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  1. #81
    At this point in time... gssixgun's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JimR View Post
    When they're the majority. You said it yourself, Glen, most Americans are Christians, and when the big guy starts to be a bully, he becomes a target.

    No really, that does explain it all, right there, there is really nothing more, you just said exactly what I knew the true answer to be...
    Thank you for being honest...

    I could go on and on about "Liberal Philosophy" and you would try and give logical arguments, but truly that would a waste of both of our time...Sooner or later we just have to agree to disagree and leave it at that...

  2. #82
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    Quote Originally Posted by gssixgun View Post

    I could go on and on about "Liberal Philosophy" and you would try and give logical arguments, but truly that would a waste of both of our time.
    Why, because his time is valuable and because you're unreceptive to logic?

    But in all seriousness, I don't understand why you're trying to use this thread as an opportunity to point out your perceived double-standards. We all pretty much agree that Robertson is insane (so far), and I think Jim's point is (and he can certainly correct me if I'm wrong) that since such a vast majority of America's religious population is Christian, when televised evangelists make absurd and insensitive comments like his, the outcome just isn't going to be good. For anyone.

    I believe you've mentioned radical Islamic fundamentalists who "get a pass" or are instantly defended by people with so-called "Liberal philosophies," and I'm sure there are those who do that; but can you provide an example of an Islamic fundamentalist preaching undeniably controversial things within the US for me? And someone's defense of it? I'd be curious to see each. I can tell you that I wouldn't react differently with regard to this kind of stuff. Then again, I don't have any Liberal philosophies, so...

  3. #83
    BF4 gamer commiecat's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by treydampier View Post
    I have not mentioned him to be a muslim cleric so I am not sure you are actually saying anything by that statement. What I am saying is that Wright's statements and some muslim cleric's statements are brushed off as freedom of speech where wen Pat says something, he gets criticized much more heavily.
    The implication has been there this whole thread, as far as I can tell. If it's not implied to Wright then can someone please tell me what crazy "Muslim cleric" is being discussed that has acceptable hate speech? I just want some clarification if it's not Wright.

    Quote Originally Posted by gssixgun View Post
    Most lefties can't see the same wacky thinking when it spews forth form some Muslim clerics mouth, and jump to defend his 1st amendment right of free speech...
    Quote Originally Posted by treydampier View Post
    Perhaps we can make it a disease and get lawyers to sue doctors who can't cure it while simultaneously represeningt muslim clerics right to spread lies and hatred in their "teachings" through free speech.
    Quote Originally Posted by JMS View Post
    I do agree but what of reverend Wright and his spoutings? These and the spoutings of certain imams that are given a pass regularly are the sort of double standards I am referring to, as I believe Treydampier and gssixgun were also referring to.
    Quote Originally Posted by smokelaw1 View Post
    The perceived "acceptance" of hate speech made by Islamist extremists, while we condemn the hate speech made by someone who calls himself a Christian. I'm guessing that is what he refers to. I could be wrong, adn I apologize if I am.
    Quote Originally Posted by treydampier View Post
    Yet a large gathering of muslims in Detroit can say whatever they want, and its "ok". The left is equally as hypocritical and stupid as those of us who lean the other way.

  4. #84
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    Quote Originally Posted by commiecat View Post
    The implication has been there this whole thread, as far as I can tell. If it's not implied to Wright then can someone please tell me what crazy "Muslim cleric" is being discussed that has acceptable hate speech? I just want some clarification if it's not Wright.
    Yeah, that's what I just asked gssixgun in the post above yours. *Patiently waits for his reply* *Sips coffee* *Goes to the bathroom* *Returns and has more coffee*

  5. #85
    French Toast Please! sicboater's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gssixgun View Post

    Again I apologize for the but I don't have liberals to ask where I am from...
    from me too:

    Dude Glen, You don't even have people to ask where you live!


  6. #86
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    Quote Originally Posted by treydampier View Post
    What I am saying is that Wright's statements and some muslim cleric's statements are brushed off as freedom of speech where wen Pat says something, he gets criticized much more heavily.
    But that's not true. Nobody is saying he can't say what he said. He's getting criticized because of what he said and when he said it.

    Quote Originally Posted by treydampier View Post
    As to the devoutness of Wright. Clearly you do not understand the tenants of Christianity nor does he. For all of his "education" he clearly can't interpret the Bible or else he would know it is a sin to take the Lord's name in vain. Yet he did it multiple times and in the pulpit of all places. He is only highly regarded in the militant theologian circles and most likely was given his degrees, not awarded them based on merit. He certainly is not regarded as an intelligent man outside of his own circles.
    The good news for him is that I am sure God has a very special place reserved in Hell for him and I say this with no apology.

    I will not be the one judging him after he dies, but I know what the Bible says about men like him. As for his supposed church, God commands Christians to love ALL people and to spread the love of Jesus Christ to ALL PEOPLE, not push a predominately militant agenda.
    Quote Originally Posted by treydampier View Post
    As far as I am concerned he is as dangerous and malicious as any terrorist of any faith and I wish he were in a foreign country being hunted rather than living here and spreading hatred. To me he is lower than a rabid animal. A few months in Abu Ghraib would have done him a lot of good.
    Didn't you just get done saying God commands christians to love all people?
    The above statement from you sure doesn't sound very loving to me.

    Also I thought Christians weren't supposed to judge others?

    From what you say above I don't see any reason to believe he is not a Cristian.

  7. #87
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    With the greatest respect for your age, I will admit that at 27 years old I did not live through those things. However, I wrote a paper on the Church bombing in Birmingham and even interviewed members of that church. That was a terrible act. However, in Birmingham it accomplished nothing since the white people essentially pulled out of the down town area and formed their own school systems leaving the Birmingham city schools to rot and remain essentially unintegrated. I lived there for four years during college and worked through various classes with several of their inner city elementary schools. IF the people would have actually listened to and read what Martin Luther King actually stood for, the world and minorities would be better off now.
    With that said, my parents did live through that and my father actually integrated schools. It was a very violent time that made my own mother comment that she worried he would get killed. Now you tell, me was she lying? When he retired, he was the only white administrator to ever be honored at the retirement service of the largest local black church in Moultrie. He is almost your age and I have no reason to put your opinion above or below his, since you are of the same generation. To hear the story of the most misunderstood man in history being M.L. King Jr., he was peaceful yet his followers rioted everywhere they went and almost burned down Albany Georgia. So when he came to Moultrie, my grandfather showed me newspaper clippings where merchants advertised that they would be sitting in their businesses with machine guns to prevent the rioters from destroying them. The hatred was wrong then, on both sides. Now as a result, young white males like me get bumped aside from certain American grad schools because a minority with less qualifications receives a spot by virtue of them being a minority. Yes, I can prove this gladly if you desire the statistics. This is what MLK fought against. You tell me, are we living his dream?
    Mr. Wright can be angry, but those events are history. His preaching of hatred is not spreading the message of Christ. Most African americans I kknow have moved on and work and live peacefully with people of all races.
    To address the other member, no I have no compassion for Mr. Wright. I also do not have to forgive him anything since he has done nothing to me personally. I am also not truly judging him. That is completely the hands of God. However, I do not have to respect him or place a value on a man who preaches hatred, and yet call himself a minister of God. You are right my statements don't show love for him. However, I do love him as one of God's creatures and love him so much that I hope he gets to meet his maker soon!

  8. #88
    BF4 gamer commiecat's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by treydampier View Post
    The hatred was wrong then, on both sides. Now as a result, young white males like me get bumped aside from certain American grad schools because a minority with less qualifications receives a spot by virtue of them being a minority. Yes, I can prove this gladly if you desire the statistics. This is what MLK fought against. You tell me, are we living his dream?
    This is a slippery slope and no matter what the rules are, there will be discrimination. If there is a quota implemented then there could be someone who gets a spot ahead of someone more qualified to meet said quota, sure. But when you don't have a quota then it's just as likely that somebody who is more qualified doesn't get the spot simply because of their race, religion or gender. Either way I think the chances are the same that somebody loses out.

    I worked for Publix, a large supermarket chain in the southeast US, when they settled a class-action suit filed by women who were passed up for certain jobs and promotions. I saw it happen as well; women would apply for jobs and they'd wind up as cashiers or in the bakery or deli. After that lawsuit the stores made a more-concerted effort to promote women and minorities to management and give them opportunities doing other jobs previously dominated by white men. Some people might say that now those minorities are favored even when they're not qualified, but I think those circumstances are rare and the company is better because of the change.

    The NFL's Rooney rule is on the same foundation, which has had some benefits but has also been abused on occasion.

  9. #89
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    Quote Originally Posted by treydampier View Post
    To address the other member, no I have no compassion for Mr. Wright. I also do not have to forgive him anything since he has done nothing to me personally. I am also not truly judging him. That is completely the hands of God. However, I do not have to respect him or place a value on a man who preaches hatred, and yet call himself a minister of God. You are right my statements don't show love for him. However, I do love him as one of God's creatures and love him so much that I hope he gets to meet his maker soon!
    You're definitely judging him. You're claiming he's not a Christian.

    And what hate has he preached?

    Also claiming you love someone so much you want them to die is a bit disingenuous.

  10. #90
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    I don't really see what those bible quotations have to do with a "surrendered life in Christ Jesus our Lord". Moreover you are the one implying that that vodou ceremony is what Mr. Robertson is referring to as 'pact with satan'. I am not sure if you share the same belief and it's only a matter of not advertising it out of diplomacy, but I don't really care either way.
    The Bible verses are only a beginning of understanding a surrendered life no where near the end of it. Yes I am implying the vodou cermony is what Mr.Robertson is reffering to because that is the only place I know of in their history as a nation vodou played a part. My belief doesn't matter but so you know no it's not my belief they are cursed. I believe we are already separated from God by sin and if it were not for Jesus we would have no hope because we can not save ourselves we need a Savior. As for curses I don't know. What I do know is the bible says God disciplines those He loves as a Father disciplines his son. Again not time for a sermon.

    Your second paragraph basically states that any posting on this forum which don't come from that personal relationship are from the devil.
    Categorizing every single relationship into either god or devil driven may make for a simple theology, but seems rather problematic.
    No problem. Jesus said," No one comes to the Father except through Me".
    The way you put it is a little too simplified but yes according to the bible that is the only 2 choices. As a follower of Christ I am given boundaries (these have nothing to do with Salvation which is only by grace). I am told to love my enemies and pray for those who persecute me. I am to be in the world but not of it. I am to care for the sick and the needy,Ect Ect...... The Bible gives only one path and that is through Christ it calls everything else lies of the father of lies. The devil is known as the great deceiver and if there is one thing I know from life the hardest lies to detect is the one that hold closest to the truth. The further from the truth easier they are to see.

    But then my question is again, how do you know your God wasn't directly involved in the vodou ceremony at hand. He surely hasn't told you everything yet and even if he has you're far from perfect to catch or properly interpret everything he has told you.
    I have only His word to go on I am not to assume anything. I do not believe we know everything but His word gives us what we need. No I am no where near perfect and again that's why I need a Savior.

    As for the Haitian Tragedy thread I did not see it until this morning I normally do not come into conversations unless something catches my eye. As for the thread it is sad but the truth is more people only care about their immediate surroundings than the welfare of those outside of their own little world.

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