing to me and i want it! Time and a half at my rate of pay, makes for a nice paycheck!
    The wife is loving it and is saying "its about time i get paid what i should to haul explosive/flammable liquids around all day" (night).
    It's just Sharpening, right?

  7. #12917
    I love Burls....... and Acrylic HARRYWALLY's Avatar
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    Moulds made, resin poured and cured. I'm an idiot tho, had them out in the garage to cure which allowed the dog to somehow get hair and bits of shiiiiiitake into the resin. dumb, dumb. I'm hoping I can sand them out.

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    Off to the shop now..... home early.
    Burls, Girls, and all things that Swirl....

  8. #12918
    JP5 is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by HARRYWALLY View Post
    Moulds made, resin poured and cured. I'm an idiot tho, had them out in the garage to cure which allowed the dog to somehow get hair and bits of shiiiiiitake into the resin. dumb, dumb. I'm hoping I can sand them out.
    Off to the shop now..... home early.
    I like the way they turned out! They will probably look even better after some sanding and polishing.

  9. #12919
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    Quote Originally Posted by HARRYWALLY View Post
    Moulds made, resin poured and cured. I'm an idiot tho, had them out in the garage to cure which allowed the dog to somehow get hair and bits of shiiiiiitake into the resin. dumb, dumb. I'm hoping I can sand them out.

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    Off to the shop now..... home early.
    You know you shouldn't take out the accidental inclusions. Treat it like old amber that captured various items as it aged. Done deliberately could also make some unique items. (Signed, an old relic in himself)
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    "The sharpening stones from time to time provide officers with gasoline."

  10. #12920
    Skeptical Member Gasman's Avatar
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    Love the look of that mold. Nice color! I bet that would make some great looking scales.

    I was working on these scales and no matter what I did the wood was just too oily. Couldn't get a nice coat of Tru-oil on them. So I use the Tru-oil for a little color and then sanded and finished with Wood Rubbing compound and a little wax. The wood is Bocate. Used the same wood for the wedge. Dressed up a Clauss real nicely I think. The wife says this might be her favorite because of the grain. I did a matched set so the grain is just opposite on both sides. First time I tried that.

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    Got three now that need to go to the rocks next. Maybe I'll get some drinking time, I mean some honing time in, tonight. Ha.
    It's just Sharpening, right?

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