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Thread: What are you working on?

  1. #16381
    Senior Member Diboll's Avatar
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    Just went to Ross Tyser Custom Knives to check it out.

    Last edited by Diboll; 05-31-2019 at 06:12 PM.
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    I may not be as old as dirt, but I do remember when the Dead Sea first begin to feel ill!

  2. #16382
    Senior Member blabbermouth ScoutHikerDad's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Diboll View Post
    Just went to Ross Taylor Custom Knives to check it out.

    Yeah, his work has been in movies, is owned by celebrities, many custom commissions for The Shot Show and other prestigious shows. Just to clarify in case anyone tries to google him, it is Tyser (not Taylor)-easy mistake to make. Anyway, I am proud and humbled to call him a friend, as well as someone I learn all I can from. He has tried to get me into knife-making/hammering steel, but that is a whole nother dark art. Metallurgy is mostly a mystery to me.
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    There are many roads to sharp.

  3. #16383
    Senior Member Diboll's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ScoutHikerDad View Post
    snip.... Just to clarify in case anyone tries to google him, it is Tyser (not Taylor)-easy mistake to make....snip
    Thank You Sir,
    Fixed it in my post.
    ScoutHikerDad and RezDog like this.
    I may not be as old as dirt, but I do remember when the Dead Sea first begin to feel ill!

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  5. #16384
    Senior Member JellyJar's Avatar
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    Made some progress on my John Cockhill Brittish military razor.

    Probably finished with the blade. Went from steel wool down to 600 (400 in a couple of spots on the tang). Then back up to 2500 and started to nope didn't look right. Went back down to 1000 with no polish and I thought it looked better (It might have been through WW1, polish just wasn't right). Considering going down to 600, I'll see when I mock it up with the new scales.

    Had a small fight with the scales. My blank was warped to start, straightened it. Tried white glue/copy paper to hold the blanks together. After it was dry, they were trying to warp again. They stayed together enough to get the rough profile cut, then just came apart. Straightened/glued them together again and got them finish profiled when they decided to warp again and the copy paper let loose. It was time to take them apart anyway. Added some extra time in the oven, left them in the freezer for a full day, and a full day to come back to room temp. That seems to have done it. 3M double sided tape to a board for initial flattening. The tape stripped some of the horn off when removing it (this is the second time that tape has done this with horn...done with that tape). So, the front scale became the back scale letting me sand out the damage. Working on final shaping and thickness. Just taking my time and looking for an improvement from previous attempts. Pics below.

    Name:  Front in progress1.jpg
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    O'Toole's commentary on Murphy's Law: Murphy was an optimist.

  6. #16385
    Senior Member blabbermouth RezDog's Avatar
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    Nice progress. I have had to go back and forth in the grits sanding quite a bit. I have found nothing is quite as helpful as my dork lord visor. It makes seeing the finer details of scratch patterns much much easier.
    It's not what you know, it's who you take fishing!

  7. #16386
    'with that said' cudarunner's Avatar
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    I have two 'Dork Lord' visors, one has a focus at 10 inches the other at 4 inches. I use them a lot. I find that when peening I can see what's happening while it's happening.

    And as my friend Rez said you can see things like the finish from abrasives so much better.

    DORK ON!

    Name:  Dork Lord Glasses.jpg
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    Our house is as Neil left it- an Aladdins cave of 'stuff'.

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  9. #16387
    Senior Member jfk742's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RezDog View Post
    Nice progress. I have had to go back and forth in the grits sanding quite a bit. I have found nothing is quite as helpful as my dork lord visor. It makes seeing the finer details of scratch patterns much much easier.
    I need to get one of those so I can hang out with you and Tom at the next meet. And cuz my eyes have taken a turn for the worst over the last couple years.

  10. #16388
    32t is offline
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    Your nose is almost touching it....

    Seriously do they make progressive computer glasses?

    This in between stuff is driving me nuts.

  11. #16389
    Razor Vulture sharptonn's Avatar
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    Readers from Walgreens is the only way I can look at computer screens and most small things.
    My bifocals are for watching tv and driving/riding.

    The magnifying visor has become a way of life in conjunction with the readers.
    I am on 200's.

    Blind as a bat.....

    You know you are losing it as you drive halfway home from the bank with your readers on.......Sigh!
    Last edited by sharptonn; 06-01-2019 at 04:00 AM.

  12. #16390
    Senior Member MikeT's Avatar
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    I was looking at those visors for a couple hours trying to figure out which to get (on the bay).
    Settled on something similar to the one in that pic, Roy.

    I have a question about the distance.. What is a better one to get? I think some of them are adjustable.
    What are the pros and cons? Change or add blades?
    I'm looking to join the Dork Side.

    Also, if any of you have experience with rubber-toughened CA? Is all black CA rubber-toughened?

    EDIT: correction, mostly settled, haven't ordered yet.
    Don't need anything too fancy but don't want to buy junk.
    Last edited by MikeT; 06-01-2019 at 04:36 AM.
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