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Thread: What are you working on?

  1. #13741
    Senior Member blabbermouth RezDog's Avatar
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    I have contemplated that too Jerry, I just have never done it. It looks good and I bet it will be completely functional.
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    It's not what you know, it's who you take fishing!

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  3. #13742
    Skeptical Member Gasman's Avatar
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    Honed 4 razors tonight. Here is three of them. I forgot to put the first one in the pic.
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    Its been a good weekend. Back to the grindstone tomorrow!
    It's just Sharpening, right?

  4. #13743
    Skeptical Member Gasman's Avatar
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    Since there is some interest in my Anvil, here's a couple more pics of it...

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    It's just Sharpening, right?

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    Geezer (08-05-2018)

  6. #13744
    Senior Member blabbermouth ScoutHikerDad's Avatar
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    Wow, you do beautiful work, Jerry-both the razors and the rr track anvil are beautiful! I may have missed it somewhere earlier, but what is the finish on those wood scales? I'm always playing around with different ways to finish wood.
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  7. #13745
    Senior Member blabbermouth outback's Avatar
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    Tru Oil, by Birchwood and Casey.
    Its a gun stock finish. A vary durable, protective finish, that really makes the grain of any wood, Pop.!

    Here's some Bubbinga.

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    ScoutHikerDad (08-05-2018)

  9. #13746
    Skeptical Member Gasman's Avatar
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    Yep. What Mike said above. He turned me on to it. I rub it on with a rag in many thin coats as i cant get as smooth and clean of coats as Mike manages to get so it takes me longer. But the end results are wonderful. Pic it up at any place that sells guns or sporting goods.

    BTW, ive found that when i store the Tru-Oil i stand it upside-down. It keeps it from drying and making that little skin in the bottle.

    The scales you posted last with all the colors were beautiful. You too do a fine job on scales. Its a lot of fun aint it.

    And i have to give credit where credit is due, i followed Mikes directions on polishing the Anvil too. He is a world of info when it comes to all aspects of this hobby and has helped me a lot.
    Thanks Mike!
    Last edited by Gasman; 08-05-2018 at 08:30 PM.
    It's just Sharpening, right?

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    outback (08-05-2018), ScoutHikerDad (08-05-2018)

  11. #13747
    Senior Member MikeT's Avatar
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    Hey Mike what grit do you like to stop at when using that finish?

    Those scales look great! Such vivid color!
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    outback (08-05-2018)

  13. #13748
    Senior Member blabbermouth outback's Avatar
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    Usually just steel wool, then Howards Restore A Finish, and Jubilee Kitchen Wax. Lots of hand rubbing...

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  14. The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to outback For This Useful Post:

    Geezer (08-06-2018), ScoutHikerDad (08-05-2018)

  15. #13749
    Senior Member MikeT's Avatar
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    I'm a bit confused, thought that you said true oil..?
    You do restore a shine and then true oil and then jubilee wax?

    This is much different than the methods I've used, and it looks very good...
    AND you happen to be Machine Gun Mike.. a lesson to be learned in your secret techniques of multiple round bursts... rapid fire!
    “You must unlearn what you have learned.”
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  16. #13750
    'with that said' cudarunner's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gasman View Post
    Since there is some interest in my Anvil, here's a couple more pics of it...
    If memory serves you thought that the anvil would 'Ring' more than what you'd been using (which was a major irritant to your lovely bride) but it didn't.

    I would presume that the drill jaws don't ring?

    Also a note to those who would like to deaden the ring in their RR Anvils. Benz turned me onto a trick he learned from a Blacksmith who does demonstrations at a museum near him and that is to put a magnet on the side of the anvil.

    I tried it with what must be an rare earth magnet my son took out of an old computer and by God, it does make a definite difference. With that said; I don't have, want, need nor desire a SWMBO so I don't have a magnet on mine. Let 'er RING
    Geezer, JP5, outback and 3 others like this.
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