Man those are gorgeous scales!
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Man those are gorgeous scales!
Ok just learned a bit about this stuff, the wood used for these is native to the Caribbean. Its stronger than oak and is one wood that is so heavy it will not float! In the beginning this bowling game was actually not scored by points but money. Basically gambling and bowling was illegal in many areas do to this.
I don't think that you cheated at all, you took advantage of a tool and used it.
Not long ago a friend made some handles for an old serving fork for me out of Inlace Acrylic. I'd tried and the material I wanted would break when I tried to use the usual pins used for knives. So he used an epoxy and then gently tapped the male and female parts of the pins into the material. Basically they are there also for show.
Good job, the knife looks great. :tu
Thanks Cuda.
I try to keep my restorations as close to original as possible, but for this i decided to do it right once with the tools i know.
Appreciate the compliments..
Just got these scissors working again..
Mister Clean saves another one. It was listed as a no-name in an auction, turns out to be a Wade & Butcher. The logo is very faint but there. Honed up and fitted with new acrylic scales. It should be a great shave tomorrow! Thanks go out to Roy (cudarunner) for helping me learn these skills.
Attachment 259201
Attachment 259202
Matt, Mike and Freddie....beautiful scales and terrific work!
Matt...the knife looks great! Awesome job.
Mike...I can't believe those scales are home made. Wow!
Freddie...beautiful restoration of a classic.
Well done gentlemen!
Pete <:-}