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Thread: Pipe of the Day

  1. #14411
    Moderator rolodave's Avatar
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    Yeah, Tim
    This ain't the wordless picture thread
    That is my kind of pipe!
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  2. #14412
    32t is offline
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    This is one that I thought about posting earlier but it shows the mess in my back yard!

    Gotta paint those beehives and the caribou antler needed to be put in the garage because the squirrels wanted to chew on it. I chopped up a bunch of the cherry for my smoker!

    Any way a Torino from Italy. From what I understand machine made and not that spectacular.

    But fill it with some Brown Bogie and all is well!

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  3. #14413
    Modern Day Peasant Nightblade's Avatar
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    I dunno...machine made does not always equate to crap. I've had some supposedly hand made pipes and couldn't get a pipe cleaner through so what's up with that ??
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  4. #14414
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nightblade View Post
    I dunno...machine made does not always equate to crap. I've had some supposedly hand made pipes and couldn't get a pipe cleaner through so what's up with that ??
    A popular myth is that a machine made pipe is in someway inferior. It just ain't so. I have several commission pipes and lots of machine made factory pipes and about 13 MMcobs. The cobs smoke awesome and I use them primarily for Virginia's. My Meers get anything and my briars are mostly for Balkans and English blends. Clean your pipes every few months with Everclear using pipe cleaners and Q-tips. Virginia's will ghost a pipe right up so it's good to dedicate a few of your whatsoevers to Virginia's. All the pipes that I have made will pass a pipe cleaner from the button into the chamber without taking the stem apart from the stummel. But it's not a big deal. After each bowl I always separate them, pass a cleaner through them and let them air out before joining them together again. All just personal preference.
    Happy puffing!

  5. #14415
    Modern Day Peasant Nightblade's Avatar
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    Reunited with two old friend's.My Jirsa and some wonderful Boswell's Northwoods. Hadn't smoked out of the Jirsa for a long time. Sailor gifted it to me that wily old big hearted Finn. Spacemonkey Jon turned me onto Boswell's a few years ago and it too has been a very long time since my last Puff of Northwoods which is an amazing deep cool smokey English. I forgot just how satisfying it really is.Now I have 4 lovely ounces of it mmmmmmmm. Thanks for the memories guys. Miss you both.

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    Come along inside,We'll see if tea and buns can make the world a betterplace.~TheWind in the Willow~

  6. #14416
    Moderator rolodave's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by theoldguy53 View Post
    A popular myth is that a machine made pipe is in someway inferior. It just ain't so. I have several commission pipes and lots of machine made factory pipes and about 13 MMcobs. The cobs smoke awesome and I use them primarily for Virginia's. My Meers get anything and my briars are mostly for Balkans and English blends. Clean your pipes every few months with Everclear using pipe cleaners and Q-tips. Virginia's will ghost a pipe right up so it's good to dedicate a few of your whatsoevers to Virginia's. All the pipes that I have made will pass a pipe cleaner from the button into the chamber without taking the stem apart from the stummel. But it's not a big deal. After each bowl I always separate them, pass a cleaner through them and let them air out before joining them together again. All just personal preference.
    Happy puffing!
    I clean my pipes the same. Pipe cleaner through the bit, let cool, break down, Qtip in the stummel, pipe cleaners in the bit. I do both until they come out clean. Then the two pieces air dry overnight.

    I haven't used alcohol in my pipes in many years.
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  7. #14417
    Moderator rolodave's Avatar
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    This pete is going back. I think there was moisture under the finish. It has been smoked maybe 5 times. I have heard Peterson was having problems. I concur.

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    If you don't care where you are, you are not lost.

  8. #14418
    Modern Day Peasant Nightblade's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rolodave View Post
    This pete is going back. I think there was moisture under the finish. It has been smoked maybe 5 times. I have heard Peterson was having problems. I concur.

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    Interesting. Although I am happy enough with my purchases,my last two Petey's had some stem bore and curve issues. The Company I bought the pipe from said that because they were handmade that, was to be expected???? Well there's handmade imperfection and then there is "are you kidding me ??!!" I was given a satisfactory replacement for the really curved stem pipe but the other one still has difficulty getting a cleaner through without having to break apart the pipe most times and there is very little curve to the bend so it should in theory go all the way to the bowl ? Both pipes are very nice and smoke well but just saying there may be some possible truth to RD's comment.
    Last edited by Nightblade; 05-29-2020 at 06:39 AM.
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  9. #14419
    Moderator rolodave's Avatar
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    I have several Peterson's. This may well be my last.
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  10. #14420
    Modern Day Peasant Nightblade's Avatar
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    McClellends gone,Butz Choquin closed down,Petersen going south .....What planet am I on geeze !!??
    Come along inside,We'll see if tea and buns can make the world a betterplace.~TheWind in the Willow~

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