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Thread: What are you working on?

  1. #19571
    Str8Faced Gent. MikeB52's Avatar
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    Well, dove in to try and fix my split only to realize it’s not as easy as you’d think to dive down, stay down, and apply repair patches in 70’ water. You want to float up, so kicking uses energy, and trying to see and use both hands and apply rubber cement and vinyl strips underwater.??
    Brought down a kettle bell, so I could stay down, but working one handed was a challenge.
    That drummer for def leperd has my respect now, hehe.
    Anyway, patched it, but the vinyl is toast. Have a guy coming tomorrow to measure and May be able to get the new liner installed this year still!

    Having a pool is a personal choice, with the understanding it’s a cost, a wet money pit for sure. Like I said, I enjoy it, my kids and wife and family do too.
    The per swim cost, if I ever figured it out would probably be in the hundreds but I don’t think that way.
    I like the way our yard looks and the pools a part of that summer look. All 4 months of it,!!
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  3. #19572
    Senior Member blabbermouth tcrideshd's Avatar
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    Besides Mike some of us have wives that look good in the bikinis by the pool!
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  4. #19573
    Skeptical Member Gasman's Avatar
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    100s per swim?
    I had no clue as i never had a pool of my own.
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  5. #19574
    'with that said' cudarunner's Avatar
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    My buddy Ski has said something similar about the pool table he purchased several years ago as far has how much per game it cost. I keep telling him that the more we play the less per game it cost.

    Now he's talking about putting new felt down along with new cusions-----------again------------Name:  no see smily.gif
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  6. #19575
    Senior Member blabbermouth PaulFLUS's Avatar
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    Yeah my brother had a vinyl lined pool that got a rip which he patched...and then patched again...and again, and get the picture. My impression of it is, unless something pokes or physically tears it , by the time it tears on it's own it is like patching a bald tire.

    I'm glad you enjoy it Mike and I cast no dispersions. If it brings you pleasure and you can live with the cost then good on you. I'm an avid tea drinker... okay, I'll say it. I'm a tea snob. Some of the teas I buy are clearly financially irresponsible. One I have a tiny packet of now pound price is roughly $900. Talk about pissing money away, literally. But......I love it so I buy it.

    Steve, first of all I would have thought you would get lake effect snow being that close to Lake Erie but I don't really know that much about it. My dad's family lives around Buffalo and Syracuse and they get a ton. Anyway, I know it gets hot in the north. A guy once told me it gets to 90 in Alaska. Just not for very long. He also told me a joke:
    What do they do in the summer in Alaska?

    If it falls on a weekend they barbecue.

    So, yeah, I know it gets hot and humid other places. It's just to be MORE humid than it is here is saying something. I don't doubt it. That's just really humid. You can see it in the air here and it's like breathing soup, largely because we are at, near or even below sea level here depending on where you are. New Orleans is the same way. The heat is different at that altitude.
    People are always telling me that it's hotter where they are than it is here and I know it's true. Although, walk around at 4:00 in the afternoon in the full sun at Disney World during August and you might change your mind. That's like being on the surface of the sun.
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  7. #19576
    Senior Member blabbermouth outback's Avatar
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    Being less than 50 miles from lake Erie, and the other great lakes near by, makes the weather totally different in the NE part of the country.

    Its funny when folks I know come up from Florida during summer. They usually say something like....what'd I leave Florida for, its the same, if not worse.

    Mostly because of the humidity, and lack of a good breeze. It gets pretty stagnant up here, Paul.

    Think of it as having no breeze coming off the ocean, for you. Like u thick in humidity, u can cut a hole in it. Sure is nice when the north winds blow.!

    Here's how much lake Erie affects our weather.
    If I drive a 1/2 hr. south of my house, temps can increase up to 10°F

    I've left my house with temps in the mid 70s, only to arrive at the shore of lake Erie to finding temps in the 50s, and needing more clothes.

    But at least we don't have hurricanes, here.

  8. #19577
    Moderator rolodave's Avatar
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    We have the same temp variances living 4 miles from Lake Michigan.
    Good at times and not so good at other times.
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  9. #19578
    STF is offline
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    I live about a 5 minute walk from Lake Erie, it's lovely and warm during the summer because it's so shallow compared to the other great lakes.

    I used to live near the North shore of Lake Huron and that one was pretty chilly and as I'm sure BobH will attest, Lake Superior is deep and cold.
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    - - Steve

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  10. #19579
    Senior Member blabbermouth PaulFLUS's Avatar
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    We don't really get the ocean breeze here like they do in south Florida. It's really more like south Georgia here. Florida is like 3 distinct states. There are a tremendous amount of lakes and ponds here, almost as much water as land. That regulates the temperature so it doesn't get as hot or as cold as other areas. Down in the basin by Lake Santa Fe or Newnan's Lake it gets pretty dead still and humid. Both are pretty good size and you can still grow citrus down in the basin, low and flat. When I was roofing years ago fighter jets from Camp Blanding would fly training maneuvers just over the trees tops at about probably mach .6-.7 and be over you before you'd hear them. Scare you half to death.

    I know what you mean about that temperature drop Mike. In '89 I went to a family reunion.up near Rochester NY in August. We went over to the lake (Ontario I think) and it was freezing. I put my jacket on and was still uncomfortable.
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  11. #19580
    Skeptical Member Gasman's Avatar
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    Its not too unusual for me to have a 15 degree difference from my house to where my truck is parked. And never leave limits. No lakes around here. Ok, i will shut up.
    It's just Sharpening, right?

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