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Thread: What are you working on?

  1. #14241
    Senior Member blabbermouth outback's Avatar
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    Just kept packing it in there with my toothpick, till she couldn't take anymore. Lots of sanding afterwards.
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  2. #14242
    Senior Member MikeT's Avatar
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    I'm curious as to what may have gone wrong with Jerry's attempt with epoxy filling holes...?

    Hey Jerry do you think that you may have accidentally put too little hardener?
    Is it something with mixing in the wood or horn dust so as to then need more hardener?

    Yes, CA can be a serious PITA to sand down.
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  3. #14243
    Senior Member blabbermouth Geezer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by outback View Post
    Curious as to why there is two pivot holes in the tang, anyone know why.?
    It may be because the length of the available ivory was short enough to require a shorter tang. Interestingly, I had a similar problem with a razor which I used to make some sets of scales for a few similar razors. The blade of a known brand was shorter than usual. Those scales came out about that much too short 3/16th to use. I may be cutting a new holes in the blade tangs I wished to pair.
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  4. #14244
    Skeptical Member Gasman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MikeT View Post
    I'm curious as to what may have gone wrong with Jerry's attempt with epoxy filling holes...?

    Hey Jerry do you think that you may have accidentally put too little hardener?
    Is it something with mixing in the wood or horn dust so as to then need more hardener?

    Yes, CA can be a serious PITA to sand down.
    Not too sure what went wrong Mike. I will try again with a broken scale I've saved for parts later. The horn dust I used was made by the use of 120 grit W/D paper.

    The CA cleaned up and the Sharpie did a great job! I dropped them back into the oil after the Sharpie coloring thinking it will pull out a little ink and it did. Just enough. Drying now, then I will give them a good polishing. This razor won't be as nice as the work the "Machine Gun" puts out, but I'm happy with the outcome so far.
    One Thing... It was pinned without collars originally, so I will put some I got from Austin on it. I'm just hoping they will look right on it.
    Geezer, outback, MikeT and 1 others like this.
    It's just Sharpening, right?

  5. #14245
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    Just finished restoring this seven day set .Set was not in bad shape.Razors just need a little Cleaning and Polishing .I honed the razors on Sharpton Glass up to 16 K .Than I finished each day of the week with a different Natural Stone .
    Sat Escher
    Sun Apache
    Mon Welsh Slate
    Tue Blue/Green Thuri
    Wed Nakayama J-Nat
    Thur Belgian Couticle
    Fri Unmarked J-Nat
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  6. #14246
    Senior Member sonnythehooligan's Avatar
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    Now that's a cool idea!
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  7. #14247
    Skeptical Member Gasman's Avatar
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    Nice idea on the different stones. You will soon find out what worked best on that steel. Be sure to let us know what you find
    Geezer, MikeT and DZEC like this.
    It's just Sharpening, right?

  8. #14248
    Senior Member blabbermouth outback's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gasman View Post
    Not too sure what went wrong Mike. I will try again with a broken scale I've saved for parts later. The horn dust I used was made by the use of 120 grit W/D paper.

    The CA cleaned up and the Sharpie did a great job! I dropped them back into the oil after the Sharpie coloring thinking it will pull out a little ink and it did. Just enough. Drying now, then I will give them a good polishing. This razor won't be as nice as the work the "Machine Gun" puts out, but I'm happy with the outcome so far.
    One Thing... It was pinned without collars originally, so I will put some I got from Austin on it. I'm just hoping they will look right on it.
    Pin it collarless, Jerry. U can do it, make a few test runs with Popsicle stick or something
    Geezer, MikeT and Gasman like this.

  9. #14249
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    Did some reading from the beginning of this thread. I'm a slow reader so it's taking longer.
    Also it is slower from stopping and thinking about the input
    Man o man some of you guys have some highly developed skillsets!
    Jus goin to keep on keepin on all the way thru this mountain!
    I'l take some pictures of my razors to get ideas from you guys

  10. #14250
    Senior Member blabbermouth RezDog's Avatar
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    There have been a lot of guys post a lot of work in this thread. One of the great things about this thread, from my perspective, is the technique discussions. There is a ton of information shared that way, and I also really like the razor porn, from the work in progress to the finished projects.
    It's not what you know, it's who you take fishing!

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