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Thread: What are you working on?

  1. #16391
    'with that said' cudarunner's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MikeT View Post
    I was looking at those visors for a couple hours trying to figure out which to get (on the bay).
    Settled on something similar to the one in that pic, Roy.

    I have a question about the distance.. What is a better one to get? I think some of them are adjustable.
    What are the pros and cons? Change or add blades?
    I'm looking to join the Dork Side.

    Also, if any of you have experience with rubber-toughened CA? Is all black CA rubber-toughened?
    These are the ones I purchased. They show what the focus distance is in relation to the magnification and I've found it pretty accurate.

    I use them more for day to day real life than I do for razor work--
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  3. #16392
    Skeptical Member Gasman's Avatar
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    Got mine from H.F. Sure, they are cheap but they work good enough. That and my Tri-folcals. I can see a damn thing without my glasses.
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  4. #16393
    Incidere in dimidium Cangooner's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 32t View Post
    Your nose is almost touching it....

    Seriously do they make progressive computer glasses?

    This in between stuff is driving me nuts.
    I currently have two prescriptions, one for distance, and one for intermediate distance that was intended mostly for computer use. I don't find myself actually using those ones for the computer most of the time, but I'm finding them indispensable in the shop. My normal (distance) prescription just doesn't work any more for close-up work so if I forget to put on the intermediates before heading out, I end up just going without, but then for anything beyond reading range, things get really blurry.

    So I'm thinking next time I get new glasses I might as well get progressives.

    I need to get in on the visor action too.

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  5. #16394
    ~ Life is but a Dream ~ petercp4e's Avatar
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    Been wearing progressive lens glasses for years.

    At first, they take a little getting used to.
    After that they have worked great for me.
    I say "for me" beause I've heard that some people can never get used to them.

    It's a pretty blurry world without them, especially up close.

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  6. #16395
    Senior Member blabbermouth RezDog's Avatar
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    I spent a ridiculous amount of money for the very best progressive lenses available. In the end I could wear them steady IF I was not doing anything that required me to have great depth perception, or great long range vision. They made my close to intermediate vision great but sacrificed my long range. That meant I could not wear them at work. I will likely never buy another pair of progressive lens. What I have had that I will get aging is bifocal contact lens.
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  7. #16396
    Skeptical Member Gasman's Avatar
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    I guess that is really what i use. Progressive. Too some getting used to but they work for me. I can see my paperwork, the hood and the distance down the road. But you just cant look out the side of the glasses. Learning to turn my head to look was what helped me.
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  8. #16397
    32t is offline
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    My bifocals usually work fine for me. 0 to 3 feet is what I have the issues with.

    The focal distance mentioned was what got me thinking about this again.

    A pair of bench work/computer progressive lenses that focus from 0 to 3'.
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  9. #16398
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    I have progressive trifocals. They work great for mid-range and reading, but I too have sacrificed long distance acuity.

    They are also a pain when I have to do close work in a position in which it is difficult to look through the bottom of the lens - for example, when I am under the sink trying to work on plumbing. That usually means I have to lie on my back looking up which makes the close up part of the lens in exactly the wrong place.
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  10. #16399
    Skeptical Member Gasman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DZEC View Post
    I have progressive trifocals. They work great for mid-range and reading, but I too have sacrificed long distance acuity.

    They are also a pain when I have to do close work in a position in which it is difficult to look through the bottom of the lens - for example, when I am under the sink trying to work on plumbing. That usually means I have to lie on my back looking up which makes the close up part of the lens in exactly the wrong place.
    I used to be pretty good with shooting pool. Now with glasses, I'm in the same boat. Leaning over the table and trying to look out of the bottom of the lens don't work too well. I think its been 3-4 years since I played now.
    It's just Sharpening, right?

  11. #16400
    32t is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by DZEC View Post
    I have progressive trifocals. They work great for mid-range and reading, but I too have sacrificed long distance acuity.

    They are also a pain when I have to do close work in a position in which it is difficult to look through the bottom of the lens - for example, when I am under the sink trying to work on plumbing. That usually means I have to lie on my back looking up which makes the close up part of the lens in exactly the wrong place.
    You will maybe look silly but this works.

    Put your glasses on upside down.
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