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  1. #1621
    Skeptical Member Gasman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rolodave View Post
    ...My EGO 56 volt blower does not have what it takes to blow a yard covered in leaves
    That is good info for me Dave as thats the mate for my new mower. 56v. But I do have a nice electric blower that also mulches the leaves after I blow them into piles. So I guess I wont be bjy the matching blower.
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  2. #1622
    Razor Vulture sharptonn's Avatar
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    My EGO blower works pretty good. Just won't last thru the front and back yard. Charges fast, so I have learned to split it up and charge in-between.
    Not as stout as my old gas Homelite, but fairly close when holding the boost button. That sucks the battery down fast.

    Still, it's convenient. I checked and the damn battery cost what the blower and battery cost in most cases.
    I hope the battery lasts a while longer. Going on 2 years with it.
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  3. #1623
    Moderator rolodave's Avatar
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    I've had my EGO for several years.
    My leaf blowing experience is based on a yard where we had lots of 100 foot beech and oak trees. They shed a lot of leaves. Leaf blowing was a 4 week exercise each autumn. You did not want to get behind and prayed for no rain.
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  4. #1624
    STF is offline
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    I used to end up with a massive pile of leaves because I have 4 big trees that manage to hide the grass each fall.
    I can't burn them cos it's not allowed here and it takes a lot of bags to bag them.

    I have taken to putting the grass catcher on the lawn mower and mulching and then collecting in the catcher. If I keep on top of it before they get too deep it's a much easier and faster way to clear the leaves and because their chopped up before i empty the grass catcher i don't need as many bags.
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  5. #1625
    Razor Vulture sharptonn's Avatar
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    My yard is not so big, but I could rake-up 6 big bags of pecan leaves in front and 6 more in back before I quit all that years ago.
    Now, after all the leaves have fallen, I blow all into the grass and spread it out some with a rake. Munch it all up with this little rocket-styled thing from the 50's.
    It has been re-motored with a 6.75 hp Briggs.
    There is no outlet. Makes the pecan leaves disappear!

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  6. #1626
    Moderator rolodave's Avatar
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    Do you have a mulching blade on that beast?
    If you don't care where you are, you are not lost.

  7. #1627
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    I do the same with the maple leaves. They don’t disappear, but with the shredded fallen branches that aren’t good enough for kindling the fire, they make great mulch for the garden. The mulch is generally rotted by next spring.
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  8. #1628
    Razor Vulture sharptonn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rolodave View Post
    Do you have a mulching blade on that beast?
    Just a hardware store 19 inch blade, Dave. Sharpen it once a year or two.
    Nothing bogs it down. Thick aluminum with old-school Lawnboy wheels, I run it like a Hoover. 3 steps up, 4 back. Depends on what thickness it is. Sometimes, I let it sit on a pile a bit. I spin it pretty high. I call it my brush hog. Weighs little.

    You can start it in the driveway and letgo the bars. It starts to resemble a runaway floor polisher!
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  9. #1629
    Skeptical Member Gasman's Avatar
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    I will try to cut this story down so it doesn't take 10 pages. LOL.
    about 2 years ago the wife said the Washing machine back-up and over-flowed out of the drain pipe. She got it cleaned up and when I got home I ran a Snake through the pipes. The plumbing is under the concrete slab in the basement. It happened again and I snaked it. Third time I snaked the hell out of it and pulled out some roots.
    Oh No,

    I had a plumber come out and camera the lines and found the castiron piping was about decentergreated. Also, some roots have grown into the line outside. So I signed a deal with them. They said 3 days and it would be all done. I figured that would save me a lot of time and headache so I agreed and they got started. After 4 weeks and 7 inspections, it was finally done. Including new concrete poured. Although the concrete was so lumpy, bumpy, and wavy I couldn't lay flooring on it as I had bought the plank flooring to do myself. Plus the window in the bathroom had broken chips in the frame. The Bathroom cabinet had chunks missing out of it where they tossed concrete yup against it.

    They made a deal with me to knock 1k off the price for the damages. (Little did they know I had already bought a new vanity and have ordered all new windows for the house). Then I made them come back in and sand/Grind the concrete floor until it met the specs I needed to lay the flooring.

    Here are a few pics. I got the flooring and trim done today, toilet set, washroom back together, and waiting for the new vanity to show up tomorrow. So I dod the flooring after 5 weeks of dealing with this company. They will get a shity review as the wife has pictures and notes from every time they showed up and what was done and every fail of inspection. If anyone lived near me I'd tell you who they are but as far as I know,Name:  IMG_20210405_104215635.jpg
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    It's just Sharpening, right?

  10. #1630
    'with that said' cudarunner's Avatar
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    My friend, the only reason I gave this a 'LIKE' is due to your work. That looks very nice.
    Our house is as Neil left it- an Aladdins cave of 'stuff'.

    Kim X

  11. The Following User Says Thank You to cudarunner For This Useful Post:

    Gasman (04-28-2021)

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