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Thread: Pipe of the Day

  1. #12971
    Senior Member blabbermouth JimmyHAD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by honedright View Post
    Would baking soda work to remove oxidation? Trying to keep it simple, but may call around see if any local tobacconists that carry pipes and cigars do stem polishing.
    Finding someone who will do a really good job of polishing stems can be tough. The only pipe shop I knew of in 3 counties closed last year after 35 years in business. Even the cigar smokers couldn't save them because of the internet competition, the heavy tax on tobacco products. So here in FL your choices would be non existent AFAIK. Might be more available in your neck of the woods.

    Then you get into the skills of the workman. Some pipe repair guys are not particularly good at it, they can buff the nomenclature down, or off, they might buff the stem by itself and when it is back on the pipe it is obvious that it had been buffed, the shank/mortise being larger than the stem. I was taught to take scotch tape and put it around the shank where it is meeting the stem, and buff the stem still on the pipe. That helps to avoid the 'coke bottle' look. Same as guys who restore razors. Some of them are good at it, and some of them ain't.

    If you find a guy who purports to be a pro I'd give him the pipe that is the least valuable to you and see how it comes out before I gave him any more. Or if he has examples of his work. It ain't rocket science, but some guys should be pressing pants instead of restoring pipes ........ or razors. BTW, I don't think baking soda would be good for cleaning stems, but maybe google it. I don't recall ever hearing of it.
    Last edited by JimmyHAD; 04-29-2016 at 12:34 AM.
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  2. #12972
    Senior Member blabbermouth JimmyHAD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by honedright View Post
    Would baking soda work to remove oxidation? Trying to keep it simple, but may call around see if any local tobacconists that carry pipes and cigars do stem polishing.
    Been so long since I did it that I didn't want to post about it before I googled it and refreshed my memory. Bleach will take the oxidation off but it will leave the stem sort of grainy feeling. Must be sanded and/or buffed afterwards to restore a shine. Some guys claim it can weaken the material, but I haven't had that experience.

    Bleaching stems :: General Pipe Smoking Discussion :: Pipe Smokers Forums
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  4. #12973
    Senior Member Razorfaust's Avatar
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    Ive just had a thought you might even try toothpaste on vulcanite. its a very mild and fine abrasive and certainly wont poison you. I only have one pipe that has a vulcanite stem the rest are acrylic / lucite and I also used Meguires Plastic polish with good effect using just a rag. Or if all is lost send it to Boswells
    Last edited by Razorfaust; 04-29-2016 at 02:06 AM.
    NoseWarmer and apipeguy like this.
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  6. #12974
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    I've never had much luck getting a stem shiny by hand. I think the best bet is to find someone with a buffing wheel.

    For the bowl ghosting, I have used the salt+alcohol treatment, but I had some estates that were so heavily ghosted with cherry I resorted to activated carbon (aquarium supply) in a low temp oven. I don't remember the temperature and I wouldn't risk that with pipes I cared about. It got most of the cherry out. Some balkan blends took care of the rest.

  7. #12975
    Senior Member Razorfaust's Avatar
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    Funny should of looked here in the first place. PIPEDIA It pretty much confirms everything that was said as being more or less valid.
    Don't drink and shave!

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  9. #12976
    Senior Member blabbermouth JimmyHAD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Razorfaust View Post
    Funny should of looked here in the first place. PIPEDIA It pretty much confirms everything that was said as being more or less valid.
    That is cool. That guy in Vero Beach, Schulte, if he is still doing it he must be 100 years old. At one time he would only work on Charatan and Dunhill pipes. Had to be a high end or he wouldn't touch it. I'd be surprised if he is still around, but I'm going to find out. I have two that need tenon replacement.
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  10. #12977
    Modern Day Peasant Nightblade's Avatar
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    Hey guys,just a thought for all out there who are wanting to clean their pipes and polish their stems.Before going nuclear....maybe this ?
    Pipe Polishes, Wipes and Cleaners - Pipes and Cigars
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  12. #12978
    Damn hedgehog Sailor's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by honedright View Post
    Would baking soda work to remove oxidation? Trying to keep it simple, but may call around see if any local tobacconists that carry pipes and cigars do stem polishing.
    Many many years ago i heard this advice from some old timers on cleaning vulcanite stems with bad oxidation. Has worked for me.

    If the stems has gone really bad, then dip it into chlorine (available here on every super market). First cover the logo, specially those made of metal, with vaseline. Let it soak for about 30 mins - few hours, depenging how bad it is. Afterwards, rinse it with clean water (use rubber gloves while doing this).
    At this point the oxidation has gone but the stem looks matt gray. Then use sanding papers from say 1000 gr up to finer grits, just the same as with razors. Do not use Dremel or any such fast rpm tool. Finally polish with some stuff meant specially for pipe stems, 100% bees wax or such hard polish car & furniture waxes (Autosol etc) does the same thing too.
    If you want to restore logo, put a dip of white paint on it, let it dry for some time, then wipe off the excess paint.

    Afterall i'm not sure how much those old timers really tought about oxidation; pipe was not about a brand but just something to use as a tool for smoking.
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  13. #12979
    Matt MW76's Avatar
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    Im not sure if this is the right place to ask this, but if you guys were just starting out and knew you would only need one pipe for the occasional smoke, what would you buy? Im just looking for direction. When i met my current GF she made it very clear to me that she did not approve of my tinkering around with tobacco products. I would buy the occasional cigar, or bum a smoke here and there. I enjoy the effects but only have a sporadic urge to smoke. Lately i've been watching this thread and drooling a little bit. I miss the taste of a good smoke. After some very careful conversation i got the woman to agree to me smoking a pipe as long as she is not around. She does not like the smell because she used to chain smoke and it makes her crave it like the dickens. Since i have my own place this is a valid option for me. Now my roommate just moved out so i'm in a pretty big apartment for one dude which means i am currently watching my expenditures. Im thinking i could throw about $100 at this to get started again. There is a tobacconist right near me who is very knowledgeable and always steers me in the right direction with my cigar purchases but i wanted to ask the question here because a whole bunch of knowledgeable dudes is better then one.

    So.. Pipe? Tobacco?

    Should i dig out my old Dr. Grabow Ace and start puffin the old Captain Black Cherry like i did back in highschool? Maybe not.

    Let me know what you think sirs.
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  14. #12980
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    A bowl of Hu - Luisiana broken Amazing blend - dark stoved virginias and pinch of oriental and a exactly measyred , handfull of genuine Luisiana spice .

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    I whant you to try this blend

  15. The Following User Says Thank You to RusenBG For This Useful Post:

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