View Poll Results: do you believe in a supreme being?
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102 58.96% -
71 41.04%
Results 51 to 60 of 655
08-27-2007, 10:07 PM #51
08-28-2007, 12:36 AM #52
I find this all very amusing, but I have to wonder about a few things... like:
Does there need to be a reason for this place we call Earth?
Doesn't god have better things to do than to watch over us?
Why can't I find anything about Jesus in history books? (I've looked very hard and for a very long time.)
To me, I see religion as a ways and means to control people. And it has been working very well for a very long time. I have always enjoyed George Carlin's views:
Or... check out the beginning of this short little video:
08-28-2007, 12:37 AM
So far so good! I'll post my own views after I take care of my animals, eat dinner, and put my children to bed!
08-28-2007, 01:05 AM
Not necessarily but explain how it exists if there is no reason for it, be specific.
No. you don't have kids do you, pets? Besides we are funny in so many ways, we might have been created just for our entertainment value alone (for proof spend an hour in a mall and just people watch.)
Look harder, there is proof for a large number of the facts in the bible, from dates of rule to astronomical events to descriptions of buildings interiors that could not have been widely known. Most of the rulers named during the time of Christ are verifiable, as is the fact that at that time Christianity originated and begun to make an impact upon the Roman empire radiating out from Jerusalem. No there isn't a specific record that on such a day the Son of God was hung on a cross, and then seen walking around by the next week.
Last edited by Wildtim; 08-28-2007 at 01:12 AM.