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Thread: We Have Skills Too !!

  1. #1311
    32t is online now
    Senior Member blabbermouth 32t's Avatar
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    You are very similar to myself on the 45th parallel [North] but our seasons are very different!

    Nice job.

    That is without tasting it..............
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  2. #1312
    'with that said' cudarunner's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 32t View Post
    You are very similar to myself on the 45th parallel [North] but our seasons are very different!

    Nice job.

    That is without tasting it..............
    Stop by anytime, just give me enough notice to make the crust and get the pie baking
    32t and Haroldg48 like this.
    Our house is as Neil left it- an Aladdins cave of 'stuff'.

    Kim X

  3. #1313
    32t is online now
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    Quote Originally Posted by cudarunner View Post
    Stop by anytime, just give me enough notice to make the crust and get the pie baking
    Sounds like a good reason for a road trip...................

  4. #1314
    Str8Faced Gent. MikeB52's Avatar
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    Was cleaning up the shop some and decided to finish off a couple of handles for some hollowing tools I bought a while back.
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    Going to set the shafts with some G2, then apply the finish last.
    Nice thing about making your own handles is you can dial in the grip to just where you want it, diameter wise.
    "Depression is just anger,, without the enthusiasm."
    Steven Wright

  5. #1315
    Senior Member blabbermouth RezDog's Avatar
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    I’ve been working on some boxes for razors. I really like the old leather bound boxes for pairs. I also like pairs. I’ve had some swings and misses, but I’m very close now to having it the way I want it. This box fits most of my razors, 472’s, 72’s, 17’s and my Herder 49 as well.
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    It's not what you know, it's who you take fishing!

  6. #1316
    Str8Faced Gent. MikeB52's Avatar
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    Beautiful work Shaun. Fits the purpose very well.
    I need not tell you about the awesome hinges available through lee valley that could make those lock open, closed, or degrees in between.

    Warnin though, speciality hardware is a rabbits hole all of its own. Things can quickly become silly expensive, depends on how far you want to go.
    Geezer, 32t, rolodave and 1 others like this.
    "Depression is just anger,, without the enthusiasm."
    Steven Wright

  7. The Following User Says Thank You to MikeB52 For This Useful Post:

    RezDog (11-12-2019)

  8. #1317
    Senior Member blabbermouth RezDog's Avatar
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    I have some Lee valley hardware for boxes here. I’m saving those for the finished wood boxes coming soon...
    Geezer, rolodave and MikeB52 like this.
    It's not what you know, it's who you take fishing!

  9. #1318
    Senior Member Johntoad57's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cudarunner View Post
    It's Apple Harvest Time here in the Walla Walla Valley so I decided to start canning a few things up.

    I picked up a loose pack box of Golden Delicious 'seconds/small imperfections' for $10 from a local grower/packer and that box had to weigh at least 50 Lbs (tray pack boxes weigh 40 Lbs).

    Today it was 6 quarts of apple pie filling. All ready to go--just make enough crust for the bottom and top then dump the filling in, put on the top crust and bake.

    I've made it before but never for the 'Full Batch' recipe which is supposed to yield 7 quarts and I'm quite sure that I could add at least another 4 cups of sliced apples and end up not only with an additional quart but with enough 'gel' to make a great pie.

    Anyway here's what I accomplished today:

    Attachment 312557
    I thought my Mother was the only one that was still canning things! Nice to see that people still do these types of things. Good Luck Roy!
    Semper Fi !


  10. #1319
    'with that said' cudarunner's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Johntoad57 View Post
    I thought my Mother was the only one that was still canning things! Nice to see that people still do these types of things. Good Luck Roy!
    I used to 'have to help' my folks in my younger days and through the years I've played with making pickles and some jams but those are all water bath canning.

    When I was at Joel's place (Benz here at SRP) he was showing my all of the pressure canned items he and his mother had made so once home I started doing the research and got set up to pressure can.

    I've done a lot of broths, some canned meats, soups and such. While it was a pretty big investment, it's been fun and I love the products as 'I' control the salt content etc.

    My best friend's folks had a huge garden and they did a lot of canning. (I can never recall seeing store bought veggies like carrots, green beans, beets etc.

    His dad had passed and his mother developed Dementia and had to be taken to an assisted living home. The kids decided to put their family home up for sale to help with the costs of the care for their mother. The oldest daughter came and was slowly filling the garbage cans with things that she couldn't yard sale.

    When my friend came home to help he found that his sister had tossed 100% of the home canned goods. He was so disappointed that his mom's 'Relish' had been tossed. His sister said she was sure it wasn't any good anymore and my friend said--"It was still good! I took some home last year"! Oh well, it was probably for the best.

    Years ago the radio station from a larger town that's about 70 miles from the Boars Nest kept running a Public Awareness Alert. Seems someone broke into a home and stole shelves of home canned goods. The problem was that those goods were around 30 years old and the people had just never taken the time to toss them.
    Our house is as Neil left it- an Aladdins cave of 'stuff'.

    Kim X

  11. #1320
    Senior Member blabbermouth RezDog's Avatar
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    We still do a lot of home canning here too. When I was off grid I canned everything.
    It's not what you know, it's who you take fishing!

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