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Thread: What are you working on?

  1. #13841
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    Quote Originally Posted by sharptonn View Post
    So the kerosene is red dyed? So is 'farm' diesel?
    Mine is relatively clear. Sold as lantern fuel at Academy. I can get 5 gals there and at Lowes.
    Yep, my last years supply of kerosene was dyed and they did it because some guys were burning un-dyed in their cars and pickup trucks. Yep, farm diesel fuel is dyed and the boys were burning it in their pickup trucks. Smell the stuff you bought at Academy. It should smell like diesel. The new stuff I bought is for lamps and kerosene space heaters.

  2. #13842
    Senior Member MikeT's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Benz View Post
    Un-dyed is clear. Some people say the the dyed will clog up the wick. I never noticed wicks getting clogged from it but I don't like the red color in my clear fonts. The reason they dye the fuel is to show that it hasn't been taxed for highway and can be used for farm use etc. That's to prevent Mercedes Benz owners from putting un-taxed fuel in their tanks. The fine for putting dyed fuel in my Benz is horrendous.
    A rancher buddy of mine years ago was busted for using off highway diesel in his truck. Turns out his xwife turned him in. He had a hard time avoiding the crazy fines, but somehow managed it, not sure how, I know he had to lawyer up.

    Beautiful lamps there! Any chance they make them in "toddler proof glass"? hehehe
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  3. #13843
    32t is offline
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    Starting a fire is a serious thing with lanterns. I knew a guy that died in a house fire started with one.

    Dyed fuel can also be for boilers and generators.

    At least around here I have never seen kerosene cheaper than the taxed road fuel.

    It would be like filling you car with Coleman lantern fuel. It would work but why unless its was an emergency.
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  4. #13844
    Senior Member blabbermouth outback's Avatar
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    Cleaned up a W&B from the antique shop, over the past few days. Flattened the scales with a clothes iron, and repaired a bug bite in the back side scale, with bog oak n epoxy, then rehydrated them in neats foot oil.

    Did a bit of high grit sanding on the blade to remove some of the lighter pitting, leaving the others to preserve the etch. A light hand polish with 3M metal restorer, and pinned with original collars, and brass rod.

    Honed up, and test shaved today. Smooth n comfortable......

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  5. #13845
    Senior Member Johntoad57's Avatar
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    Mike - You sir are a master craftsman! Someday I hope to achieve this kind of work.
    Semper Fi !


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  7. #13846
    'with that said' cudarunner's Avatar
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    Very nice work Mike! : It's so pleasant to see a razor of that age that isn't over polished. Again, Nice Work
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    Our house is as Neil left it- an Aladdins cave of 'stuff'.

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  9. #13847
    Senior Member blabbermouth Geezer's Avatar
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    Always enjoyed tools and modifications thereof. From Dremel to pin router is the ongoing saga. Been a long slog, start, phart, stumble and recover. Exacerbated by plumbing fitting and sketchy shop time over the months, I finally got it operating and , with a bit of cutter choice for each material, it will be a goody. A variable height, selected diameter pin on top is for guiding against a precut pattern, and no deeper. The variable height cutter comes from underside of the table.
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    And then, (after a couple weeks of bodging, I met the Daisy Pin Router, the only way to go for sanity and retaining hair!
    daisy pin router.

    Here is the guiding video of how it works:

    I shall have both because I have a couple further mods to accomplish special projects. The little Dremel one can be used at a table top near by.


    PS. I have never met two old Sheffield blades that are exactly the same shape and grind. Making scales that are close and oversize for most and finishing each to the blade could work. Again, YMMV
    Last edited by Geezer; 08-17-2018 at 02:04 AM. Reason: better language??
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  11. #13848
    Senior Member blabbermouth outback's Avatar
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    Not that there was much to do to it, so no before pics of the Blue Steel Special I cleaned up last night.

    But I unpinned it, flattened the scales, cleaned up the blade, and touched up the blueing on the tang where the bolsters were rubbing. Added another wear washer between the scales for clearance, and a collarless pinning with silver nickle rod.

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  12. #13849
    Skeptical Member Gasman's Avatar
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    Clean looking razor. Nice job Mike.
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    It's just Sharpening, right?

  13. #13850
    Senior Member blabbermouth ScoutHikerDad's Avatar
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    Nice work on both, Mike!
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