Quote Originally Posted by PaulFLUS View Post
Okay, I'm calling BS. It's a dirty rotten job but somebody has to do it. It's about time somebody did. If people want to isolate themselves, their towns, counties, countries then so be it but there is just something that smells fishy about this. When someone can give me a straight answer as to the death toll I'll take it seriously. You do realize that if you have a piano dropped on you and die then posthumously test positive they call it a Covid related death right? Why is that? If we were talking about stroke or heart disease you would get a straight answer. The truth of it is convoluted but really very simple. There is no political hay to be made with stroke or heart disease. Quick quiz: Q: who gets tested for the flu every year? A: the people who show symptoms for it. There is no massive random testing for flu so how do we know how many people contract the flu every year and never show any symptoms? Between 250,000-650,000 people die worldwide every year with the flu... And we have a vaccine for that. Why is there no major outcry about it? And why is there this big panic with Covid when we can say definitively now that such a large percentage of people who get it show little to no symptoms? There are too many things that just don't make any sense logically, statistically, economically, it's just not right. There is political and societal monkey business going on with all of this. The WHO has shown themselves to be unreliable and politically motivated. The media has become a PAC... always has been really. We just have options now: one of the redeeming qualities of the internet. There are very few entities you can actually trust. I don't know who's baby this is or what their angle is but there is some kind of BS going on here.
Couple of points, I have not heard of anybody that has tested positive for covid19 being hit on he head with a piano so I think I need you to quote your source for that.

I have personally never heard of anybody being asymptomatic with the flu, you have it and feel like death warmed up or you don't have it as far as i am aware.

I do agree that a lot of people get covid19 and don't even know, but, who knows what the future looks like health-wise for those people.

Anybody that thinks of getting the virus to get immunity has to be out of their ever loving heads. Over 170,000 people got it and didn't get immune and that is just in the US.

Those that don't get quite as immune as they think will quickly learn the error of their ways. I was in a coma for 3 weeks and woke up with a ventilator down my throat and a feeding tube up my nose, it is not a lot of fun I can say for sure (I had Legionnaires Disease in England)
I don't think the WHO were doing such a terrible job, they could do better for sure but it just suited a certain Ex apprentice tv star to blame them for the covid in his country.

I personally don't think CNN and co are fake news and I don't think that Sanjay Gupta or Dr Fauchi are telling porkies, but even if it were maybe not as bad as we are being told, I don't really see the issue.

Do you refuse to wear a seat belt because statistically, not many people die in car accidents compared to how many cars are on he road?