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Thread: Pipe of the Day

  1. #12991
    Senior Member NoseWarmer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by apipeguy View Post
    You could also try some cobs to start and if it does not work there is little to no investment.
    +1 and they are a little easier on the learning curve...
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  2. #12992
    Senior Member Razorfaust's Avatar
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    I have 2 DR.Grabows and they work just fine. Good for a short smoke and can be used with or without the filter if you choose. What can I say they just work. Not a fussy pipe to use. Sorry about the Peterson review for the fans out there but both mine have not so good draught hole drilling and its all but impossible to get a pipe cleaner through them if they start to gurgle. Probably the straight models dont give this issue but the bent ones are a pain to smoke.
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  4. #12993
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Frog Morton on The Town in a The Guildhall London Pipe #130. Believe this was manufactured by Comoy's

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    Don't know the age of this pipe, guessing 50's or later.
    Last edited by honedright; 04-29-2016 at 11:30 PM.
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  5. #12994
    Senior Member blabbermouth JimmyHAD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Razorfaust View Post
    Sorry about the Peterson review for the fans out there but both mine have not so good draught hole drilling and its all but impossible to get a pipe cleaner through them if they start to gurgle. Probably the straight models dont give this issue but the bent ones are a pain to smoke.
    Are they Peterson 'System' pipes ? If they are they are not designed to accept a pipe cleaner, rather they have a reservoir in the mortise to catch the moisture. I've had a few (sold long ago) that were like that. You could pull the stem in the midst of a smoke without damaging the mortise and pick up the moisture with a folded pipe cleaner, or better yet, a Q-tip.

    I didn't like those either, but I have a half dozen straight Petes with the 'P-lip' cut short to be like a regular stem. I've read that they used Moroccan briar, but I don't know that for a fact.

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    Last edited by JimmyHAD; 04-30-2016 at 12:15 AM.
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  7. #12995
    Senior Member Razorfaust's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JimmyHAD View Post
    Are they Peterson 'System' pipes ? If they are they are not designed to accept a pipe cleaner, rather they have a reservoir in the mortise to catch the moisture. I've had a few (sold long ago) that were like that. You could pull the stem in the midst of a smoke without damaging the mortise and pick up the moisture with a folded pipe cleaner, or better yet, a Q-tip.

    I didn't like those either, but I have a half dozen straight Petes with the 'P-lip' cut short to be like a regular stem. I've read that they used Moroccan briar, but I don't know that for a fact.

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    They are neither one or the other. Problem is they use a moisture trap type system in the shank which forces them to drill diagonally instead of following the shank direction to the bowl. The exit hole winds up a little high. To make matters worse the tenon is flush fit plastic to wood and the tenon hole is pointed to follow shank. On these there is no military or pressure fit joint so removing it hot is trouble. So what happens the pipe cleaner gets caught in the moisture trap and cant get to the draught hole. Its kind of a mess.
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  8. #12996
    Senior Member Razorfaust's Avatar
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    Funny the way I smoke my 2 Peterson's especially if im out in the cold, is pipe starts to gurgle I Grab a tissue tip the pipe condensation pours out then rinse repeat. Not elegant but effective I guess.
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  9. #12997
    32t is offline
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    I picked up a Whitehall from the bargain box at a local pipe show. The thing smoked very wet and i set it aside. I thought there is a good reason it was in the bargain bin! After seeing Jimmie's post above I took another look. There was no moisture trap basin in the bottom...

    I grabbed my drill bits to see and there never was one. I went straight to briar. Nothing to loose so I made my own. It had no gurgling etc. this time around on a test run. It collected a fair amount of moisture.

    It didn't move to the top of my list but it improved a lot and I will have to try it more often.

  10. #12998
    Senior Member Razorfaust's Avatar
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    I come to the conclusion that from now on im getting either slightly bent bulldog or straight billiards or straight whatever. My curvy jaw hangers might as well be Hookahs hehe gurgle gurgle.
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  11. #12999
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    Tonight after a crap day at work its a hefty bowl of Haunted Bookshop in my Savinelli 320 ks. Jack Daniels is my smoking partner. If there was one pipe I wish I found first when starting out it would be this one. Its one heavy pipe but smokes really well and has a wide thick bowl. Perfect for pipe assassins like myself.
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  12. #13000
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    Here i a good homemade way to clean the mounthpiecess of oxidized ebonite
    Put them in a bleach NaClO , depending on the state of oxydizing
    After time , you will see that the upper layer will fall and you will have clean ebonite benieth
    Rubb or polish with a wool cloth in abscense of any polir paste - works realy well .
    It is a recipe for easy unprofecional cleaning of ebonite that oxydize.
    Cement powder is strong abrasive and is finer than the soda - once in the millitary , they teach us how to clean and polish the barrel and the magazine of an AK 47 - Kalashnikov with dry cement powder - works like charm every time
    Ive try it on some rusty razors - theresults are impresive
    Last edited by RusenBG; 04-30-2016 at 06:48 AM.

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