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Thread: Pipe of the Day

  1. #12311
    Senior Member apipeguy's Avatar
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    Finally finished cleaning my everyday smokers. I really did not know how many Castello's I had until about five minutes ago. Looks like 38. There's one Danish pipe thrown in there too by some Jess guy.

    The bent one on top is the first Castello that I ever purchased, probably about 1982 and is my only bent, as I decided I really just liked straight pipes for smoking.
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    GrimClippers (12-08-2015), NoseWarmer (12-08-2015), Razorfaust (12-09-2015)

  3. #12312
    Senior Member NoseWarmer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by apipeguy View Post
    Finally finished cleaning my everyday smokers. I really did not know how many Castello's I had until about five minutes ago. Looks like 38. There's one Danish pipe thrown in there too by some Jess guy.

    The bent one on top is the first Castello that I ever purchased, probably about 1982 and is my only bent, as I decided I really just liked straight pipes for smoking.
    Thanks for sharing!
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  4. #12313
    Senior Member basil's Avatar
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    Been a while since I've been on here but wow great pipes.

    I haven't smoked my pipe since I gave away all my tins of SG a few years back. Lately though I've had the urge again. I still have my pipe and occasionally pick it up and puff away even though it's empty. I can almost taste the squadron leader in it lol.

    Hopefully over the holidays I'll be able to enjoy some again!
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  5. #12314
    Member toonboog's Avatar
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    Pick it up again. Sam gawith has been making a few terrific tobaccos. A few lovely flakes and the Cabbies mixture is a great VaPer .
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  6. #12315
    Senior Member Razorfaust's Avatar
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    Well I did again, another impulse buy at my local JR Cigar shop / smoking lounge. This Rattrays Old Gowrie #6 Bulldog / Rhodesian caught my eye and it was pretty cheap, meaning a good deal under a hundred bucks lol. To complicate matters for the salesman it was being displayed in a box with a Erik Stokkebye 4th generation travel tobacco pouch under it. Yeah it was fake leather and all but seemed to be a well made accessory. Well the guy bundled them together as if it was included. I think he was in error cause there was a separate price inside the pouch. But anyway thats how he sold it to me with the pipe and i picked up a tin of Dunhill Elizabethan mixture to try due the favorable reviews. Anyway enough long winded explanations. Here's is my bowl of the day.
    Name:  20151208_174610.jpg
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    Seems like this shop I frequent has many popular tins of tobacco that are already quite old. I don't think the pipe guys buy very much there. The Elizabethan mixture I picked up had a manufacture date of November 2013 so it has some decent age on it already. Was a good Virginia experience less ketchup tin note than i'm familiar with and good sweetness to the smoke with Perique picking up in spice as bowl progresses. Nice blend a rich but mellow Vaper.
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  7. #12316
    Senior Member NoseWarmer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Razorfaust View Post
    Seems like this shop I frequent has many popular tins of tobacco that are already quite old. I don't think the pipe guys buy very much there. The Elizabethan mixture I picked up had a manufacture date of November 2013 so it has some decent age on it already.
    Nice looking pipe... Every time I find a shop, they advertise pipes, pipe tobacco and accessories, however, the pickings are very slim... Seems like the bagged "valued" tobaccos are what's in stock...
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  8. #12317
    Senior Member Razorfaust's Avatar
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    How true Nosewarmer. This JR Tobacco shop is predominantly a cigar store an enormous one at that. it has a huge humidor room all full of cigars but in one corner of it there is a bookshelf sized display of tinned tobaccos mostly Dunhill, Davidoff, Samuel Gawith, Macbaren, Maclellands, Rattrays, Comoy and C&D plus a lot of bagged no name cheap stuff. And also a small pipe display case with less that 20 pipes total on display but they get new pipes from time to time and sometimes the prices are better than what I can find online. I think most of the pipes I got a good deal on where either discontinued models or just ignored for too long. Discontinued or not they smoke fine. Here's a link to get some idea of what they carry.
    Last edited by Razorfaust; 12-08-2015 at 11:59 PM.
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  9. #12318
    Senior Member NoseWarmer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Razorfaust View Post
    How true Nosewarmer. This JR Tobacco shop is predominantly a cigar store an enormous one at that. it has a huge humidor room all full of cigars but in one corner of it there is a bookshelf sized display of tinned tobaccos mostly Dunhill, Davidoff, Samuel Gawith, Macbaren, Maclellands, Rattrays, Comoy and C&D plus a lot of bagged no name cheap stuff. And also a small pipe display case with less that 20 pipes total on display but they get new pipes from time to time and sometimes the prices are better than what I can find online. I think most of the pipes I got a good deal on where either discontinued models or just ignored for too long. Discontinued or not they smoke fine. Here's a link to get some idea of what they carry.
    My kids have bought me a pipe or two from JR, good deals and good prices... They carry the majority of the pipe tobacco that I smoke, however, most of it is in 1 or 5 pound bags...

    I've or "WE", as in other members have probably talked that there are probably only a few tobacco blenders... Seems as if between Lane, Peter Stokkebye, McClleland, MacBarren and so on have the market and others run along side...
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  10. #12319
    Senior Member GrimClippers's Avatar
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    Unwinding after a hectic couple of weeks with Dunhill standard mix in a no name Italian basket pipe while cleaning and stripping a few guns. Name:  IMG_1033.jpg
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  11. #12320
    Senior Member Razorfaust's Avatar
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    Hehehe we could rename this thread to "Pipes and Ammo". nice pistols you got there. pipe looks good too.
    Last edited by Razorfaust; 12-09-2015 at 02:33 AM.
    Don't drink and shave!

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